American Kenpo Senior Corner?


Senior Master
May 12, 2002
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Southern California
Hmmmm I thought it was because you were just An ODD BALL! Geeze..... there I go with those negative waves........


Geeze, a not too veiled remark conjuring up the likes of "Kelly's Heroes." You are old, along with anyone else who knows what you're talking about.
Jan 24, 2007
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Considering I sorta fit this description as a crossover from other lineages, I'm apt to agree, even though it doesn't paint me in the best possible light. Of course, there are guys who DID put in the bulk of their journey under his supervision/blessing/auspices, and still blow. I.e., Palanzo. we treat all "seniors" the same?

With irreverence towards stupid seniors and those who just plain suck,


And it "sort-of-does fit me also.

I was a Jim Mitchell student when I was with Tracy's...Jim Mitchell went to Ed Parker and ran his school in Pasadena for two I again went with Jim Mitchell to join with Ed Parker.

Ed Parker is the one that actually promoted me to 4th and to 5th. Those were the rules back then.

So in the book #1, I was considered an outside black belt that was now considered a 1st generation black belt training with Ed Parker.

And I was a very strong supporter of Mr. Parker for ten years until his wife and I had a big argument around 1985 over a missing shipment of supplies, patches, etc...

...and I had a talk with Mr. Parker...who was married to her...

But I still consider myself a staunch supported of Mr. Parker, and as a high ranking black belt under Ed Parker.

Also under Al Tracy, who I deem a respected American Kenpo Senior.

Also under Jim Mitchell, who I deem a respected American Kenpo Senior.

So, for the first time, I actually do DISSAGREE with you Doc Ron on this topic.

Dr. John M. La Tourrette


Senior Master
May 12, 2002
Reaction score
Southern California
And it "sort-of-does fit me also.

I was a Jim Mitchell student when I was with Tracy's...Jim Mitchell went to Ed Parker and ran his school in Pasadena for two I again went with Jim Mitchell to join with Ed Parker.

Ed Parker is the one that actually promoted me to 4th and to 5th. Those were the rules back then.

So in the book #1, I was considered an outside black belt that was now considered a 1st generation black belt training with Ed Parker.

And I was a very strong supporter of Mr. Parker for ten years until his wife and I had a big argument around 1985 over a missing shipment of supplies, patches, etc...

...and I had a talk with Mr. Parker...who was married to her...

But I still consider myself a staunch supported of Mr. Parker, and as a high ranking black belt under Ed Parker.

Also under Al Tracy, who I deem a respected American Kenpo Senior.

Also under Jim Mitchell, who I deem a respected American Kenpo Senior.

So, for the first time, I actually do DISSAGREE with you Doc Ron on this topic.

Dr. John M. La Tourrette
Hey, what did I do?
Jan 24, 2007
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That was/is true, however, the next pertinent question is... was that 5th Degree or higher actually under Ed Parker or a transplant from another system that seemingly had aspirations of learning Ed Parker's Kenpo. That IS a point of contention. There were many ranking "individuals" that spent a "little" time with Ed Parker but few who spent years studying his system as loyal students and assistants to him. Thus, rank alone to me is insufficient as a criteria for "Senior".

One who WAS there.......


I was there ALSO...

I going to say it guys, but I do think that many of the so-called Kenpo Seniors are very prejudiced and biased and they base their opinions on that prejudice and bias.

And some of us DID study with Mr. Parker, though it might be at seminars,or promoting his seminars and bringing him as the GUEST OF HONOR, and we did study with those that did study with Mr. Parker. Mr. Parker DID promote us even though we did study with his students.

And I do consider that TO BE GOOD!

We (in my case) did spend a decade or more with him...and I remained his friend until his death.

We DID do his kenpo.

And when I was with Mr. Parker (and Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Tracy) I did kenpo 10 hours a day, 6 days a week from 1973 to 1987 (when I did retire the second time). And at my new location I did kenpo from 1987 until 1997 when I did retire again...

