
400 is a nice number Lets hit 500 soon
A good forum that lets people have their say but keeps control when things get heated is a nice place to be
400 members. :) We've increased out membership by about 25-30% so far this month. :)

Renegades got a challenge going to increase our membership and see just how big we can go. (see the Whats New forum for full info) :)
That is GREAT. I hope you get the 600 you are looking for.It will make the site even better to have alot of different opinions and experiences.
Congrats on a great site. As luck would have it according to the counter I happened to be number 400 to register.:D
Congrat; fellows! Great job. Sincerely, In Hulility; Chiduce!
Very impressive! 400 members and still growing which is a good sign. At this rate the Matialtalk will have 1000 by the end of the year. Then it will be real exciting.
We're growing at a great rate, and I fully believe its because we've got a great mix of folks here, and we're getting better al the time! :D

Here's a little something to put our growth in perspective:

I joined this board in September 2001, and I beleive I'm the 45th person to register. Since then, half a year, our membership has increased to over 440...nearly ten times the amount of registered members since I joined. This also doesn't include banned users and pruned accounts.

We be smokin'!
