American Kenpo Studio of Frederick - Grand Opening

Bill Smith

Green Belt
Apr 12, 2002
Reaction score
Frederick Maryland
Its official, we are opening July 8th. Anyone in Frederick Maryland looking for Kenpo or interested give me a call at 301-846-7744.

Yours in Kenpo,
Bill Smith - AKKI
American Kenpo Studio of Frederick
5245 Westview Drive
Frederick, MD
Mazeltov!!!!!!!!!! Outstanding! Congratulations, and best of luck to you. Sorry I'm so far away, I'd jump up and get some cookies and kool-aid! :lol: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Dan Farmer
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Keep the Art a 1st Priority!


OK ... GD ... So ... Like ... What's wrong with cookies and kool-aid?
:soapbox: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dan " I like chocolate chip cookies dipped in cherry kool-aid" Farmer
Thanks for the welcome and support. I'll make sure I have the cookies and kool-aid for the first class in honor of Dan Farmer.

Kenpo is always the 1st priority, I always stay true to that.

Thanks again gents,
Bill Smith
Originally posted by Bill Smith

And for Mr. Conatser, we will have milk. Can't forget the seniors.

Bill Smith

Make Dennis' milk warm with a double dollop of Bosco!!!
Dennis!!! Wake me when it's naptime!!!!:cheers: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :cheers: <light Bosco mix!

I'll be hopefully soon, start having higher ups coming to do seminars and workshops to give the students a wide range of instruction. If you're ever in Maryland come on by and again thanks. If there is anything I can do for you just drop a line.

Your in Kenpo,
Bill Smith - AKKI
I will soon be doing an FMA type seminar at my school. As soon as I have all the detailos I will send you an invite. These guys are based out of frederick so it may be a good contact for you too for future seminars, etc...
Thanks, I look forward to participating in your seminar. Let me know when and where, at least a week in advance (I have to let my boss "the wife" know so it doesn't mess up any plans).

When I'm up and running, you and your students are welcome to come on down anytime.

Your friend in Kenpo,
When do you hold classes and what are the times? Before I get my studio running, I'd like to come up and visit. Kenpo in our neck of the woods is far and few bewteen.

Also, I'll need directions.

Bill Smith
Sorry for any delays on the website. The webmaster has been very busy with other projects. My site should be updated in a few days with all the info of our school. Check back in a few days for the updates.

Bill Smith - AKKI