...which did NOT last over a month...

...and up to today I continue teaching kenpo 4 days a week, 5 hours a day...

And our kenpo was not and is not "hit air" kenpo, but the type of kenpo where we rolled up our shirt sleeves, and found out for real, what did work for us and what didn't work for us.

The things that did not work for us I took to Mr. Mitchell, and if he couldn't answer them, I took to Mr. Parker.

And, on my own part, I DID have conversations with him where I disagreed on some minor points of doing "X", "Y" or "Z", which he thougth was cool. And he did set me straight many a time.

I did disagree not to be disagreeing but because I could valid my arguments with actual demonstrations of what didn't seem to work and what I wanted to do instead.

And it was mostly with the usuage of the body BELOW the waist...

...but when it came to hands and to HIS ED PARKER KENPO, what he said was what I did, to the best of my abilities.

I going to say it guys, but I do think that many of the so-called Kenpo Seniors are very prejudiced and biased and they base their opinions on that prejudice and bias.

Just as, for years, I was prejudice towards Doc Ron (even though I'd never met bad) until I had the opportunity to actually peek into his brain because of his well thought out writtings over the past 15 months.

I really do NOT believe that being considered an American Kenpo Senior has a damn thing to do with winning a personality contest.

I think that I'm a bit pissed at being classified by some seniors as something inferior because I was not in the same "sweat-room" with them in 1970...even though I'd been working out 2 decades before then.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Dr.John M. La Tourrette

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
I find the demand for respect and recognition and all that crap from people to be quite comical. Looking at what's happened to Parker's Kenpo since Ed died makes me think he'd be quite pissed. The back stabbing, the hurled insults, the flat out lies and rewrites of history and all the "I was there but it was double secret training" crap. Some of us know more than are given credit for, and some people should shut up and stop whining for credit as much of their dirty laundry is already out there and the poop stains don't paint them in a very nice light. That's of course why I stopped bothering with Kenpo. Too many fat hacks, crooks, liars and flaming premadonna's who think some paper and a story makes them something special. Dudes might have been in a long time, but that doesn't make them worthy of respect. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go fabricate a PhD, mind-**** some gaga gigglers, and put on another 50 pounds so I can qualify for my next kenpo test. Tell me, who is selling rank this week if I jump orgs?

Seriously, all this talk of "seniors" is pointless. Most of them don't even bother participating unless you kiss their asses and fawn all over them.

I'd be more impressed if they bothered to sign in and say hello once in a blue moon.


Senior Master
May 12, 2002
Reaction score
Southern California
And it "sort-of-does fit me also.

I was a Jim Mitchell student when I was with Tracy's...Jim Mitchell went to Ed Parker and ran his school in Pasadena for two I again went with Jim Mitchell to join with Ed Parker.

Ed Parker is the one that actually promoted me to 4th and to 5th. Those were the rules back then.

So in the book #1, I was considered an outside black belt that was now considered a 1st generation black belt training with Ed Parker.

And I was a very strong supporter of Mr. Parker for ten years until his wife and I had a big argument around 1985 over a missing shipment of supplies, patches, etc...

...and I had a talk with Mr. Parker...who was married to her...

But I still consider myself a staunch supported of Mr. Parker, and as a high ranking black belt under Ed Parker.

Also under Al Tracy, who I deem a respected American Kenpo Senior.

Also under Jim Mitchell, who I deem a respected American Kenpo Senior.

So, for the first time, I actually do DISSAGREE with you Doc Ron on this topic.

Dr. John M. La Tourrette

Point of clarification. Jim Mitchell never ran the Pasadena School. Apparently he told a lot of people he ran the Pasadena School. Not true.

Hand Sword

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In the Void (Where still, this merciless GOD torme
I find the demand for respect and recognition and all that crap from people to be quite comical. Looking at what's happened to Parker's Kenpo since Ed died makes me think he'd be quite pissed. The back stabbing, the hurled insults, the flat out lies and rewrites of history and all the "I was there but it was double secret training" crap. Some of us know more than are given credit for, and some people should shut up and stop whining for credit as much of their dirty laundry is already out there and the poop stains don't paint them in a very nice light. That's of course why I stopped bothering with Kenpo. Too many fat hacks, crooks, liars and flaming premadonna's who think some paper and a story makes them something special. Dudes might have been in a long time, but that doesn't make them worthy of respect. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go fabricate a PhD, mind-**** some gaga gigglers, and put on another 50 pounds so I can qualify for my next kenpo test. Tell me, who is selling rank this week if I jump orgs?

Seriously, all this talk of "seniors" is pointless. Most of them don't even bother participating unless you kiss their asses and fawn all over them.

I'd be more impressed if they bothered to sign in and say hello once in a blue moon.

Hmmm...kind of vague....could you be more specific and tell us how you really feel??? (

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
Why it's simple my good, uh, bladed type thing.

"Kenpo Seniors currently on Martial Talk include Tom Bleecker, Ron Chapél, Dennis Conatser, Dave Hebler, Sean Kelly, Frank Trejo & Bob White (listing by last name)"

Lets go down this list now shall we?

  1. Tom Bleecker: What is his user name? Point me to a single post he has made here. I can't see any.
  2. Ron Chapél: Posts as "Doc". Gets a lot of **** over his SL4 system, tends to pontificate a bit, otherwise nice guy.
  3. Dennis Conatser: Posts as "Golden Dragon". Used to be very active here, still around, good source of info, gets **** from some folks, dinna know why.
  4. Dave Hebler: What is his user name? Point me to a single post he has made here. I can't see any.
  5. Sean Kelly: What is his user name? Point me to a single post he has made here. I can't see any.
  6. Frank Trejo: What is his user name? Point me to a single post he has made here. I can't see any.
  7. Bob White: Good rep, posts very rarely, doesn't even post his own events. See him on here often and I've heard he has a lot to share, but you couldn't tell that by his post count.
So you have 7 "Seniors" listed, only 2 of who actually post worth a damn, 1 who is too quiet and 4 who aren't even here! What's the point of having a special area for just 2 guys?

Now you have other Kenpo Seniors here who are not listed, and some who want real bad to be recognised as such like :flushed: who most of the seniors don't want to be associated with. So you have a few problems.

One of those problems is, you are giving credit to people who don't deserve it here. I don't care how great someone like Frank is (and I've met him and think he's cool), unless he's here doing something to help this site out, why give him free play? Tell him to get his *** over here, and start sharing and getting involved or drop him from the marquee. Why give anyone free advertising? It's Kenpo, there's only 1 person who needs to be listed and that's Ed Parker, and that is only if it is the Parker system you are limiting this to. There are other kenpo systems and they all have their own seniors, get them involved, and list their founders as well. Kenpo isn't just Ed Parker. Cricky, I have to think for everyone sometimes.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
7 names, and almost 2 weeks later and no one could pull themselves away from the buffet to answer. A real damn shame.


Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona
7 names, and almost 2 weeks later and no one could pull themselves away from the buffet to answer. A real damn shame.

LOL, well can't talk for the others but haven't been to a good buffet in a while now........ LOL....
As to your comment..... I don't post much on here any more due to the fact I spend more time on KENPO TALK...... so come over and join in..... other than that.... email me with questions since I don't always get these post reminders often......

Always open for chat.....
Dennis Conatser
AKA Golden Dragon 7 or The Golden One....


The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
Blue Moon? It's not that cold in So-Cal is it?

DC, Doc, thanks for the replies. Now if the rest of the folks on that list would figure out how to click the mouse, here or at KenpoTalk, I think a lot of peeps would be happy.


Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona

DC, Doc, thanks for the replies.

Thanks! I apologize for not responding sooner but as I stated I don't always get reminders to all posts.
Now if the rest of the folks on that list would figure out how to click the mouse, here or at KenpoTalk, I think a lot of peeps would be happy.

I couldn't agree with you more. I would love to hear their views as well on issues. However, in their defense, each has their own life to lead and to some the "net" is not a priority. I myself love to interact with most of the community...... LOL (I said most) hee hee there are certain individuals that shovel out so much **** that I must :toilclaw: them due to the fact that my :bs: detector is going wild with so many things that come out of their mouths that I know for a fact to be incorrect..... LOL

At any rate feel free to contact me privately any time or come over to "Kenpo Talk" I usually hang in the "general" section these days.

And thanks for your interest!



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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
7 names, and almost 2 weeks later and no one could pull themselves away from the buffet to answer. A real damn shame.
When did anyone start having to answer to you here?

Bluntly... if there's anyone that any member here on MT has to answer to, it's a gent by the name of Bob Hubbard.

Your own profile is rather sparse; perhaps some of those seniors have chosen to be equally private, and maybe even resent someone calling them out for failing to post enough...


Free advice. It's worth everything you're not paying for it. You seem, especially of late, to delight in being abrasive. That's not exactly the atmosphere here on MT. There's another forum you might be happier in... that forum does a lot of bashing and has lots of folks who like to be abrasive.

And that's from someone who actually has agreed with quite a few of your posts in the past.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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MTS Alumni
Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
Sorry if I'm coming off abrasive. You're right, that's not what MT is intended for. It does however chaff my wheaties that these people are named, yet choose not to participate. I'm sure they were contacted and asked to, and that they had said they would. But, they haven't. So they went back on their word. I doubt their names would have been put there otherwise. So, where are they? Maybe, if the Seniors aren't going to come and take advantage of this offering, that it's time to remove it. My opinion. Tis All!


Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona

Sorry if I'm coming off abrasive. You're right, that's not what MT is intended for. It does however chaff my wheaties that these people are named, yet choose not to participate. I'm sure they were contacted and asked to, and that they had said they would. But, they haven't. So they went back on their word. I doubt their names would have been put there otherwise. So, where are they? Maybe, if the Seniors aren't going to come and take advantage of this offering, that it's time to remove it. My opinion. Tis All!

Abrasive, a little maybe...... however I agree with you in part. I personally would love to have many more contribute but as the old saying goes.....
"You can lead a horse to water.....
But you can't smear cake on his lips" :yoda::jaw-dropping:

As to the removal ....... well, I would say that some participation from whomever is better than NONE. So while total benefit from a large group of "so called" Seniors would be nice, having what we have may be beneficial rather than not at all. I leave this in the masterful (and owner) Bob Hubbard, who I'm sure agrees with me. He also would love more input from a wider range of individuals but as he knows...... we have no control over the human spirit. LOL

As Mr. Parker used to say "work and concentrate on ones positive points not his negative". He got a huge amount of miles out of that philosophy.

Bob Hubbard

Bob Hubbard

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I'll make a decision by June 1st. In all likelyhood, I'll drop non-contributor names at least. They've had a few years to get involved, haven't, and I'm not inclined to give them any additional free publicity. All the names were added after I was told they were coming, some by proxie, some directly, and I feel personally disappointed that they couldn't keep their commitments nor indicate to me if they had had any problems.

I offer 2 alternates to the slamfests and hatemongering you find elsewhere and am disappointed that more of the experienced kenpo practitioners haven't accepted our numerous offers to them.

Their loss. In the end, both MartialTalk and KenpoTalk continue with, or by their choices, without them.


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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
Sorry if I'm coming off abrasive. You're right, that's not what MT is intended for. It does however chaff my wheaties that these people are named, yet choose not to participate. I'm sure they were contacted and asked to, and that they had said they would. But, they haven't. So they went back on their word. I doubt their names would have been put there otherwise. So, where are they? Maybe, if the Seniors aren't going to come and take advantage of this offering, that it's time to remove it. My opinion. Tis All!
That's a sentiment I can agree with! If they said they were going to participate, and didn't... like Bob said, he doesn't need to give them free publicity.

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