Any Good Supplements/Performance Boosters To Improve Cardio?


Green Belt
Apr 7, 2003
Reaction score
Hattiesburg, MS

Wondering if anyone know of anything that will enhance one's cardio performance for a short time ( nothing long-term or permanent, just for an hour or so ). Anything?
Originally posted by moromoro

That’s absolutely incorrect.
The body uses Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and Creatine Phosphate for anaerobic exercise. When continued exercise severely depletes ATP and Creatine but movement is still required the demands for glycogen and oxygen become higher ……….and thus your body goes into an aerobic phase which uses more glycogen and oxygen instead of ATP or Creatine.
ATP or Creatine do not require oxygen to perform their functions.
An easy way to remember this concept is ATP and Creatine are used more during ballistic/explosive movements done for short periods of time such as lifting weights or anaerobic phases, and glycolysis occurs during more aerobic phases like a mile run.
Originally posted by Zepp
In the short term? Amphetamines.

Again this is incorrect.
These kinds of drugs make your resting heart rate faster and speed up your use of oxygen in the blood.
With a faster heart rate you will push more blood and oxygen through your system but you will aslo use it faster too and therefore cancel any benefits you hope to gain by taking them.
Originally posted by moromoro

you seem to be very knowlegable on the subject do you recommend the use of steriods suck as stanazol to improve speed and power for the martial arts????????

I don’t recommend steroids for anybody (unless prescribed by a doctor for medical uses for example hereditary angio edema) and think people that take them are playing with fire.
The body needs good nutrition to build muscle, bone, etc., repair injuries, and help it fight off disease. In the supplement area, there are products known as whole foods, that provide the body with the vitamins, minerals and amino acids needed. Taken consistently, along with a sensible diet and proper training, these have the potential to boost performence. I have been taking such a supplement for years and have the results to be very satisfying.

A sugar bag. ;)
Seriously though, I wouldn't go into this whole supplements to increase body mass/cardio/whatever to aid you in training. I'd prefer to earn it honestly. It makes me feel a lot better. :boxing:
I use a product made by Advocare. It is Metabolic nutrition system. I also use energy drinks called spark, Catalyst and performance gold. You can check them out at www.advocare. I also sell there product. They also have the largest non-paid endorsers in sports.
There is no quick fix to improve ANYTHING. There is no magic pill, no magic supplement. If there was, you wouldn't be able to get it without a prescription and it would be heavily regulated.

The best thing is amptle rest and a good, clean diet.

There are no quick fixes for improving stamina. However, there are some things you can do to improve ENERGY. Energy and cardiovascular endurance are two different totally different things although they can easily be confused. Cardiovascular endurance is done through proper training, diet, and rest. Energy can be improved with diet, exercise, and rest, but energy is one component of cardiovascular endurance.

Quick fixes for energy are caffiene. But they won't improve your cardiovascular endurance at all. You can have all the colas and espressos you want, they won't do anything to improve your cardio. They will just perk you up temporarily and then you'll burn out. There are many wrestlers who take caffiene during a meet so they are perked up before the match. A match is 6 minutes long, and it's not for stamina but just to perk you up. However, no wrestler takes caffiene during a tournament where it's usual to have 3-5 matches spread 40 minutes apart or more... That's like signing your death warrant.
Uh, RyuShikan, I don't know where you got your information about ATP (adenosine triphosphate) or why you think it has anything to do with creatine in particular (the extra amino acids and phosphate maybe?), but what you said doesn't make much sense. ATP is the nucleoside (not to be confused with a nucleotide) that your body uses as it's primary source of energy. Many of the chemical cycles in the body, and in particular active transport across cellular membranes, are activated by the energy released from cleaving the bond between the second and third phosphates of ATP. The difference between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism is how ATP is made and how much is available, not whether it is used.

There's no point in citing a specific source of information here, as any biology textbook at high school level or above should explain this with plenty of detail.

I don't know much about amphetamines though so I'll take your word for it there. :asian:

Sorry, I don't mean to be nitpicky or to take this thread off-topic. It's just that being a biology major, I had to correct that.
Originally posted by Zepp
Uh, RyuShikan, I don't know where you got your information about ATP (adenosine triphosphate) or why you think it has anything to do with creatine in particular (the extra amino acids and phosphate maybe?), but what you said doesn't make much sense.

Uh yourself.
Re-read my post and then you can correct your can plainly see were I said:
The body uses Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and Creatine Phosphate for anaerobic exercise.
I got my information from Frederick Hatfield Ph.D………do an internet search if you want to find out about him and many of the top athletes he has trained..........or read his book Fitness the Complete Guide, from which that bit of information comes.
My original response was to moromoro’s comment about creatine.
Activities that require more than a few seconds of effort, such as running or other aerobic activity depend on glycolysis for ATP production than creatine.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
My original response was to moromoro’s comment about creatine.
Activities that require more than a few seconds of effort, such as running or other aerobic activity depend on glycolysis for ATP production than creatine.

It was this comment from your earlier post that I primarily was responding to:
When continued exercise severely depletes ATP and Creatine but movement is still required the demands for glycogen and oxygen become higher ……….and thus your body goes into an aerobic phase which uses more glycogen and oxygen instead of ATP or Creatine.

Glycogen and oxygen are used by the body to make ATP, in aerobic respiration. They're not used instead of it.

Maybe you worded it wrong?
Originally posted by Zepp

Maybe you worded it wrong?

I think it is more like you misunderstood it since it was a direct quote from from Frederick Hatfield Ph.D..........someone with a Ph.D. on the subject. If you want to argue this point anymore I suggest you take it up with him.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
I think it is more like you misunderstood it since it was a direct quote from from Frederick Hatfield Ph.D..........someone with a Ph.D. on the subject. If you want to argue this point anymore I suggest you take it up with him.

My sources are written by those with Ph.D's on the subject as well. Maybe it was a typo. I just might take it up with him if I'm ever bored enough.

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