Black Belt Awards ceremony


Green Belt
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
I really thought I could handle it ... I went tonight to see the girls I started with 2 yrs ago get their First Degree level 2 belts tonight (i.e. "real" black belt -I was supposed to be with them had I not broken my toe at tournament in June). I was so happy and proud of them but after it was over and the realization that I was supposed to be up there and the fact that I won't get to do an awards ceremony like that (I'll be out of town during the time they have the next one and I'm supposed to test the day before I leave or go back to red sr.). I just started crying.... I had to leave ... couldn't handle it. You guys may not understand but to me getting your first (solid) black belt with your name on it at the awards cermony is a big deal and I'm gonna miss that, sure I'd still get the belt (pick it up on a table out in the lobby) but not get to do the ceremony.... you don't have to respond but if you made it this far thanks for reading my post.
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2nd Black Belt
May 29, 2006
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Solomons, MD, USA
Why not ask your Instructor if you can be included in the next awards ceremony, even if you receive your belt in the next few weeks? Since it is a big deal to you (and the public acknowledgement and recognition deservedly IS a big deal), maybe he'll let you do that.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
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Denver, CO
I don't understand why you have to test or lose your current rank; in my experience, while I realize other classes are different, once you're a particular rank, you are that rank; demotion is for actions that significantly and negatively reflect on the art and/or your instructor - not for missing an additional testing due to injury that occurred while participating.

That said, I agree with NinjaMom - talk to your instructor and see what he says; no one else can affect the options available to you.


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
I agree with Kacey how can they takeaway what you have earned once. On the other side ask and talk to your instructor maybe you can be included in the next ceromony


3rd Black Belt
Dec 31, 2007
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Why not ask your Instructor if you can be included in the next awards ceremony, even if you receive your belt in the next few weeks? Since it is a big deal to you (and the public acknowledgement and recognition deservedly IS a big deal), maybe he'll let you do that.

I agree with this. I don't see why your instructor would not want to include you if at all possible in the next ceremony.

I completely understand where you're coming from as far as feeling disapointed. It's the same thing as walking across the stage at your graduation ceremony, and that's an important thing for anyone.

But, keep this in mind: there are many things that you will do as a blackbelt that you won't receive recognition for. And while you do certainly deserve recognition for earning a blackbelt, don't let it get you down. Be proud of the fact that you EARNED your blackbelt.

In the end, a ceremony is an honorable and gratifying experience, but not being able to attend it doesn't mean that you won't be recognized and respected as a member of the blackbelt community.

And, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't receive my black belt in a ceremony at all.

My 1st dan testing was a huge deal, with my whole family and all of my friends there, but when I actually received my belt, it was given to me before class by my instructor, who bowed, shook my hand, and told me he was proud of me. That meant SO much more to me than it would have had I attended a ceremony.

Just a thought. So don't let it get you down. The important thing is that you earned the honor of being a blackbelt.

Daniel Sullivan

MT Mentor
May 27, 2008
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Olney, Maryland
My hat's off to you for getting where you have gotten to, and by all means see if you can attend the next ceremony. I can't think of a good reason for you to lose a rank if you don't test, but I'm not familiar with your school or rank requirements, so I won't go any further than that.

In any case, Brandon is on the money: don't let it get you down. The honor of being a blackbelt is something that you earned. Be proud of that.:)

Best wishes!



Senior Master
Jan 26, 2007
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Ninjamom, I can totally sympathize. I wrecked my knee a few weeks before I was supposed to test. I was supposed to test with my son. As it was I had surgery two days before the test and awards ceremony. It was really hard to watch, but I was so proud of my son. In the end I had to wait to test, but I got through it all.

I'm with everyone else, see if you can work out some sort of arrangement with your instructor. There has to be someway to work this out to everyone's satisfaction.



Purple Belt
Sep 2, 2008
Reaction score
I don't understand why you have to test or lose your current rank; in my experience, while I realize other classes are different, once you're a particular rank, you are that rank; demotion is for actions that significantly and negatively reflect on the art and/or your instructor - not for missing an additional testing due to injury that occurred while participating.

