+70,000 dead in Sudan




"GENEVA (Reuters) - A total of 70,000 people are estimated to have died as a result of a conflict in Sudan's western Darfur region, with hundreds still dying every day, a top U.N. official says."

This doesn't count the injured, the maimed or the raped. Is the US afraid to take the lead in helping here becasue:
1- No oil, no gain.
2- Too busy, no available troops.
3- Afraid of a repeat of Somalia.

A second question...was it genocide? There was some debate on that awhile back within the UN. Sorry if this has already been discussed here, I didn't check the older pages.
I think it may be because we have such a big difference of opion in the USA about interfering in other countrys. We have troops in a few real hot spots in the world now and with the election close at hand no one in politics wants it to seem that they want to send any more of our troops anywhere.
Depending on who wins the election I would not be suorised to see us in Sudan's western Darfur region.

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