Any hockey fans?

Yeah..I've heard that it might be the Penguins or the Blues. Hartford was a great hockey town if I remember correctly. Isn't there an AHL team there now?
Paul B said:
Yeah..I've heard that it might be the Penguins or the Blues. Hartford was a great hockey town if I remember correctly. Isn't there an AHL team there now?

If it was, why did they leave? Perhaps things have changed. If they get a new team, maybe the morons at ESPN will stop calling the Hurricanes the Whalers. I'm sick of that. Its been 10 years. Let it die! I guess for that reason I'd like to see them get a new team.
HKphooey said:
Yeah we have the Ranger's farm team, Wolf Pack. They are really good, too.

Now thats just funny! NCSU's (Raleigh's big school) team name is the Wolfpack. Go figure...
mrhnau said:
If it was, why did they leave? Perhaps things have changed. If they get a new team, maybe the morons at ESPN will stop calling the Hurricanes the Whalers. I'm sick of that. Its been 10 years. Let it die! I guess for that reason I'd like to see them get a new team.

That's becasue ESPN is based in Bristol, Connecticut. I am surprised that kind of talk has not jinxed the 'Canes. :)

The money was not there for a new stadium and the city of Hartford is one of the most boring places. :)

We had some greats over the years (unfortunately, most after they got traded)... Ron Francis, Kevin Dineen, Sylvain Turgeon, Sean Burke, The Howes, Sylvain Cote....

This should give you a laugh or two...
HKphooey said:
That's becasue ESPN is based in Bristol, Connecticut. I am surprised that kind of talk has not jinxed the 'Canes. :)

Yeah, I know LOL I hear alot of the guys are bitter at all the free tickets they are missing, and their only pro team. go cry a river.
Lol... Dogarn it, ya'll beat me to the post. Mind you, it was the middle of the night here when the final Sabres/Canes game was played.

Seriously though, should make for a great final. Right, down to business. Predictions.

Mine - Oil in 6. (And I do believe I've just jinxed them)

Anyone else care to make a sportsmans bet? ;)
Kensai said:
Mine - Oil in 6. (And I do believe I've just jinxed them)

Anyone else care to make a sportsmans bet? ;)

Canes in 6. however, I'd like them to take it in Raleigh, so I'd not cry about Canes in 7.
RED WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (next time)
...and don-chu forget it bub.....


Your Brother (with face pressed against the glass)
I don't know...I personally feel that Edmonton is outclassed but not out-hearted,(LOL is that a word?) I say Carolina in 7.

It might very well turn out to be a "homer" series. Both teams are outstanding at home with all the fans playing the 7th D-man..whoever wins it's gonna be some outstanding hockey.

When was the last time Lord Stanley's Cup was brought home to Canada? I's been in America too long..:D :p Let the trash talking begin....
Paul B said:
I don't know...I personally feel that Edmonton is outclassed but not out-hearted,(LOL is that a word?) I say Carolina in 7.

It might very well turn out to be a "homer" series. Both teams are outstanding at home with all the fans playing the 7th D-man..whoever wins it's gonna be some outstanding hockey.

When was the last time Lord Stanley's Cup was brought home to Canada? I's been in America too long..:D :p Let the trash talking begin....

Lol... I dunno mate, as a limey, I'm impartial... *cough COME ON CANADA cough*.... ;)
the stanley cup in canada nawwww that must be a myth :rolleyes:

It should be a great series I am looking forward to it
tshadowchaser said:
the stanley cup in canada nawwww that must be a myth :rolleyes:

It should be a great series I am looking forward to it

Ooooooh CAAAAANAADA..... Blah blah blah mumble... I just like the first bit of their anthem. I can't wait for the final, although I'm unlikely to be able to watch it... *Stupid British TV, stupid soccer crazed country*... :(
Oilers in 6. Just have to root for the team that knocked out my beloved Redwings. Even though I personally don't like crossing the border all that well (New Brunswick needs to learn how to drive, LOL) I hope the cup does this year.
bydand said:
Oilers in 6. Just have to root for the team that knocked out my beloved Redwings. Even though I personally don't like crossing the border all that well (New Brunswick needs to learn how to drive, LOL) I hope the cup does this year.

I'm not sure about this stat, but has an 8th seed ever even been to the finals? The West bracket was just screwy! After one round, no higher seeded team had won. The East was the exact opposite! Now thats just screwy :)

I wonder what the NHL has thought about things so far... no major market teams in the semi's. Most of the major market teams were expunged in the first round.

I did hear that the NHL is making a heck of alot more money this year than they expected, and the players should be getting a decent amount more than they originally bargained for, per the bargaining agreement. I'm glad to hear that :) I do hope it comes back strong and for good. Some of the penalty calling has been really picky this year, but its made for some exciting hockey! Can't debate that! Buffalo, Carolina and the Rangers seemed to make the transition to the new style easiest, but I expect more teams will follow in the years to come. Speed is going to be alot more relevant than power in the coming years I think.

What has been your opinion on some of the rule changes? I've probably enjoyed the two line pass rule change the best, followed closely by the goalie box. I always hated seeing goalies chase down the pucks in the corners. Which ones have you enjoyed the most? Or hated the most?
Here goes...


Two line pass. This one is really a no-brainer.It really showcases the talent,plain and simple,both in good D-men able to make the passes and forwards who can take 'em to finish.

Obstruction/Hooking. This again clamps down on D-men mauling the little speedy guys. Sometimes this season they've gotten a little "iffy"..but for the most part the continuity of calls has been impressive. God bless Kerry Fraser and his Vitalis hair.:D

The "trapezoid". I like this one a lot..and I bet a ton of players out there do as well. It makes the D-men have to work a bit harder..but it has cut down on some Roy-esque blunders as well.

On the fence about shoot-outs..I like them and are frustrated by them at the same time. I think they should play a "play-off" type OT all season long. At least they can earn the win or the loss as a team. I think the 5 min. OT's are too short to start with and I never liked the empty feeling from a tie. Sooo..:idunno:


Puck clearing penalty...come on.

Not being able to clear out the crease. This is as integral a part of ice hockey as playing with pucks...I will admit there has been a little slack in this department in the playoffs,though.

There's my 2c's.
Paul B said:
Here goes...


Two line pass. This one is really a no-brainer.It really showcases the talent,plain and simple,both in good D-men able to make the passes and forwards who can take 'em to finish.

Obstruction/Hooking. This again clamps down on D-men mauling the little speedy guys. Sometimes this season they've gotten a little "iffy"..but for the most part the continuity of calls has been impressive. God bless Kerry Fraser and his Vitalis hair.:D

The "trapezoid". I like this one a lot..and I bet a ton of players out there do as well. It makes the D-men have to work a bit harder..but it has cut down on some Roy-esque blunders as well.

On the fence about shoot-outs..I like them and are frustrated by them at the same time. I think they should play a "play-off" type OT all season long. At least they can earn the win or the loss as a team. I think the 5 min. OT's are too short to start with and I never liked the empty feeling from a tie. Sooo..:idunno:


Puck clearing penalty...come on.

Not being able to clear out the crease. This is as integral a part of ice hockey as playing with pucks...I will admit there has been a little slack in this department in the playoffs,though.

There's my 2c's.

What he said ^^^^..... ;)

Nah seriously, I have an intense dislike of the puck clearing penalty, it's STUPID! Goalies, perhaps, but to apply it to everyone in centre ice, who may have done it unintentionally is just dumb. The shoot-outs I'm not liking, not least because my beloved Leafs were usless at them in the main, but also because... Well, I guess only because the Leafs sucked at them, but then, they sucked at most things this season. :( The action does seem to have been faster this season, and is certainly the future, but there don't seem to have been many HUGE, bone-crunching hits ala Darcy Tucker on Sami Kaponen in the 03-4 playoffs. Anyone remember that? Tucker boarded him, crushed him so badly that when he SK tried to get up he was like Bambi on ice, and Jeremy Roenick had to use his stick to guide him off ice. :) :) :) :) :) GO DARCY! GO DARCY! GO DARCY! Anyway. More massive hits please.

Also noticed that Channel 5 will be showing the SC finals on terrestrial TV here in the UK!!! YEEEHAAAWWWW!!! I've been out and bought video cassettes to record it, it's on kinda late/early here... You BEAUTY!
Kensai said:

...Anyone remember that? Tucker boarded him, crushed him so badly that when he SK tried to get up he was like Bambi on ice, and Jeremy Roenick had to use his stick to guide him off ice. :) :) :) :) :) GO DARCY! GO DARCY! GO DARCY! Anyway. More massive hits please.

Also noticed that Channel 5 will be showing the SC finals on terrestrial TV here in the UK!!! YEEEHAAAWWWW!!! I've been out and bought video cassettes to record it, it's on kinda late/early here... You BEAUTY!

YES!!!! That was one of the best hits I've ever seen..his legs looked like they were made of Jello and you could just see that any rational thought he had was knocked somewhere up by the 300 level railing...awesome. I couldn't believe that didn't KO him.

Good news about the SC Finals..I'll try not to play "spoiler" for ya.:asian:
Paul B said:
YES!!!! That was one of the best hits I've ever seen..his legs looked like they were made of Jello and you could just see that any rational thought he had was knocked somewhere up by the 300 level railing...awesome. I couldn't believe that didn't KO him.

Good news about the SC Finals..I'll try not to play "spoiler" for ya.:asian:

THAT'S the hit!! :) Great wasn't it.... Unless of course you were SK. In which case :(

Mate, believe me, I may be avoiding this site, and for the next few days, just so I don't end up hearing the result. :)