Anyone seeing the first round of summer movies yet

X-men 2 was great REALLY enjoyed myself.....and Matrix is out next week lol :D
You know... Everyone taked about X2 and Matrix this and Matrix that...

And I know I am in the MINORITY...

But if I had to see only 1 movie this year it would be:


Lets also not forget Jason vs Freddy this fall.

Loved X-Men 2. I plan on seeing matrix later next week durring the afternoon to escape the hordes of people
I was very happy with X2 (Nightcrawler came out much better than I expected) and plan on seeing the Matrix tomarrow.
Hubby & I usually hit the big flix in the afternoon on weekdays. There's a great stadium style theater in Boston where your @ss doesn't fall asleep. Andy already saw XMen2 :( so Matrix Reloaded it will be.
All the big moves open the morning before at like 1201
i caught a sneak preview of Matrix: Reloaded last night.

completely spoilers...just go see it tonight...

i'm going to see it again today when i get done work...looks like no training for me tonight...:D

btw...they have the preview for Jason vs. Freddy or Freddy vs. Jason (whatever) when you go to see! and rise of the machines...

they both look like garbage...
The paper here in Buffalo said that the Matrix Rleoaded sucks.
Originally posted by JDenz
The paper here in Buffalo said that the Matrix Rleoaded sucks.

hey man...who ya gonna believe? some stuck up newspaper film critic with no life or ME your old pal tarabos!?:D

there's always somebody waiting to give a movie a bad review. look at all the bad reviews film "critics" gave star wars when it came out. sometimes critics just don't get it. even if you don't like cool and intriguing storylines...the action alone is worth two movie tickets...
Matrix reloaded was SO-SO

Yes, it again had some COOL visual effects.

SOME BIG GLARING HOLES in the story that you can make assumptions about... 6 of us went last night and 6 of us came up with 6 different conclusions as to what was going on/why some things happened that they didnt "explain" you just sorta have to come to a conclusion on your own...

Im not going into more here because I dont want to give anything away...

I guess it was worth seeing but I tell ya, I liked X2 better.
I disagree, I liked Reloaded much better than X2. Don't get me wrong, X2 was an awesome movie. But Reloaded kept me interested and kept me thinking about what what going on.

As far as,
SOME BIG GLARING HOLES in the story that you can make assumptions about... 6 of us went last night and 6 of us came up with 6 different conclusions as to what was going on/why some things happened that they didnt "explain" you just sorta have to come to a conclusion on your own...
, you know everything will be explained in Matrix 3. Any good movie maker will leave holes like that in the storyline so you have to go to the last one to see if your version of what happened, and what is going to happen is correct.

-Jason Johnson
The video game is supposed to clear some things up as well. The game was made under the supervision of the creators of the Matrix.
Originally posted by JDenz
The video game is supposed to clear some things up as well. The game was made under the supervision of the creators of the Matrix.

Wasnt the storyline for the game written BY the creators of the Matrix? :confused:
Originally posted by JDenz
The video game is supposed to clear some things up as well. The game was made under the supervision of the creators of the Matrix.

i think i'll just wait six months for the next movie to have everything cleared up. plus, movies like that, that make you think about things, i have always found very interesting. i just love sci-fi too...:)
I posted this in the sports and entertainment forum as well, but i figured i should post it here as well since there are a lot of people discussing here.

in case you weren't aware, stick around til the end of the credit when you see the Matrix: Reloaded or if you go to see it again. the trailer for the final movie will show after the credits are done rolling.

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