9 year old boy chokes out pitbull to save girl

That is a very brave kid, and I agree that he has a superior mindset. A story like that give me hope that the future is in good hands.
Right on, little dude!
Very brave kid.
Too bad the owner hasn't come forward to claim his dog. But then I don't think I'd want charges pressed against me if that were my dog... but then again... I wouldn't have a dog as mean as that one.

Glad it turned out okay, glad the girl and the dog will be alright as well.
I've thought about that before. Could you put an animal out with a RNC? I've played around with it a little bit wrestling with my brother's dog, but I never really tried for fear of hurting the animal. Good to know that you actually can. Not that I'd recommend it in a dog attack, but at least you have another technique.
I've thought about that before. Could you put an animal out with a RNC? I've played around with it a little bit wrestling with my brother's dog, but I never really tried for fear of hurting the animal. Good to know that you actually can. Not that I'd recommend it in a dog attack, but at least you have another technique.

I hadn't thought of that either. If a dog is biting down on someone, I suppose smacking the top of it's head may cause the teeth to puncture or sink in further or cause a reaction to increase tearing of the flesh and such. Maybe the same with kicking the dog? (which probably what I would have tried first) I wonder if a dog knows it's being put to sleep?
The problem with putting the RNC on a dog is that it puts your throat and face near the mouth of the dog. If you mess up or the dog slips the hold, you're a sitting duck. Much better to improvise a weapon or kick the dog and attempt to keep some distance.
I hadn't thought of that either. If a dog is biting down on someone, I suppose smacking the top of it's head may cause the teeth to puncture or sink in further or cause a reaction to increase tearing of the flesh and such. Maybe the same with kicking the dog? (which probably what I would have tried first) I wonder if a dog knows it's being put to sleep?
Pretty much the same as if it were a human... restricting blood flow, difficulty in breathing, vision going grey and darker plus the strain on the neck muscles/vertebrae are contributing factors. The boy said the dog started relaxing when he put the hold on it, I think it was because the dog realized that it was in a bad way.

The boy did well with that technique and was probably behind the dog when he executed the move. Safer for him as well.
. The boy said the dog started relaxing when he put the hold on it, I think it was because the dog realized that it was in a bad way. .

The dog did this because it's a dog. Canine behavior requires submission to a "hold" on the throat-it's part of how alphas demonstrate dominance.

Kid's an "alpha dog" stud. :lfao:
I give the boy full points for having the presence of mind to do anything under this stress. Human panic can make these situations more desperate.
Well done to that lad. I'd've probably not thought of doing that under the circumstances and would have tried more striking based techniques - that's despite knowing from experience that they simply don't work on an attacking dog. I belted a rottweiler with a (hollow) steel walking stick several times when it attacked my dog ... to absolutely zero effect :eek:.
Outstanding for this kid, way to go. It was mentioned that the dog relaxed once the hold was put on and it had to do with the alpha analogy, that could be it, another view is that it's a good move from behind on a dog for the simple fact that they have alot of arteries/vains running through their neck and any amount of pressure put on will have a immediate effect from such a hold since they cannot defend like a human can against such a move especially with an enraged dog attacking takes on a whole new meaning.

I'm glad the little girl and other dog will be ok also.
Makes me glad my nine year old is in BJJ...he looks a lot like that kid, kinda skinny and timid looking. That kid deserves a medal. I probably would've just started screaming for help.
I've thought about that before. Could you put an animal out with a RNC? I've played around with it a little bit wrestling with my brother's dog, but I never really tried for fear of hurting the animal. Good to know that you actually can. Not that I'd recommend it in a dog attack, but at least you have another technique.

Oh yeah, i've seen it happen. The easiest way, actually, is if they have a collar, is to wrap your hand up in the collar, and twist.....though with some cheap collars the collar may break before the dog loses consciousness. On tougher dogs, though, they'll have thicker collars otherwise they constantly are buying new ones.

Again, wrap the hand in the collar, twist, and push the dogs head toward the ground until he loses consciousness.