Books by M. Hatsumi.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN

Hatsumi Books Reprinted 34th-generation Togakure Ryu grandmaster Hatsumi Masaaki has re-released five of his out-of-print books: Hiden Togakure Ryu Ninpo, Budo Sensho Bojutsu, Hanbojutsu Juttejutsu Tessenjutsu, Knife & Pistol Fighting and Budo Sensho Sojutsu. Get yours today! [Books by Hatsumi Masaaki]
Cool. I was checking out 1 he did on stickfighting. Looked interesting, is it any good?:asian:
I would definately recommend the Stickfighting book to anyone interested about that area of training. The book was done with Quinten Chambers (Menkyo Kaiden, Shinto Muso ryu) who studied Kukishin ryu Bojutsu under Hatsumi sensei. Really good stuff.
Has he writen anything good on bladework? I'm thinking about sword more so than knife. I read "Ninjutsu - History and Tradition" and quite enjoyed it. Its a real PITA to find anything by him and Mr. Hayes in WNY. (I always find the same 2 books)

Thank you.

As far as I'm aware, Hatsumi sensei hasn't published anything specifically on Kenjutsu.

On a side note - History and Traditions wasn't actually written by Hatsumi sensei. It was written by Steve Hayes and Hatsumi sensei's name was put on the cover to draw a crowd.
Originally posted by Jay Bell

As far as I'm aware, Hatsumi sensei hasn't published anything specifically on Kenjutsu.

On a side note - History and Traditions wasn't actually written by Hatsumi sensei. It was written by Steve Hayes and Hatsumi sensei's name was put on the cover to draw a crowd.

I never knew that! May I ask how you came upon this info?

Thanks :D
