Black Belt ? Now What ?



You have worked hard and put in many hours on the mat. You have worked through injury, pain and at times when you could be doing something else. You have heard all the jokes and rubs from your undirected friends. Now What? I know now that I would do it all again even if it means working-out by myself ! We all do that from time to time I know. I enjoy the Brotherhood , I don't think any other group of Martial Artist can come close to Kenpo Brotherhood !

Now What ?
Originally posted by Kenpolane

You have worked hard and put in many hours on the mat. You have worked through injury, pain and at times when you could be doing something else. You have heard all the jokes and rubs from your undirected friends. Now What? I know now that I would do it all again even if it means working-out by myself ! We all do that from time to time I know. I enjoy the Brotherhood , I don't think any other group of Martial Artist can come close to Kenpo Brotherhood !

Now What ?

Overall, I agree with you for the most part.

Brotherhood? Mr. Conatser slaps me around like a red headed step child. that brute!

I think, like I've learned in recent times, really go back, and look at your technique. Have a higher up disect you, and continue to keep evolving. Do enjoy your new found status as well, you deserve it!:asian:
You need to look at it from a different perspective.

Black belt doesn't mean your 'done' it means you're a serious beginner.

Sandor 'I'm a serious beginner too' Urban
Seriously, back to the beginning, revise, and refine. Do it all over again and again. This will bring insight the more it is etched in your brain. I wouldn't want to change a single thing except I'd like to be able to retain more knowledge.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by Sandor

You need to look at it from a different perspective.

Black belt doesn't mean your 'done' it means you're a serious beginner.

Sandor 'I'm a serious beginner too' Urban

Sandor is right on the button here.

It's really a time to review "the story so far". Self assessment and improvement should be the name of the game, I think.

Also, there will come a time when a Black belt will decide to/or be led into specialising in some aspect of kenpo. (I'm sure some will take this step before reaching black belt)

When the time comes, I'll specialise in Kenpo Forums :)

I don't care how high a Dan rank you are, the day you think you have learned it all, it's time to take up a new activity. If you look at the belt system, you can almost break it down into groups of threes. White belt, yellow belt, orange belt- In this phase you are learning the introduction to your art, (analogy, the alphabet). Purple, Blue, Green- In this phase you are now starting to move a little less mechanically and to see the logic of the system,(analogy, reading simple words and sentences). Brown 3, Brown 2, Brown 1- In this phase you are starting to understand the flow of the art and now are able to start asking "What if/", (analogy-writing simple sentences and writing compound sentences). 1 Black, 2 Black, 3 Black-In this phase you are understanding the art well enough to begin explaining to someone else, in language they can understand, (analogy- You can now write a research paper, which involoves a lot if studying!) I will refrain from writing my opinions on the higher 2 sets, because I am still researching and not there yet......
Enjoy the time you spend at the rank of First Dan , and learn and relearn what it is to be a student. You no longer have to stive to get that 1st Black , now you must refine what you have and improve on the basics.
First dan may be the rank where you have the most fun and the one you look back on, in the years to come, as the on that you truly enjoyed being at.
With each rank from here on the responsibilities multioly. The more rank the more you must give back and the less time you have to learn yourslef.
I think this topic has already been well addressed, but I'll toss in my 2 yen, here....

Black Belt is just the beginning, at least if you are serious. The western mind sees Black as the height of the training, while the reality is that you have just now learned the basics. If you have a serious teacher, then you have *plenty* to learn from here on out......

If you don't have someone that can teach you more, then now is the time to launch your own discovery journey. You should look into each technique you have learned.....maybe start doing them in reverse and seeing what opens up from the techniques on the other side.....come up with counters to the techniques you know......

....maybe get some weapons training, or cross-train in another style. Get on these boards to find others close to you in your style, and train with them if possible.

Now that you are a Black Belt, you should have developed the analytical mind that you will need for your style to increase. You should take a good look at your techniques and forms, and see if you can dissect them to get the good "hidden" stuff.

There is still *plenty* to will never truly be "done" in the martial arts, unless you stop altogether or die.

Enjoy the journey......

So far everyone has hit it on the head. Go back and contiue to refine all the basics and there is still some new stuff learn as well.

So many get to black and think it's done, they have done what they set out to and quit. What's sad is they don't realize there is so much more to it than that.

It's rare to see a person stick with it to black belt, rarer still to see them continue past getting the black belt.

Originally posted by Seig

and average Black Belts do not prgress in the Dan ranks!

WHAT! I'm gonna be a 3rd Dan forever?

Get the steroids!:eek: