Black belt BBC man fights off yobs

Hmm, now I know that if I want to assault and harass someone, all I have to do is pay 50 pounds and serve a 6 week "suspended" sentence.

Hmm, now I know that if I want to assault and harass someone, all I have to do is pay 50 pounds and serve a 6 week "suspended" sentence.


What are you talking about? they aren't being sentenced until October 22, as it's Crown Court they've been sent to for sentencing it'll more than likely be a custodial sentence.
Um no, the last line of the story says that one of the six has already plead guilty and been sentanced to six weeks suspended sentence and a 50 pound fine.
Well we weren't there so can't say can we?
I love the internet judges and juries, always know best. Nothing like a bit of pontifcation in the morning to set the day for the self satisfied and smug.
What is a "Yob"?

Yob or yobbo is a usually young and male (though not always) hooligan who behaves in an anti social manner.
In this case not all of the 'participants' chased the guy down the street, they were the ones who received the fines. The main culprit is the one who is getting the harder sentence.

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