Advertising on backs of uniforms

Advertising on back of Uniforms

  • Like it, and currently do this.

  • Like it, but not using it yet.

  • Don't care.

  • Like the Traditional look. Won't use it.

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Master Black Belt
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
Effingham, Illinois
I have seen several different styles and schools advertise on the backs of uniform. Do you feel this is a good way to promote your school, or do you feel this is tacky and shouldn't be consider.
I think it's fine, as long as it's tastefully done and doesn't contain a big commercial ad. A lot of BJJ Gi's have that, it bothers me. For the school, though, is fine. I prefer a more filled out and decorated Gi, anyway.
I think it's OK to have the martial art on the back and a couple of flags on the uniform. If it's anything else, it's OK as long as it's simple e.g. Bob's Tae Kwon Do.
Bottom line=Not too flashy/gaudy which of course is a matter of personal opinion. I wish I could explain it but it's a matter of "I know it when I see it".


Wanted to add a caveat: I'm in Kuk Sool so they have kuk sool won and the logo on the back and a korean flag and Kuk Sool Won in Korean on the front.
Tacky, not feeling it at all, on the front a school patch, but on the back naw good, too Mc dojo for me!

other wise, I like a nice looking logo!
My tournament gi has our school logo embroidered on the back, no name, just the design.

My other gis are plain or have a single small 3" round patch on the front that has the logo on it. I generally don't like alot of patches, on a gi, I think they are a bit obnoxious. (Sorry to the other kenpo folks, but you AK guys have too many patches for me :D ).

Just my opinion,

An advertisement for say karate school XYZ, with a school logo and phone number on the back of the gi. Wasn't talking about school patch, Assocation patch. Promoting or Advertising your school with a human billboard. Do you feel this to be tacky or a sign for a Mcdojo school?
Bob :asian:
Better than sport boxing. They actually write stuff on the boxer's backs! At least they are getting thousands.
Not necessarily McDojo, because I've seen many small and good schools do it, I just think it's HORRIBLY tacky. I'm down with logos and flags, and patches I'm not so big on but they're required by my school, but I think billboard-type things on Gi's is pretty gross. It would make me feel like a commercial product rather than a student.
Wasn't talking about school patch, Assocation patch. Promoting or Advertising your school with a human billboard. Do you feel this to be tacky or a sign for a Mcdojo school?

Oh, in that case, put me down in the "Tacky as hell" category.

Depends if it looks cool or has a tackyness, And how big the add is but over all i dont care for it much.
at a tournament, the best advertizement for a school is to win your division.
Amen nightingale. If not winning, just looking good and having good sportmanship in losing.
Both of the dojangs I attend/attended had the school name on the back. But My tsd dojang did it well. It was simple, school name in small black letters. My TKD school has huge bright red letters on the back. That's tacky if ya ask me. If it's done right, it looks ok. But some schools logos look like something out of a bad "b" movie.
How about with the producers of the gi/dobok, like many Adidas doboks have the giant logo on the back, how do you feel about that?
I have several BJJ gi's and they are covered with patches and advertisements. I only wear them to grapple in. They are not inteaded for my reqular Kempo class. These are some of the best gi's you can buy. I do hate the Brazilian flag on the shoulder though.
Bob :D
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

An advertisement for say karate school XYZ, with a school logo and phone number on the back of the gi. Wasn't talking about school patch, Assocation patch. Promoting or Advertising your school with a human billboard. Do you feel this to be tacky or a sign for a Mcdojo school?
Bob :asian:

Yes, I think this is unacceptable. Traditional artists should not be billboards.

i have been in both situations. when i trained in shotokan it was very traditional. a white gi with a front patch. i am very partial to this look.

when i started in TSD the uniform consisted of 2 front patches, 2 side patches, and a huge name across the back plus a headband (EEEWWWWW) i felt rather silly and always thought i was a walking billboard rather than a martial artist. needless to say i left that dojang.

at the TSD school i am now my uniform is very traditional. you have the option of wearing patches on the side but i just stick to the front patch and midnight blue trim.

i like to keep it plain and simple.
when i started in TSD the uniform consisted of 2 front patches, 2 side patches, and a huge name across the back plus a headband
You had a headband as part of your uniform? Lol, that sounds pretty extreme!
well when i moved to PA this was the only school i knew of that taught TSD. i learned alot and dressed the way we were supossed to. 2 years later and wiser i moved on to another association.

the headband was mostly used during testings.

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