Another reason I love Michigan...

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Kansas says 'no how, no way' to the idea of transferring Gitmo prisoners to Leavenworth.

Michiganders say 'bring 'em on', we need the jobs!

Quote of the day:

Moran said he'd heard little reaction from townspeople but expected most would support the idea.
"If anybody did escape, they'd have a surprise," he said. "We're a community of hunters. Just about everybody has guns."
A rifle behind every blade of grass :D
America was built on freedom, and the moral aptitude to fight for that same freedom. Put them where ever you want, it won't change what is under my pillow.
Best State in the Union: Nebraska
Second Best: Now, officially Michigan
Worst State: remains, Missouri
Second worst: now, officially Kansas

Bash Kansas if you want. At the end of the day, I don't have a few extra terrorist trash heaps in my back yard.

I don't really have a problem with the terrorists coming to my state, as long as their stay is short.
you know why it's so windy in kansas don't you?

nebraska sucks & oklahoma blows.


Michigan needs the jobs.

I think it's become Pavlovian the way people react when they hear the word "terrorist".

:eek: -OMG! They said TERRORIST!

Would it be any better jailing murderers, rapist, child molesters, or other hate-mongering vermin in your state? ...oh wait... we already do...
Well, MI does have Detroit, so I can see why they wouldn't bat an eye at this. And as hostile to business as they are, they certainly do need the jobs.
Based on news out of Lansing today our Governor is batting an eye and say's that Homeland Security issues need to be addressed before it can even think of moving forward.
Michigan needs the jobs.

Would it be any better jailing murderers, rapist, child molesters, or other hate-mongering vermin in your state? ...oh wait... we already do...

Glad Kansas can help MI out.

I don't want any of the above in my state. If MI wants them also, they can have them.
Michigan also has the largest concentration of Arab Americans in the States. Most of the ones I met would sooner shoot a terrorist than turn him over to the cops. I doubt if anyone would want to risk breaking out.