Black vs. Midnight Blue



what are your thoughts on these two aspects? just a color or something deeper?

i myself feel that a belt is just that. however i do agree with the philosophy behind the midnight blue color. i have worn both. what do you guys think??
Originally posted by Shinzu

however i do agree with the philosophy behind the midnight blue color. i have worn both. what do you guys think??

I'm not a TSD practitioner and am familiar with the midnight blue belt--what is the issue?
Yes, please elaborate. What is this midnight blue belt and the philosophy behind it?

in some TSD associations studends wear midnight blue belts instead of black belts. midnight blue is a very deep and dark blue. it looks almost black.

the phlosophy behind it is that wearing black is considered a finishing color, the end, or completion. midnight blue is the closest color in relation to black but it symbolizes that there is still more to learn and that yourself nor your art are perfect by any means.

it also reminds you that there is always more you can add to it were black is complete.

i tend to agree with these statements but many people are ore used to seeing students with black belt rather than midnight blue.

either way its not what you wear outside.... it's what you know inside that counts.:asian:
Although the color shows, it is no proof as to what you know.

Ed Parker
Good point Rob.

I like the concept though... it "works" for me. Tends to imply that "I'm not done learning yet" or the life-long student ideal, rather than the "Im a black belt now so I'm done" that I've run into in the past.

exactly Kaith. i think it is a humble way to state that you are always the student and always learning.

i have come accross the "i'm the black belt attitude" also. tends to put a damper on their learning ability and people go on a big ego trip. not good martial spirit if you ask me.

i have seen so many students drop out after they achieve their black belt, but the funny thing is that when you reach this level you are mearly a "beginner" all over again. so the quest has just begun.

TANG SOO!:asian:
Even if the Black Belt is to signify the end. How fast does the color of that Black Belt start to fade a little, therefore there is always a little more to learn. I have been wearing the same Black Belt for the last 10 yrs, with age it is now very dark grey, not the pure pristine black it was when awarded to me, so it means there still must be more for me to learn.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

Even if the Black Belt is to signify the end. How fast does the color of that Black Belt start to fade a little, therefore there is always a little more to learn. I have been wearing the same Black Belt for the last 10 yrs, with age it is now very dark grey, not the pure pristine black it was when awarded to me, so it means there still must be more for me to learn.

So the longer you wear it, I guess the more you realize how much else there is to learn? I like this, actually...
funny you should mention this rob. there are infact certain black belts that actually fade and reveal a white cloth underneth after years of training. infact the geatest of masters always have something to learn. this is why i find the arts so interesting.
so far from what ive read in this thread i really like the idea of a midnight blue belt... and in response to the fading black belt... has anyone seen the guys that go and purposly wear their belt out to get that aged look... ive seen teenagers at tournaments walking around with belts that are tattered and faded and really warn and ill ask how long they have had their belt and they ohhh just a few months... so i ask how it got so worn out... the reply ohh i did it my self with some rocks and dirt and wraping it around a tree... is it just me or does that seem wrong
to me the belt symbolizes knowledge. all the sweat and hard work are imbeded into my belt. there for i never disrespect it by washing it or throwing it around or playing with it. it is just as much a part of my are as the uniform is. you wouldn't find students rolling around in mud with their uniforms on would you?

if my belt is going to wear down it's going to be from hard work and training, not because i want it to look a certain way.

some people just have no idea of what the martial arts is all about.
some people just have no idea of what the martial arts is all about.

Too true. Its sad, but true.

I always hope that as they get older, they will learn.
exactly kaith. this is where discipline, respect, hard work, and humility come into play. that is why it is so important to find a quality instructor and school.

i glad you found the philosophy of the midnight blue belt interesting THL. most people are not familiar with the color and background, therefore they don't think that you are actually a "black belt" holder.

it is infact an old korean tradition for high ranking students to wear midnght blue. i like tradition.
yeah i know after i talked to that so called black belt which was from out of state some place i didnt really bother to find out where i just felt disgusted that his instructor allowed him to do that and that this kid thought it was cool... as far as that midnight blue belt do you happen to know of any other places to get them other than asian world?
hmmm... im not sure but i think sakura martial arts might carry them. here is the addy:

let me know how you make out. if you can't find one i can always ask my instructor where he get them :)
What is the usual time to black (or midnight blue) belt in TSD? I know it tends to be about 2-2.5 years in TKD.
it is usualy around 3 years depending on the students own growth level.

some schools use the black belt and other use the midnight blue. i guess it is all a matter of choice, and which organization you belong to.

in fact i was one of the judges at a black belt test today. it was a rough test but the students did very well and earned their rank of midnight blue.

The philosophy behind the midnight blue is interesting. Can you tell me where you found out this information? Also does anyone know to whom exactly started this trend of using midnight blue belts?

I myself have worn both. (I tended to wear the midnight blue at the dojang and the black at tournaments etc..) Reason for this, just keep getting tired of people asking me.."Hey you a black belt or what?"

Thank you for the information

Many arts have a red belt that is for very high ranking black belts--is there another belt that is used for, say, 9th degree black belts?