American Kenpo Federation/AKSC Camp


Black Belt
Apr 30, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Just wondered who was headed over to Pipe Creek, Texas this weekend to train with Mr. Kelly, Mr. Duffy, Mr. Trejo, Mr. White, Mr. Conatser and Mr. Sepulveda?

Can't wait!!!!

The only thing that concerns me is my screwing up and making
my instructor look bad. We're a casual school, which I personally
like, but I don't mind conforming whenever necessary. But I'm
not sure I know the full kenpo etiquette either. We don't OSS
in our school, we use the term sir, we bow before getting on,
and leaving the mat, we salute to open and close class, and when
we dummy for the instructor .. that's it! Can anyone offer any
more rules of etiquette to me, so I don't screw up too much?
... and is wearing a Black Belt, salute it. Do not eat before anyone who is senior to you does. Always volunteer ... or you get volunteered (be judicious with this one Kirk), and remember P.T. in the morning, before breakfast IS FUN.

Expect a lot of learning, take a notebook or 3. There is such high quality instruction all camp long, from so many great Black Belts, you want to remember everything, and it is hard. Take a camera and your copy of The Journey (for autographs), and you may want an extra pair of tennis shoes for the 2nd day, and some Bio-Freeze, Tiger Balm, Icy-Hot ... something like that, and Alieve or Advil for Day #2, and that is just to get out of the sack. Hope for no rain, or you play in the mud. Pray for no river, so if you mess up they don't tell you to show them how wet the water is (etc.)

Did I mention that it is also FUN! You always walk away feeling like you have learned and accomplished something.

Thank you sir! I appreciate the help! Am I going to see you
there? (although I don't want to dine with you ... sit there watch
you eat, clean your plate get up and leave before I'll get to start
Originally posted by Kirk
Can't wait!!!! The only thing that concerns me is my screwing up, can anyone offer any more rules of etiquette to me, so I don't screw up too much?

Don't worry, just stay close to me and you'll be fine. We will help you with anything you don't know.

Originally posted by Kirk

Can't wait!!!!

The only thing that concerns me is my screwing up and making
my instructor look bad. We're a casual school, which I personally
like, but I don't mind conforming whenever necessary. But I'm
not sure I know the full kenpo etiquette either. We don't OSS
in our school, we use the term sir, we bow before getting on,
and leaving the mat, we salute to open and close class, and when
we dummy for the instructor .. that's it! Can anyone offer any
more rules of etiquette to me, so I don't screw up too much?


Putting too much pressure on yourself. Let the guys that are testing for Black worry about all of that, "screwing up" stuff. You'll have a great time. We will definitely get to hang out at this deal. All open land, no mats...:) Do like me and just follow along with Mr. Duffy's crew... they know the routine. Also take note of the stuff Mr. Billings said, minus the stuff thrown in to scare you....LOL

Good reminder about taking the Journey...I was in the process of forgetting about taking it...Trying to decide if I should take the digital or conventional camera...

Originally posted by jbkenpo

Trying to decide if I should take the digital or conventional camera...

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. The wife and I are doting parents,
so we kinda keep the conventional camera wherever the baby
is. I think I'll take the digital, and buy a box cam disposable job
with me.

As far as bringing the Journey with ya ... I already planned to
do that, but do you take it with you to each instructor's class,
or will there be plenty of time to get them signed later?
Well I hope everyone is looking forward to this weekend's event as much as I am. It looks like we are going to have a good group in attendance again this year. If everyone who has called to confirm shows up then we should have around 50 folks including the teaching staff. The capacity for bunks and beds is 57 so if a few late comers happen to show up we will still be alright.

There are a couple of special events we are planning to make the weekend a little more fun along with all the good training.

Friday night at around 8 or so (when most folks have arrived and checked in) we will be showing a copy of the long awaited film "The New Gladiators" which was filmed in the early 70's and is a documentary about karate tournaments. It was financed by Elvis Presley and produced by George Waite, an Ed Parker Black Belt. It has footage of Tom Kelly, Steve LaBounty, Dennis Conatser, among others. Everyone should enjoy it.

Saturday night after the traditional "Fire Talk", we are going to have a musical jam. If you play a musical instrument bring it along and help make the music. This should be fun.

