"billy Jack" Info




As a big fan of the Tom Laughlin "Billy Jack" movies, I was dismayed to find out about Tom Laughlin contracting cancer. It is my understanding that he has been trying alternative therapies, but I haven't heard as to whether they have been successful or not- anybody have any news?

It has also been rumored that Mr. Laughlin has been developing a new updated "Billy Jack" movie, and has been speaking to Keanu Reeves about a starring role. This would make sense, being as Reeves has the look to pull off a "halfbreed" role, and his performance in "The Matrix" shows he has the ability to pull off some martial arts believability (Laughlin had Bong Soo Han stand in for the crucial work in the Billy Jack movies). Again, this is still just rumor.

Anybody who hasn't seen the "Billy Jack" movies owe it to themselves to do so, as they were some of the first films to really show some hardcore martial arts action- they are somewhat cheaply made, and the message they contain is somewhat odd at times- but the action provided by Hapkido master Bong Soo Han is absolutely superb! "The Trial of Billy Jack" really showcases Hans skills.
Keanu to remake 'Billy Jack'
By JAM! Movies
Keanu Reeves will follow up his dual sequels to the futuristic martial arts epic "The Matrix" by taking on the bare-footed butt-kicker "Billy Jack," Variety reports.

Jersey Films is in discussions with creator/star Tom Laughlin to remake the original 1971 "Billy Jack," a wildly profitable counter-culture hit about a peaceful half-native Vietnam vet forced to take vengeance on those who prey on the meek.

His trademarks were a penchant for philosophizing ("Whatever makes you upset in someone else also exists in you ...") and a slow-burning anger that began with Billy Jack methodically removing his boots before unleashing a barrage of kicks and punches on his enemies.

Laughlin -- who starred in, directed, produced and independently distributed many of his films -- has all along controlled the rights to "Billy Jack" and the movie's sequels, Variety said.

The official "Billy Jack" website (www.billyjack.com) reports that Laughlin recently underwent throat cancer surgery, and is recovering.

The site also offers the complete library of the films on DVD, including the biker-themed "Born Losers" (1967), "Billy Jack" (1971), "The Trial Of Billy Jack" (1974), and the long-delayed "Billy Jack Goes To Washington" (1977). (More on Keanu Reeves)

Wow and I thought I've sen almost every m.a. movie out there I've never seen this movie.
That's because they have not been mainstream for a long time! "Billy Jack" was the most successful student film ever produced- it came out around 1972. I recorded it last month off of Encore, which was a surprise- I just happened to see it coming on, slapped in a tape, and voila'!

"The Trial of Billy Jack" broke box office records in 1974, due to the popularity of "Billy Jack". It was a very long, very serious, and very violent movie with a big message that many people didn't like- that we are all being fed a big fat lie in alot of ways by our government.

"Billy Jack Goes to Washington" never saw the light of day because it was stymied by some senators- it was WAY too honest and revealing about the machinations of Uncle Sam. It was banned for release in the U.S.

Apart from the HEAVY political message of the films, the martial arts action is par excellance. Instead of speeding up the film to make the techniques look good, they are done in SLOW MOTION to show the effectiveness. It looks really painful. To watch these sequences is to know someone sacrificed their health for reality's sake. I mean, you see impact.

They are all available at billyjack.com, and I am proud to say I will own them all on DVD soon.
billy jack is awesome love those movies great classics the only one i have not seen is billy jack goes to washington and i plan on ordering it from the website along with the rest... also they are out on dvd
Wow those sound really good. I guess I'll have to add those to my dvd collection.
hey whats everyones favorite billy jack quote or moment....

"im going to take this foot... and put it on that side of your face... and there is not a damn thing you can do about it" lol that was just awesome
How's about:

"When policemen break the law, then there isn't any law- just the fight for survival."
I just bought billy jack and put it in the dvd player (playstation2) well see how good it is.
Originally posted by fist of fury

I just bought billy jack and put it in the dvd player (playstation2) well see how good it is.

Over all it was a decent movie not as many fight scenes as I hoped. The jhpppie school/pacificsm bugged me a little but I liked the character. Especially the way he would get before he kicked someones @ss. Rubbing his hand across his face and that look of now you pissed me off so I'm going to have to break your face. Reminded me of myself :D so overall it wasn't too bad.
Those were the days of hippies, love and all that "anti-establishment" mojo. To look at it now, it does seem like a bunch of B.S.- in true objectiveness, NOBODY in that movie had a grasp on the real truth, they were polar in their own worlds (except Billy Jack- he had a pretty good grip). Those were the hip concepts of the day.

Trial of Billy Jack is WAY more violent, with much more MA action, gunplay, blood and guts. Similar message- just delivered harsher.
Billy Jack started it all for me. So glad to here he is comming back. Prehaps Sabum Han can choreograph I love his "setup's" before he kicks someone. Both in BJ and TOBJ his calm anger worked wonders for the character.
"I just go BESERK!!"
Yeah the fight scenes in both movies were good. The second had more and even master Han was in the TOBJ but that second one was a long movie.
Did you buy it off the website? I've never seen them for rent anywhere.
I bought the first movie at best buy and trial of billy jack at suncoast
If you've never seen the aforementioned movies. See the "Trial of Billy Jack". Easily the best of the series. The spinning heel kick is truly a serious weapon in the "hands" of Bong Soo Han. Overall a much better movie than the first 2. Enjoy, have at it.

Salute in Christ,
Donald :asian: