20 Questions

  • Current age? 35
  • Primary martial arts system? Shodokan Aikido
  • Secondary martial arts system? Lau Gar Kung Fu
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Sutemi Waza [sacrifice techniques] or any well executed old-school sweep
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? Coming up on 20
  • Highest rank in a system? 3rd
  • Number of siblings? 3 recently discovered half-sisters [I'm an adoptee]
  • Highest degree earned? PhD in Mathematics
  • Favorite movie? LA Confidential
  • Favorite TV show? Hill Street Blues [take me back...]
  • Favorite actor/actress? Kevin Spacey
  • Favorite book? The Count of Monte Cristo
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Don Quixote [never give up, never give in!]
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? Tyler Durden for my workplace attitude hehe.
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Writing my 3rd novel [as yet unpublished of course] piano and guitar
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? Monica Bellucci [Persephone from the Matrix Rel. etc.] Whoa...those lips... and those... ahem
  • Preferred super power to have? Telekinesis
  • Current occupation? Software something-or-other *yawn*
  • Ideal occupation? International Playboy
  • Best general advice to the world? Shut up and listen
MartialIntent said:
Number of siblings? 3 recently discovered half-sisters [I'm an adoptee]

If you feel like engaging in personal disclosure, I'd like to hear a little more about how this has affected you. Our family experiences shape us in powerful ways. It would be interested to hear how your recent discovery has shaped you.

MartialIntent said:
Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Writing my 3rd novel [as yet unpublished of course] piano and guitar

What sort of stories? I'm an aspiring writer myself. I do more aspiring than writing but still...

MartialIntent said:
Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? Monica Bellucci [Persephone from the Matrix Rel. etc.] Whoa...those lips... and those... ahem

Thanks to the wonder of the internet I recently saw those...ahem...from her very first nude scene. It was 14 years ago (she was 26 at the time). If you haven't seen enough of her (and who could, really?) PM me and I'll point you in the right direction.
Navarre said:
If you feel like engaging in personal disclosure, I'd like to hear a little more about how this has affected you. Our family experiences shape us in powerful ways. It would be interested to hear how your recent discovery has shaped you.
It's a drawn out story... but to precis, the reunited adoptee is in a singular position having not one, but two mothers. There's more than a little internal conflict [especially if your biological mother and sisters resemble you both physically and by personality traits] and trying to wade through the emotional mire takes a fair bit of logic and a great deal of introspection. How has it shaped me? It's actually made me think of myself as more of an individual and less of a product of heritage. Weird. It's like, well, those aren't really my parents, but neither is she [my biological mother]. So where does that leave me? For me and my family, we're the starting point for a new genealogy tree. Maybe there's a thread in there somewhere??
Navarre said:
What sort of stories? I'm an aspiring writer myself. I do more aspiring than writing but still...
Though based on my own background [a fairly tough upbringing during the Troubles on the streets of Belfast, Northern Ireland] I've tried to avoid the cliches and sought to build the story around strong characters. I'd loosely class them as black comedies, my latest creation centering around an unknowing transsexual celebrity singer caught up in a spontaneous combustion furore created by an over zealous Magyar bakery owner, his deceased grandmother and a batch of GM-contaminated bread where our hero, his overbearing, infatuated, lady agent and a professor of Bread Science - his former lover [when he was a female himself] trek from Oaxaca City, Mexico through caves outside Cairo and back to Ireland with the cure for the combustions which are destroying the populus - I mean... would you read that?? Hehe...
Believe it or not, I had a few positive replies from all that from bona fide publishing houses. But when it came to the nuts and bolts, things kinda fell through. So my advice fwiw - I say just keep writing, ideas are everywhere and characters have a fantastic knack of taking your plot where you never thought. Someone out there [chances are a LOT of folk] want to read what you're writing - the key is to figure how to get it to them. Publishers are naturally fickle and frightened. To guarantee success it seems authors must either wield the magic wand of celebrity or just be damn lucky. Oh well... One day!
Navarre said:
Thanks to the wonder of the internet I recently saw those...ahem...from her very first nude scene. It was 14 years ago (she was 26 at the time). If you haven't seen enough of her (and who could, really?) PM me and I'll point you in the right direction.
Mmmmm... Don't mind if I do!! ;)
Your family situation is indeed interesting. I think those of us who don't have solid parental history tend to see ourselves much more individualisticly than most.