See you all Friday,

Brian Duffy
CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'll post pics on here when
we get back :D
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Well I hope everyone is looking forward to this weekend's event as much as I am. It looks like we are going to have a good group in attendance again this year. If everyone who has called to confirm shows up then we should have around 50 folks including the teaching staff. The capacity for bunks and beds is 57 so if a few late comers happen to show up we will still be alright.

There are a couple of special events we are planning to make the weekend a little more fun along with all the good training.

Friday night at around 8 or so (when most folks have arrived and checked in) we will be showing a copy of the long awaited film "The New Gladiators" which was filmed in the early 70's and is a documentary about karate tournaments. It was financed by Elvis Presley and produced by George Waite, an Ed Parker Black Belt. It has footage of Tom Kelly, Steve LaBounty, Dennis Conatser, among others. Everyone should enjoy it.

Saturday night after the traditional "Fire Talk", we are going to have a musical jam. If you play a musical instrument bring it along and help make the music. This should be fun.

See you all Friday,

Brian Duffy

Awwww, it sounds so cool, wish I could be there. Well, next time. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by jbkenpo

Just wondered who was headed over to Pipe Creek, Texas this weekend to train with Mr. Kelly, Mr. Duffy, Mr. Trejo, Mr. White, Mr. Conatser and Mr. Sepulveda?


I hate to be bitter and such, but when I asked this question on 10/3 no one replied but Kaith who moved the thread for me.

I have mentioned that the "subscriptions" and such don't stick like they used to and the "New Posts" list seems to fluxuate Pretty wildly.

Maybe it's just me. Maybe nobody wants to reply to my posts. :wah:

I am stuck at work at 7am, I came back at 1am this morning, trying to get some stuff finished this week so I can leave on time. Hopefully I'll see you all there. (I know some of you will wonder why I'm posting and not packing, but I'm at work! :mad: )

Anyway, the URL is
and info for next year will go there when it's ready, so keep checking and make your plans in advance. It is always held Columbus Day weekend in October. See you next year if not this year.
I had to skip class last night, just to get packed up! SHEESH!

Sorry for not replying, but when you posted (July 3rd?) I didn't
know if I was going or not. And I think not everyone goes to the
events forum??:confused: Sorry for not replyin' bro!
Originally posted by Kirk

I had to skip class last night, just to get packed up! SHEESH!

Sorry for not replying, but when you posted (July 3rd?) I didn't
know if I was going or not. And I think not everyone goes to the
events forum??:confused: Sorry for not replyin' bro!

I was trying to say that something broke a while back and it is harder to keep up with threads. I'm sure my post would have been in the "new posts" list for a while anyway. It seems to me that there should be a way to keep the site from "fragmenting" like this. But oh, well. Please don't think I'm whining too much. :wah: Just making an observation really.

But I'm going to be here at work until 8pm tonight and then I still have to pack, I may have to come out Sat am. See you there I hope. :karate:
Originally posted by cdhall

I was trying to say that something broke a while back and it is harder to keep up with threads. I'm sure my post would have been in the "new posts" list for a while anyway. It seems to me that there should be a way to keep the site from "fragmenting" like this. But oh, well. Please don't think I'm whining too much. :wah: Just making an observation really.

But I'm going to be here at work until 8pm tonight and then I still have to pack, I may have to come out Sat am. See you there I hope. :karate:


You don't get to be the lucky camp coordinator this year?
Originally posted by jeffkyle


You don't get to be the lucky camp coordinator this year?

I don't think so. I got drafted for that last year and it was much easier than I expected, but I don't know if I did such a great job.

There was a rumor that some of the testing candidates will have that duty.

Originally posted by cdhall

I don't think so. I got drafted for that last year and it was much easier than I expected, but I don't know if I did such a great job.

There was a rumor that some of the testing candidates will have that duty.


I guess that helps ensure that a Perfect job will be done. By making people testing do it.
Originally posted by jeffkyle

I guess that helps ensure that a Perfect job will be done. By making people testing do it.

Yes, I think running the camp is part of the test. It used to be, back in the day when Mr. LaBounty ran them more like Boot Camp. :eek:

I just realized that if you are still in Kansas, you won't be at camp will you?

Send me a pic will ya, so I can better remember you. I'm getting old. :shrug:

But, it looks like I will get to go after all, and I might even get there in time for The New Gladiators! :cool: