Overall looking at comments above they do not ring true to me in terms of the way that threads actually progress, or in terms of the way I feel about VT and wing chun practitioners from other YM students.
I don't feel arrogant about VT, having been a recent convert from another branch of wing chun which turned out to be incoherent and non functional. I feel more like an idiot who wasted a lot of time on something worthless than someone with all of the answers. I do feel lucky and I also feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. But equally I am not the type of person to pretend things look great when to me they don't for the purpose of sparing someone else's feelings. If I see something in a clip or someone describes something to me that sounds stupid, then I will tend to mention it, and will try to find out why. I try to make my decisions based upon evidence and I don't have any particular loyalty to names or sifus. I would change what I do in a second if someone showed me a better way.
There is zero intention on my part to intentionally insult anyone and I personally cannot imagine being insulted by anyone pointing out potential issues with systemic organisation, understanding and coherence of any system in which I trained. Rather I would tend to be motivated to investigate what they said and to reply after giving it some thought and testing. Being invested in something to the extent that you would fail to see reality in order to protect it is a recipe for failure in martial arts and in life.
In terms of the perception of others here, I think that when anger is this high it is very hard for people to read and digest information without bias, and to respond in a fresh way. People tend to group together to answer any perceived threat to the status quo, and very few times do I feel that anyone has actually read anything I wrote with fresh eyes. I think that posts on WSL VT have become like a red button which cause people to react rudely, abruptly, to switch off their logical or perceptive faculties, and basically to join in the mob response to eliminate different opinion. The most obvious example of this is the person above who is basically asking for people whose opinions he doesn't like to leave the forum. But there are other people who just seem to enjoy argument for its own sake without ever getting anywhere, or who respond to any non agreeable position with silence or snarky one liners. There are even people who take and use information provided openly and then join in the attack when discussion gets heated.
All I would ask of these people is that when they read something that makes the red mist start to descend, or that makes them want to grab a pitchfork and join the mob, they take the time to imagine that they are beginners in wing chun who don't know anyone, who have no pre-conceived ideas, and who have with an evidence based approach to getting the most from their practice.
If that isn't possible then i don't think that any amount of tip toeing around trying to be non offensive to everyone is going to help anyone learn anything. And I think that has to be the goal of forums at the end of the day.