For some we end up feeling isolated and bereft of a place in the world. Others feel isolated but determined to forge their own destiny.

It's amazing the power that family has on us; shaping us, it seems, irrevocably long before we have the awareness to adjust our perspective on life. It's definitely thread-worthy, though it would open Pandora's box for many of our inner demons.

The plot for your novel is, um, different. lol I've usually found that the execution of an idea is what shapes its potential. I mean, you could write a bestselling novel about a manure farmer who yodels Hungarian folk music if you can write it cleverly enough.

By being able to stretch beyond the normal fare I'll give you credit and predict that you'll find your audience soon. Good luck.

As for the Monica Bellucci pics, check your PM inbox my lucky friend. :ultracool
  • Current age? 20
  • Primary martial arts system? Kiyojute ryu kempo bugei
  • Secondary martial arts system? None
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Tachi (standing)
  • Kataguruma
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? 5
  • Highest rank in a system? Sensei
  • Number of siblings? 2
  • Highest degree earned? 2nd black
  • Favorite movie? Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
  • Favorite TV show? Just one........ummmmm.........Trigun, I think
  • Favorite actor/actress? George Clooney
  • Favorite book? Transmetropaliton
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Vampire hunter D
  • (Book/Movies)
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? Most any superhero
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Watching
  • shows and movies, play video games, and studying history
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? Christina Ricci
  • Preferred super power to have? Super Ki Powers
  • Current occupation? Security Guard
  • Ideal occupation? Don't know
  • Best general advice to the world? Just have faith.

I'm not familiar with Trigun. What is that?

You like superheroes, eh? Comic book fan then? Which comics do you read regularly?

The question was "personal inspiration" but the superhero group is very broad. The approach of, say Superman vs Batman vs Spider-Man is very different. Whose approach would you best associate with from the superhero world?

Christina Ricci, hmm? Interesting choice. She's petite (but built), brunette, and a bit wicked looking so she certainly works for me.

She has an (odd) sort of look that sets her apart from the rest. I think Rachel Leigh Cook is like that too, but in a different way.

Still small and brunette but a very intriguing face. Sort of like an anime elf girl.
Navarre said:
I'm not familiar with Trigun. What is that?

You like superheroes, eh? Comic book fan then? Which comics do you read regularly?

The question was "personal inspiration" but the superhero group is very broad. The approach of, say Superman vs Batman vs Spider-Man is very different. Whose approach would you best associate with from the superhero world?

Trigun is an anime series, it would take some time to explain the whole series, but I love the main character.

I read Transmetropaliton, Preacher, Silver Surfer, Classic Spiderman, Batman, Classic Superman, Avengers, Captain America, V for Vendeta, League of Extordinary Gentleman, She Hulk, and any jap manga book I pick up almost.

I associate mainly with the Silver Surfer, tortured soul type. I want to be like classical Captain America or Superman, a shining symbol of human excellence.
Captain America is my personal hero as far as comics go. His indominatable will, code of honor, and unwillingness to compromise his integrity shaped me greatly when I was a young boy of 6 with no else to look to.
  • Current age? 29
  • Primary martial arts system? Tae Kwon Do
  • Secondary martial arts system? A mixed art
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Joint locks
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? Close to 3 years
  • Highest rank in a system? Purple belt- 4th kyu
  • Number of siblings? 2 older brothers
  • Highest degree earned? Don't have one, yet
  • Favorite movie? Any of the original Star Wars movies
  • Favorite TV show? Not sure- can't decide
  • Favorite actor/actress? Don't have one
  • Favorite book? The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? The Music Man guy
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? Not sure
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Reading, playing music, listening to music
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)?
  • Preferred super power to have? Teleportation
  • Current occupation? Sales
  • Ideal occupation? Not sure
  • Best general advice to the world? Post more often on MT! (ha!!!)
tkdgirl said:
Primary martial arts system? Tae Kwon Do

Really? I couldn't have guessed by your name. lol

tkdgirl said:
Secondary martial arts system? A mixed artFavorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Joint locks
Are you allowed to use joint locks in your TKD class?

