Another Hello from Michigan!


White Belt
Oct 28, 2007
Reaction score
Hudsonville, MI
Hi! I've been on the forum for a few months (sporadically) but just now realized there was an area for noob intros. :wavey:

I have a background in Chung-Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do (1st degree black belt - Sept. 1990) and have been practicing Judo on-and-off for the past 6 years. I also have a strong background in police defensive tactics (I'm a state university police academy staff instructor in my area). I began to "get the itch" for competition again in late 2006 and decided to compete in a local amateur mixed-martial arts event at the age of 34 in April 2007. That was a wake-up call regarding how much I've slowed down over the years as I dominated my fight up until I "got caught." :wink2:

I just recently began teaching the general public for the first time in 15 years and created a new women's self-defense program with future plans of including both kids and adult Tae Kwon Do into our programs as well as a cane-related self-defense program for seniors. I love to teach and have three boys who also "have the itch" and want to learn (3, 5, 14).

That's about all I have for now... :)

RADE TACTICS Martial Arts & Women's Self-Defense
Welcome from another Michigander!
Greetings and Welcome...
Welcome, let me know where your at and we could have and exchange of ideas.