A few questions about paintball


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
So, I've been thinking about getting into Paintball for a while, and I mentioned that to a buddy of mine. He happens to own two markers, and sold me one (this is the marker http://www.pbreview.com/products/reviews/2155/). Me, him (he's Army by the way) and his brother are toying with the idea of setting up a team.

So, does anybody have any advice or ideas for me getting into paintball, or us setting up a team?
Years ago I used to captain a rec team and we had a blast with the game. We used the name Schadenfreude, had a great team patch made and wore cast off East German and Swiss stuff. I was surprised how well we did.

One of our kids who's about your age plays now and really enjoys it. Go for it!
Those damn things HURT. Wear your cup! The last thing you want is a bloody welt down there... Face Masks/goggles are A MUST.
Find a nice playfield with cool employees and hit it up at least once a week and get to know the regulars there. Same as any other sport, practice and you'll get better (especially if you get to know the courses). Eventually if you want to go further upgrade your gun.
Oh yeah,
Wear shoes. There used to be an indoor place here and one time there was this little guy who came in wearing flip flops... I think he had to be carried out.
What I'd really like to get involved in is Airsoft: less messy, but the same idea.

Opinions / comments re: Paintball vs Airsoft, or should I start another thread?