Black Belt in 7 month


Master Black Belt
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
Effingham, Illinois
I just got my Black belt in MartialTalk one do. Is that to soon. :rofl: Well with this post I have just been promoted to black belt so this my el cheap post:D
But mayed no post till Jdenz started one on the USJJF

Then i got hooked.

So if im not training im on this.
Hey you two,

Congrats to the both of ya,

I can only hope of achieving my BB on MT...:cool:
I still got a long way to go! I cant wait till I get that big 'ole black belt next to my name :D
cool dude work hard...
man my MT doeesn't hav belts i trained for more than 3 yrs..
my teacher left then i shifted to TKD again 3 yrs...
and i dunno dude when i gona be BB may be couple of years or more who knows...
BB is real pride
Originally posted by TkdWarrior

cool dude work hard...
man my MT doeesn't hav belts i trained for more than 3 yrs..
my teacher left then i shifted to TKD again 3 yrs...
and i dunno dude when i gona be BB may be couple of years or more who knows...
BB is real pride

I was talking about hre on Martial Talk over by the avitar, my "rank" is black belt now :) My MA system has no belts either.

lol dude i didn't realize :D hehehe...
i don't participate in here much i don't expect myself to be BB soon here too :D
Now that I am a Black belt, can I just jump to 10th degree and start promoting people left and right. And Charge outrageous prices for belt test.:rofl:
Bob :D