Buffalo Waterfront

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free


Nice pics Bob!
I read the title as more:
Buffalo + Waterfront and pictured a big hairy beast on a pier...
Very nice shots, Bob.

I know it's a bit 'artsy' of me but I've always preferred black and white photography, when it comes to 'recording' things especially. I think the lack of colour makes the mind focus {Yeah! Photographic principles based pun attack :D!} on the details of the subject and the framing of the picture.

Who is the distinguished 'lady' moored at the pier? She looks like a Auxilliary Cruiser from the 40's to my eye? I'll do some research ...

EDIT: ... she's not Little Rock is she?
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Cheers, Bob :tup:.

:lol: I'd just re-edited my post above and now look a complete clown :eek:. Ah, the web can tie us in knots sometimes :).

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It's too bad the industry around the Great Lakes is dying out. They really are a beautiful place to live.
Suk, Your shot's from the old museum. I can tell from the destroyer USS The Sullivans behind the Little Rock. Current position is between the shore and the cruiser. I'm planning a trip back to spend some quality time with both gals, and hopefully the USS Croaker (submarine). :)
I am really liking this tack you're taking with your pics at present, Bob :tup:.
Thank you. Friend n me hit the waterfront this afternoon after a meetup. I dragged along the point n shoot and just had some fun. Shelley's given me some great tips and I'm screwing around with things seeing what I can do. Biggest challenge I'm having is to see things differently than I'm used to.
Love the pics Bob!
Thank you. Friend n me hit the waterfront this afternoon after a meetup. I dragged along the point n shoot and just had some fun. Shelley's given me some great tips and I'm screwing around with things seeing what I can do. Biggest challenge I'm having is to see things differently than I'm used to.

Just take a chance and step out of your comfort zone Bob, pretty soon nothing will be able to stop you! I cant wait til you get CS4! Man will I have fun teaching you some new tricks!!