Al-Qaeda Web Sites Go Offline

Bob Hubbard

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Slashdot's reporting the following
Al-Qaeda Web Sites Go Offline

Posted by kdawson on Saturday October 18, @05:52PM
from the i-hack-you dept.

thefickler writes "Four out of the five Al-Qaeda online forums have disappeared. The terrorist group used these forums to relay messages to its supporters. The four that have gone missing seem to have taken a hit back on September 10, the day before the annual video marking the 9/11 attacks was due to be disseminated. No one knows who is responsible for the sites' disappearance."

All I can say is, well, it all turns to *'s ya know.

Could be any number of reasons for this but I think the goverment should pay close attention to whats going on seeing as it has happened before.

I wonder what sights they use when these sites are down. They must have a different way of communicating. Chat lines for kids maybe??
Naw. I leave the taking out of websites to those "Anonymous" folks. LOL!
Couldnt happen to a better group.

Im betting that there had to be some sort of gvt hand in that one. They did a better job than our ariport screeners if it was. :)