arthur cavello



Anyone familiar with Arthur Cavello?

He is known here as the michigan samurai, and actually gets flown into Japan to teach Iaido to Japanese Masters. He is the real deal, and well certified by Japanese Government for his work with them.

Anyone familiar with him?
I'm familiar with the michigan samurai. I ctually know him personally. He's a good friend of my grandfather,and he just recently came to my dojang to watch my belt testing. If there is anything you would like to know, I can probably get information for you.
If there is anything you would like to know, I can probably get information for you.
Hello Mr. Childs,
Seeing as how this thread is over four years old, I seriously doubt that the original poster will answer you. However, since you are volunteering, I would seriously like to know how this person can claim to be "flown to Japan to teach iaido to Japanese masters?" Also, how can someone be "well certified by the Japanese government?"

Having been involved in the Japanese sword arts for a number of years, I don't personally see how either of those claims could be possible. Perhaps it was simply a misunderstanding on the part of the original poster?

Just curious.
I have to concur that, as we strive to maintain a polite mien, claims such as those made in the long ago OP can only be attributed to a misconception of the nature and hierarchy of the JSA.
I have to concur that, as we strive to maintain a polite mien, claims such as those made in the long ago OP can only be attributed to a misconception of the nature and hierarchy of the JSA.

Let's see how many years later a reply can be sent. Arthur Cavallo is indeed the Michigan Samurai, h he does have accolades from the Japanese Government, the part that is getting twisted is that they used to fly him in yearly to teach seminars WITH the Grand Masters not TO the Grand Masters. I was a student of his many years ago. He garnered favor by the Emperor of Japan because he was a foreigner who made his life about learning Japanese arts from the Grandmasters.

I can understand the confusion. One word makes a big difference. Arthur Cavallo was a 5 time inductee to The Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He prefers not to have much information digitally however. But I can verify through many photos that I have seen, he is indeed "The Real Deal"
It's nice that every decade or so someone posts something to defend this guy ( is he still alive?) but of course the rest of us are left as baffled as ever because there's simply no proof.
Still, welcome to MT .
I can understand the confusion. One word makes a big difference. Arthur Cavallo was a 5 time inductee to The Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He prefers not to have much information digitally however. But I can verify through many photos that I have seen, he is indeed "The Real Deal"
There are like 20 different martial arts hall of fames. From what I recall, you end up with letters from most of them asking if you want to join after some big event-normally allowing you to join, after you pay a fee for the privilege.
It is incredibly frustrating that there is not much proof but that is by his own doing. I have personally seen, first hand, photos and videos of particular accolades. But because he used to make a small income by selling them, he wouldn't let anyone digitize them. He is still alive and is 73 years old. I intend to go and visit him in there next few weeks and again see if he will allow anyone to digitize some of his works.

Here is extremely old school and still did things there old school way. Here also worked with local police agencies, so I guess there was a bit of reason for the anonymity. But Wow it is beyond frustrating not having any physical proof.

As an Iai student, I had to learn an unbelievable amount of information, i never received any particular belts and personally wouldn't want to. I could have but it wasn't necessary to train or learn. Your Obi got dirty as it got dirty. You learned Kata, you learned technique and you learned traditionally. I know there are several schools in Southeast Michigan started by his students at this point.

I have personally seen photos of him at the Ceremony When Elvis got his first Black Belt. I have seen photos personally with him having tea with grandmasters and teaching with them. Or the ceremony when his Katana was Given to Him.

In all likelyhood, the proof will just never be there or if it does surface it will be after his passing. And I cannot tell you how frustrating that is to me, that he will likely disappear to the shadows because he is too stubborn to let stuff out.


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What style of sworsmanship did Cavello train?
Who was his instructor?
What rank/certificate does he hold in said style?

Iaido is a pretty recent martial art so I guess it would be relatively easy to check whether he's the "real deal".
There are like 20 different martial arts hall of fames. From what I recall, you end up with letters from most of them asking if you want to join after some big event-normally allowing you to join, after you pay a fee for the privilege.
I’ve been invited several times to at least two of them. No idea what might have led them to issue that invitation. Maybe it’s every time I get back up to 5 students.
Anyone familiar with Arthur Cavello?

He is known here as the michigan samurai, and actually gets flown into Japan to teach Iaido to Japanese Masters. He is the real deal, and well certified by Japanese Government for his work with them.

Anyone familiar with him?
He's my uncle. Uncle Al we called him. He goes by Allen, it's his middle name.

Yes, I know a few things about him. He is a Grandmaster! He was trained or had traing from the Shau Lin monks. He was the first non-diplomatic honorary guest invited to China. He was the martial arts instructor for the Detroit Police.
He's my uncle. Uncle Al we called him. He goes by Allen, it's his middle name.

Yes, I know a few things about him. He is a Grandmaster! He was trained or had traing from the Shau Lin monks. He was the first non-diplomatic honorary guest invited to China. He was the martial arts instructor for the Detroit Police.
He also has a comic book about him.
I would not doubt your claim. He is a bad-***! One thing though, you got his name wrong. It's Arthur Allen Cavallo.
He's my uncle. Uncle Al we called him. He goes by Allen, it's his middle name.

Yes, I know a few things about him. He is a Grandmaster! He was trained or had traing from the Shau Lin monks. He was the first non-diplomatic honorary guest invited to China. He was the martial arts instructor for the Detroit Police.
He also has a comic book about him.
I would not doubt your claim. He is a bad-***! One thing though, you got his name wrong. It's Arthur Allen Cavallo.

I'm confused. You seem to be answering your own quotes! Well, at least there's comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one who talks to himself!
Let's see how many years later a reply can be sent. Arthur Cavallo is indeed the Michigan Samurai, h he does have accolades from the Japanese Government, the part that is getting twisted is that they used to fly him in yearly to teach seminars WITH the Grand Masters not TO the Grand Masters. I was a student of his many years ago. He garnered favor by the Emperor of Japan because he was a foreigner who made his life about learning Japanese arts from the Grandmasters.

I can understand the confusion. One word makes a big difference. Arthur Cavallo was a 5 time inductee to The Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He prefers not to have much information digitally however. But I can verify through many photos that I have seen, he is indeed "The Real Deal"
Exactly! Yes, Arthur Cavallo was a martial artist from Romulus. I studied under him when I was younger. The reason he is unknown is because he taught out of his garage dojo. You are correct! He spent a lot of time training in Japan, but he wasn't teaching. He had a lot of respect for the Japanese masters.

His expertise was old school Ju Jitsu: Hakkō-ryū Jūjutsu and Jukishen Ryu. He was also a 4th degree in Isshin Ryu Karate. Now that was the late 1980s, so his ranks could have changed. He was good friends with Sensei Nichols of Lots of Nichols in Wayne, Michigan. As far as real martial artist? The bark on his trees were bare because he punched them to condition his right hand. I did hold 25 lbs barbell plates for him that the punched during demonstrations. He told me that he could no longer write with his right hand because he had no joints, just solid bone.

Eventually, he was bought out by Metro Airport for the new terminal and, I heard, he moved to Taylor and had another garage Dojo.
I have personally seen photos of him at the Ceremony When Elvis got his first Black Belt.
This alone makes me doubt any credibility he may have.

Talking about Elvis, 7th degree???? From 1st or 2nd to 7th in a few years???? Should take 20-30 years in most any style. I read he did get a six week intensive course to get his black belt skills at some point.

I also read that the guy that gave him 7th degree got a Cadillac for his trouble. I know Elvis gave an expensive engraved watch to Ed Parker - he showed it to me. It's because of these kind of things a celebrity's rank are to be taken with a (very large) grain of salt. A celebrity's teacher gains celebrity too, as well as cars and jewelry. It's a shame as it makes it difficult to separate BS from those who may actually deserve the honor of rank.

I wonder if I gave my sensei a watch for another degree? He'd kick my *** and kick me out, and not just because it was a only a Timex.