BJJ in Panama?

Dagney Taggert

Green Belt
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Hello all-

Does anyone know if there is a reputable BJJ school in Panama City, Panama?

not to my knowledge, hienslty your selctions of martial arts there is currently is fairly limited. The closest thing to bjj there is probably sambo. b you may may never know, new people arive there every day. good luck
sorry for the for the revise. I am not sure if the school has good reputation or not, but i found one discussed on a panamanian forum.
this is the name,
la Academia Gracie Barra de Panamá

assuing you live there you know that addresses are basically useless so here is the location as descrbed in the thread:

la academia esta situada en calle 50 al lado del mcdonals, justo arriba de la boutique de muebles girasol, la academia esta en el primer piso

i believe in it is in the san fran area near mutliplaza from the description locatio in calle 50
Success! For everyone's info, there is BJJ in Panama City, Panama. the school is located on Calle 50 across the street from McDonald's, near the Multiplaza Shopping Mall. The instructor is Hector Vasquez, he is excellent!

The school also offers Capoiera, Boxing, and Muay Thai.

Hector and his students welcomed me to their class with enthusiasm and kindness. If any of you guys read this, Thank You!

Success! For everyone's info, there is BJJ in Panama City, Panama. the school is located on Calle 50 across the street from McDonald's, near the Multiplaza Shopping Mall. The instructor is Hector Vasquez, he is excellent!

The school also offers Capoiera, Boxing, and Muay Thai.

Hector and his students welcomed me to their class with enthusiasm and kindness. If any of you guys read this, Thank You!

Glad it worked out!