A Lady's Perspective On Defensive Shooting


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
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a happy place
The following article is by Sheriff Jim Wilson from Shooting Times Magazine. Good article.

I was recently contacted by a lady friend in Arizona who felt the need to obtain a defensive handgun and the training that should go with it. She was open to suggestions and sought advice to help her get on the right track with a realistic personal-defense plan. Because I want to respect her privacy, I'll just call her Ann.

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Good stuff, thanks for posting that. I've always enjoyed Wilson's articles.

a couple of quotes that I thought were worth repeating:

- "magazine capacity doesn't stop gunfights nearly so efficiently as center hits do"

- "The civilian who carries a defensive handgun uses it as an exit ticket out of a bad situation, not as an excuse to engage in a pitched battle."