Be Honest


Master of Arts
May 26, 2002
Reaction score
When Growing Up U Thought Pro wrestling
Waz Real:D

I Did
anyone else__________________________________________________:D
Lol nah.......I always knew it was real but only on the level where it does actually hurt. Not where I thought that they actually camer out to the ring and made it up on the spot and blah blah :shrug:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
I guess I was just a smart child then :rolleyes:

HMMMMM, your just lucky your hanging here with us and you could really learn a thing or two about the world.:rofl:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
HMMMMM, your just lucky your hanging here with us and you could really learn a thing or two about the world.:rofl:

I know I are all in my prayers at night :asian:
LoL Honestly That Works< Get it Works=-)

I was convinced by Ric Flairs Figure 4
Snukas Off The Top Rope Splash
The Blood From Tommy Riches Face

To Me it was so Real.
Now i know it's Fixed But Those Guy's do
take a beating to Make The Show the best it can be
Originally posted by ace
LoL Honestly That Works< Get it Works=-)

I was convinced by Ric Flairs Figure 4
Snukas Off The Top Rope Splash
The Blood From Tommy Riches Face

To Me it was so Real.
Now i know it's Fixed But Those Guy's do
take a beating to Make The Show the best it can be

lol Well said man Well Said! :D
I saw an interview a while back with someone, cant remember who, but a name, who was quite pissed at being labeled an 'actor'. His argument was that to do what they do, you need to be in top physical shape. It went something like this:

"I'm not an athelete? I'm out there every night for 30, 60 sometimes 90 minutes going all out. I've being thrown around, punched, kicked, and hit with all sorts of objects. I bleed, I've got the scars to prove it. A pro football players out there once a week. A boxer once every couple of months. I'm out there 5, 6 sometimes 7 days a week. You can say "well, those guys train when you dont see them". So do I. I'm in the gym every day. The outcome of my matches is usually predetermined, but the match itself is not a dance. We have no coreographers. This is all fake? Tell that to my doctor who set my broken arm, or rehabed me thru the concussions, or sewed me up after I was busted open. I'm as good as if not better than most of those guys, because I dont make millions of dollars...I do it because I love it."

I'd watch it and knew it wasn't real, yet always looked to see how the moves worked. After getting a VCR with frame by frame I could take moves apart and see just where the 'tricks' were. Often times, I never found em. Getting hit in the head with a chair hurts like a SOB, gimmicked or not, and 99% of those you see are not gimmicked. Mick Foley took steel on head way too many times.

On our black & white tv in the early seventies, they would show matches- cutting was very big then so they would put a big X on the screen when a wrestler started bleeding and we'd be craning our necks trying to see around the X. This was pre-Hulk.

I totally thought it was real.
I didn't start watching wrestling till after I knew it was fake. But i still loved it.
Originally posted by Elfan
Umm no its was so obviously fake.

I dunno there were parts where I thought it was real. Like when Kane first came and hit that guy with lightning I was really scared!!!! You know what Im gonna go put King of the Ring on and watch Mankind get thrown off the Cell again lol.........In slow motion! :rofl:
Hard to keep up the illusion when you apply a figure 4 to your friend and nothing happens. Guy's writhing in agony onscreen, friend's just getting bored. ;)

Stuff like sailing through gimicked tables etc tough, that just has to suck on some physical level no matter how carefully planned.
I was snookered by it, I admit.

Admittedly, even now, it's hard to tell sometimes... some of the stuff they pull these days makes me cringe knowing how bad it could go (witness the Sid Vicious leg break on another thread).

And besides, watching guys like the Harts, Benoit, etc. kinda makes you wanna believe. They make it look so devastatingly real in the way they manage to actually mix in relatively realistic moves and holds from amateur wreslting.

And yes, I am a mark. So sue me.
When I was verry young yes I did.:D
I can remember my Father-in- law who was in his 40's (at least) almost destroy the television at his place by throwing his boot at it because he didn't like the outcome of a match.
Most run in the family . I had to dive in front of the set in my house one day because my wife was trying to kick the screen out watching rollerderby. Yes she gets into the spirt of things a little to much some times.
Originally posted by Master of Blades
How much for and whos your Lawyer? :rolleyes:

Yeah, I guess I left myself open for that one, but c'mon, you wouldn't steal from an honest, hard-working, starving young university kid would ya? No, wait, put that back, mister!!! Not the TV, dude! My parents paid good money for-- I mean, I worked hard for--

Bah, forget it, just take the money and run.