I watched and it's been along time ago. But the chinese of course are very interested on this subject. But I watched a program on the history channel or discovery, and they can measure it. It is real. Your body naturally creates an electrical current, and that's how they measure it, is by measuring the movement of electrical energy through the body. They had some kind of a computer hooked up to the guy, and he was able to manipulate the energy in his body. Able to move it to like his hands or feet, etc... Apparently that's when they went, " Hey that's chi" It's been along time but they were able to see it working in the body. Outside the body for chi ball blasts, and such, well perception is reality I guess.
Now on the flip side the history channel did a special on Star Wars technology. I didn't get the chance to see it yet, but my dad did, and he said that scientists on that show were saying that the force is real. Just humans can't access yet. And probably never will, at least not the way you see yoda, or luke in the movies, but through science, and machines they say that one day we will be able to access such energy. Interesting stuff to be sure. Just thought I would pass that on.
YOu might be able to find the afore mentioned show, if you look hard enough, and as far as the star wars one I'm sure you can buy a dvd on it right from the History channel.