a story from your MA family


Master Black Belt
Sep 30, 2005
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Every art has its heroes. and every family has stories they are proud of. Does your instructor tell you stories about someone in your art or lineage who did something fascinating?
what was it, and what's the moral behind it (if any)?
I think the creation mythologies that many martial arts, especially Chinese martial arts have, are pretty good stories.

Tibetan White Crane claims to have been created when a meditating Tibetan Lama witnessed a fight between a crane and a "mountain ape" (probably a macaque of some kind). Supposedly this lama, who was already an accomplished martial artists, took the circular running and long, swinging, pummelling punches from the ape, and combined it with the elusive and quick movements of the crane, and the art was born. At that time it was known as "Lion's Roar", which is a reference to the birth of the Buddha.

Later, when the art was brought into Southern China, it was known as Lama Pai, or "the style of the Lamas". One of its proponents (I forget the name for sure, but it might have been Wong Yan Lum) set up a challenge platform and welcomed all comers. Supposedly 150 people accepted his challenge and he defeated them all, killing many. And get this: he defeated everyone using the same two techniques.

I love stories like this. It would be interesting to know if there is any truth at all behind them.
yeah that's a nice story
i like going online to read stories like that too. they're always interesting.

Wang Lang who founded the mantis system was always defeated by one of his more experienced kung fu brother. Everytime wang lang (from shandong province, not a shaolin monk) challenges his kung fu brother he would get defeated.
One time wang lang went to the mountains to practice more he saw a small mantis fighting with a cicada which outsized the mantis. Surprisingly the mantis took complete control of the situation and the fight ended with the cicada dead. Wang lang took that mantis and started copying it. He made 2 mantises fight and recorded all their movements. Shortly wang lang was able to defeat his kung fu brother.
I have another story i wanted to share in a different post is the story of Lo Kwan Yu (see 7starmantis avatar).
When Huo Yuan Jia (see last jet li movie - fearless) wanted to preserve chinese martial arts by bringing the greatest masters from all around china to his new Chin Woo institution he asked "Fan Xu Dong" to come and teach. Fan Xu Dong was too old to travel so he sent Lo Kwan Yu instead.
When he arrived with no reputation it was hard for him to teach amongst other great masters from other arts. Master Lo bought a huge candle, lit it up, and put it in front of his house. The candle was always lit up welcoming people and come and challenge him even in the middle of the night. Master Lo defeated anyone who challenged him until he built a pretty good reputation.
He then wanted to give something to the mantis system so he created the 'sup se lo' (14 roads) where he put mantis techniques in forms for his students to practice on their way home!

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