That said, I agree with NinjaMom - talk to your instructor and see what he says; no one else can affect the options available to you.

Yeah. I'm not sure I get this either.

If you don't test you are demoted?

I've never heard of such.

I'd talk to the instructor. I've been high rank blue like 2 years now.. everytime I return I always have to start over on "that belt" as far as reviewing the material.. but once I turn red.. I'm "red" until further notice.

never heard of being demoted in a martial arts rank.


Purple Belt
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Rockford, IL, USA
I have and I've seen it done, but not for this sort of reason.


I would double check with the instructor about the "losing rank for not testing" thing, it sounds fishy. It sounds to me like they are using that as a way of forcing you to test for the next rank. You should test when you are ready (and when the instructor thinks you are) and not be forced to test for belts in some arbitrary time schedule.

One thing I can say is that if that was the rule at our do-jang I would be finding another one pretty quickly.


Nov 7, 2007
Reaction score
I've heard of losing your probationary black belt if you don't test within a certain deadline, but it was within a very commercial TKD system. This particular school used "recommended" and "decided" ranks to double the number of color ranks (and testing fees, too).

Regardless, this awards ceremony is obviously a big deal for the OP and I think she should move heaven and earth to attend it. Else, she may always have regrets and truthfully, your first black belt IS special. I've attained dan ranking in several martial arts now, but my first one earned in good old tae kwon do is still the one I remember most fondly.

Daniel Sullivan

MT Mentor
May 27, 2008
Reaction score
Olney, Maryland
I would double check with the instructor about the "losing rank for not testing" thing, it sounds fishy. It sounds to me like they are using that as a way of forcing you to test for the next rank. You should test when you are ready (and when the instructor thinks you are) and not be forced to test for belts in some arbitrary time schedule.

One thing I can say is that if that was the rule at our do-jang I would be finding another one pretty quickly.
Just to clarify: When I've seen rank lost, it was for disciplinary reasons. I didn't agree with the action of demoting the student. Though it kind of made sense in one case, where the student simply stopped practicing and showing up regularly, forgot most of his forms and on the rare occasions that he did show, he constantly lorded his red belt over everyone lower than himself. The master at that school (not where I currently attend) said, 'fine, since you want to behave that way, I'll give you a rank that suits you,' and he demoted him to blue belt again. It didn't improve the student's attendence or performance, but it did improve how he treated other students. Not the form of discipline that I would have chosen, but then it wasn't my school.

In any case, simply not being able to test at a specific time is a very weird reason to go back a rank.



Green Belt
Aug 9, 2008
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This is an ITA rule (International Taekwondo Alliance) that once you receive your Probabtionary Black Belt you have 6 months or 3 testing cycles (which are usually every 7-8 wks) to test for your decided black belt, you have to be in the Probationary Black Belt rank for 4 months before you're eligible to test for the decided (and have a min. # of 14 classes, at black belt they actually prefer you train 3x a week and get in 22 classes). I was out for 2 of those 4 months with my toe injury. I have not asked my instructor yet if they would make an exception to the rule because of my injury but I feel like I can be ready this next testing cycle in Nov. and I will test at the school ($20 extra) and not at the local auditorium they usually do it at because my instructors know my history with the injury. Since my school is an ITA school they have to follow whatever rules/guidelines the ITA sets.

True, once you are a decided rank they cannot demote you - but I'm a probationary not decided. It is possible they may not have ever forced this rule and gone by what the school owner/instructor says - I just haven't asked but I want to move forward so I'm gonna go for it in Nov.

I've had a few days to think about all of this and I've decided that if I don't get the ceremony I'll be ok with it - it's not like there won't be other award ceremonies. Disneyworld is so much better than an award ceremony, right? (that's what I'm telling myself anyway).


Senior Master
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
Upstate New York.
Losing out on the ceremony must be disappointing. But when you do succeed, and you will, the two most important people will be present and well aware of it - your instructor and you. Ultimately, those are the only two you need.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
This is an ITA rule (International Taekwondo Alliance) that once you receive your Probabtionary Black Belt you have 6 months or 3 testing cycles (which are usually every 7-8 wks) to test for your decided black belt, you have to be in the Probationary Black Belt rank for 4 months before you're eligible to test for the decided (and have a min. # of 14 classes, at black belt they actually prefer you train 3x a week and get in 22 classes). I was out for 2 of those 4 months with my toe injury. I have not asked my instructor yet if they would make an exception to the rule because of my injury but I feel like I can be ready this next testing cycle in Nov. and I will test at the school ($20 extra) and not at the local auditorium they usually do it at because my instructors know my history with the injury. Since my school is an ITA school they have to follow whatever rules/guidelines the ITA sets.

True, once you are a decided rank they cannot demote you - but I'm a probationary not decided. It is possible they may not have ever forced this rule and gone by what the school owner/instructor says - I just haven't asked but I want to move forward so I'm gonna go for it in Nov.

I've had a few days to think about all of this and I've decided that if I don't get the ceremony I'll be ok with it - it's not like there won't be other award ceremonies. Disneyworld is so much better than an award ceremony, right? (that's what I'm telling myself anyway).

I feel your pain. That first belt with your name is special, true. But then again by this time we have sat through many awards ceremonies (fellow ITAer here, Alabama, too) that - how to put it - the Probationary was ok, but we got the half and half belts, now the oreo one...just not a BB I know. At this time we in our school don't even get our embroidered belts at the awards, but a week or so later. So we get a certificate and some applause. It is just as worthy, impressive if your instructor hands you your new belt in class in front of your peers! Moreso I think, because they can even more appreciate the blood, sweat and tears that went into you achieving this rank!

And I am definetly confident, unless you let nerves get to you, you will pass! you have 2 chances for the form, 3 on each board and 3 rounds of sparring! YOU WILL BE FINE!!!


Green Belt
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
granfire, yeah I am nervous about breaking anything with that right foot/toe but I gotta get past it. I went to Forms Clinic today to get a refresher on my form (my friend, the one on the left in my avatar pic went too to be there for me and we did individual training afterwards - she's ready to push me to to get back to where I was pre-injury) boy I can tell I've got some work to do on my balance and timing - my stances were a little wobbly too - I'm going back full time next week - woo hoo!

I wish I could go to Chatanooga in Oct. but it's my little one's 7th b'day that weekend and DH is not too thrilled with me competing again just yet.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
Just do a side kick! ;)

I have been on a break since April, and now I got a nasty cold, so I won't go.

There is always next year, I hear it will be in Atlanta....


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
This is an ITA rule (International Taekwondo Alliance) that once you receive your Probabtionary Black Belt you have 6 months or 3 testing cycles (which are usually every 7-8 wks) to test for your decided black belt, you have to be in the Probationary Black Belt rank for 4 months before you're eligible to test for the decided (and have a min. # of 14 classes, at black belt they actually prefer you train 3x a week and get in 22 classes). I was out for 2 of those 4 months with my toe injury. I have not asked my instructor yet if they would make an exception to the rule because of my injury but I feel like I can be ready this next testing cycle in Nov. and I will test at the school ($20 extra) and not at the local auditorium they usually do it at because my instructors know my history with the injury. Since my school is an ITA school they have to follow whatever rules/guidelines the ITA sets.

True, once you are a decided rank they cannot demote you - but I'm a probationary not decided. It is possible they may not have ever forced this rule and gone by what the school owner/instructor says - I just haven't asked but I want to move forward so I'm gonna go for it in Nov.

I've had a few days to think about all of this and I've decided that if I don't get the ceremony I'll be ok with it - it's not like there won't be other award ceremonies. Disneyworld is so much better than an award ceremony, right? (that's what I'm telling myself anyway).

I'm sorry you're going through this... but honestly, it makes no sense to me whatsoever. The only probationary ranks we have are for people who miss their breaks at testing, and have 2 weeks to make them up for their instructors - or, more rarely, people who injure themselves such that they cannot finish testing, in which case they will retest when cleared by a doctor. If they don't make up the missed portions, they are not promoted - and retests under such circumstances are done at no charge.


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Same here but if that is the rules then what can you do except go by them, since this is where you train.

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