tkdgirl said:
Favorite movie? Any of the original Star Wars movies

Only the first 3? You mean you're not a fan of Jar Jar Binks??? (gasp)

tkdgirl said:
Current occupation? Sales

I worked in sales briefly. Hard job, mentally. ... What sort of product/service? Is it via telemarketing, waiting for the call, referral, door-to-door, or what?
  • Current age? 32
  • Primary martial arts system? Hwa-Rang Taekwondo
  • Secondary martial arts system? Songahm Taekwondo
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Ax kick
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? 21
  • Highest rank in a system? 5th Degree (Master Instructor)
  • Number of siblings? 3
  • Highest degree earned? College? Or Siblings? Associates, 2nd Degree
  • Favorite movie? Napoleon Dynamite
  • Favorite TV show? The Shield
  • Favorite actor/actress? none
  • Favorite book? to many to list
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? again, to many to list
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? Grandmaster Jack Pierce
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Drums, Percussion, 5 y/o son
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? that's a loaded question, only my wife!
  • Preferred super power to have? super farts, wait - I already have that
  • Current occupation? Laser Tech
  • Ideal occupation? Martial Arts Instructor - what else?
  • Best general advice to the world? eat more M&M's
Navarre said:
Really? I couldn't have guessed by your name. lol
Navarre said:
I know it was obvious. It might've only been to some, though. You never know.

Are you allowed to use joint locks in your TKD class?

My other class, yes.

Only the first 3? You mean you're not a fan of Jar Jar Binks??? (gasp)

Not particularly. The prequels were ok- they just don't rank very high on my faves. I'm sorry. lol

I worked in sales briefly. Hard job, mentally. ... What sort of product/service? Is it via telemarketing, waiting for the call, referral, door-to-door, or what?

I used to work for Wal- Mart. Now, I might become a customer serv. rep. if things work out.
  • Current age? 49
  • Primary martial arts system? JiDoKwan TKD
  • Secondary martial arts system? Hapkido
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Spinning Back Kick
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? 9
  • Highest rank in a system? 2nd Dan
  • Number of siblings? None
  • Highest degree earned? Master's/Finance
  • Favorite movie? It's A Wonderful Life
  • Favorite TV show? Good Eats
  • Favorite actor/actress? Tommy Lee Jones/ Amanda Peet
  • Favorite book? Human Comedy (Wm. Saroyan)
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Tom Joad (Grapes of Wrath)
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? My Father
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Astronomy; Wilderness Backpacking/Camping; Reading; Cooking; Piano (OK, couldn't name just 3...sorry)
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? One night stand?........OK, Elle MacPherson will do nicely, I guess.
  • Preferred super power to have? Flight
  • Current occupation? Risk Management
  • Ideal occupation? Guidance Counselor
  • Best general advice to the world? Take responsibility, and make a difference.
  • Current age? 28
  • Primary martial arts system? Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo
  • Secondary martial arts system?MJER
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Kotegashi
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? 2.5
  • Highest rank in a system? 3rd kyu
  • Number of siblings? None
  • Highest degree earned? Masters/CAS in Counseling
  • Favorite movie?True Romance
  • Favorite TV show? Twin Peaks
  • Favorite actor/actress? Christian Slater/Jamie Lee Curtis
  • Favorite book?The Talisman by King
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Ghost Rider
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? Glen Danzig
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? reading, video games, music
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? Mariah Carey
  • Preferred super power to have? Eyebeams
  • Current occupation? Res Life
  • Ideal occupation? Adult film star
  • Best general advice to the world? don't sweat the small stuff

years in ma-3

highest rank-purple belt

number of siblings-1 sister and 1 half sister

highest degree- high school

favorite movie- charlie and the cholate factory

tv show- CSI

actor- tom cruise actress- alyson hannigen

book- harry potter books

fictional charter- harry potter

hero- my father

dream woman- alyson hannigen

super power- flight

current job- cook at charlestown racetrack
hong kong fooey said:
actor- tom cruise actress- alyson hannigen
Tom Cruise, huh?

hong kong fooey said:
dream woman- alyson hannigen

Is this a red-head thing or just an Alyson thing?

hong kong fooey said:
current job- cook at charlestown racetrack

Hey, I've driven right by there! I was on my way to Ranson to a client's office. I should have stopped in for a burger!
Navarre said:
Is this a red-head thing or just an Alyson thing?

I don't know- should I give H K F negative rep? I'm not red- headed, nor am I Alyson:whip: ! Well, he's officially off my buddy list! ;)
i was just going by the rules. your dream person can not be your partner. so the next best thing is alyson hannigen. but your still number one in my book TKD GIRL! :ultracool

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