Hi everybody,
this is to inform you, that we will hold the 2nd Filipino Martial Arts Festival at the 6th and 7th of March 2004 in Dortmund/Germany.
The last Festival was a huge success and was called the largest FMA seminar event worldwide. We were about 450 participants from 10 countries and 18 different FMA styles presented themselves.
And the next shall be even better and bigger!
Here is the list with the planned guest instructors of the 2nd FMA Festival 2004:
Datu Dieter Knüttel (7th Dan Modern Arnis)
Guro Udo Müller (Repräsentant Inosanto Kali Deutschland)
Guro Franz Stroevens (5. Dan Doce Pares Escrima, NL)
GM Diony Canete (10. Dan Doce Pares Escrima, Phil.)
GM Ondo Carburnay (Lapunti Arnis de Abanico, Phil.)
Guro Marc Denny (Dog Brother System, USA)
Guro Marc Wiley (Serrada Escrima, USA)
Guro Bob Breen (Inosanto Kali, GB)
Guro Bob Dubljanin (Buka Jalan Pentjak Silat, Escrima, Kali)
Guro Raoul Gianuzzi (Lapunti Arnis de Abanico, Lux)
Guro Uli Weidle (Pekiti Tirsia Kali)
Punong-Guro Julio Felices (Felices Kali)
Guro Wolfgang Müller (Lameco Escrima)
GM Toni Veeck (Balintawak Arnis)
Masirib Guro Jeff Espinous (Kali Sikaran, Frankreich)
Masirib Guro Emanuel Hart (Inayan Eskrima, USA)
Guro Krishna Godhania (Warrior Eskrima, England)
Special Guest Star: Master Roland Dantes (Phil.)
If this list does not make you courious about this event, then you might not be interested in FMA.
Even coming from the US would be worthwhile. It will be the top FMA event 2004.
You can find information about this event under
Soon this page will be in english as well, but there is not much text right now anyway. You can see also pictures of the 1st FMA Festival from 2002.
I will keep you updated, also about the costs when new information will come.
Please let me know, when some of you are interested enough to make a long trip for the Festival, be it from the US or from elswhere around the world.
Best regards from Germany
Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis
this is to inform you, that we will hold the 2nd Filipino Martial Arts Festival at the 6th and 7th of March 2004 in Dortmund/Germany.
The last Festival was a huge success and was called the largest FMA seminar event worldwide. We were about 450 participants from 10 countries and 18 different FMA styles presented themselves.
And the next shall be even better and bigger!
Here is the list with the planned guest instructors of the 2nd FMA Festival 2004:
Datu Dieter Knüttel (7th Dan Modern Arnis)
Guro Udo Müller (Repräsentant Inosanto Kali Deutschland)
Guro Franz Stroevens (5. Dan Doce Pares Escrima, NL)
GM Diony Canete (10. Dan Doce Pares Escrima, Phil.)
GM Ondo Carburnay (Lapunti Arnis de Abanico, Phil.)
Guro Marc Denny (Dog Brother System, USA)
Guro Marc Wiley (Serrada Escrima, USA)
Guro Bob Breen (Inosanto Kali, GB)
Guro Bob Dubljanin (Buka Jalan Pentjak Silat, Escrima, Kali)
Guro Raoul Gianuzzi (Lapunti Arnis de Abanico, Lux)
Guro Uli Weidle (Pekiti Tirsia Kali)
Punong-Guro Julio Felices (Felices Kali)
Guro Wolfgang Müller (Lameco Escrima)
GM Toni Veeck (Balintawak Arnis)
Masirib Guro Jeff Espinous (Kali Sikaran, Frankreich)
Masirib Guro Emanuel Hart (Inayan Eskrima, USA)
Guro Krishna Godhania (Warrior Eskrima, England)
Special Guest Star: Master Roland Dantes (Phil.)
If this list does not make you courious about this event, then you might not be interested in FMA.
Even coming from the US would be worthwhile. It will be the top FMA event 2004.
You can find information about this event under
Soon this page will be in english as well, but there is not much text right now anyway. You can see also pictures of the 1st FMA Festival from 2002.
I will keep you updated, also about the costs when new information will come.
Please let me know, when some of you are interested enough to make a long trip for the Festival, be it from the US or from elswhere around the world.
Best regards from Germany
Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis