Why do they not teach Commando Krav Maga or Jujutsu Krav Maga in the US?

As Blindside said ... Go and look. Try a few classes. Talk to the senior students. Look at what they can do. Don't stress about the uniform. We don't have 'camo' but that is just our style's policy.
As Blindside said ... Go and look. Try a few classes. Talk to the senior students. Look at what they can do. Don't stress about the uniform. We don't have 'camo' but that is just our style's policy.

I don't know may be Krav Maga is different and do not do this but most other martial art schools have web site on the info on the program they teach, instructor background info, pictures and promote videos.

Some schools seem more strict on dress code.
So how would I find a Krav Maga school in Florida that teaches like the above video? How would I find school? Do the school web site of Krav Maga say what they are teaching and the level of the instructor?

In the above video they where wearing army clothes and gi do some schools wear this?

How would I find what schools teach what in Florida that alone a Jujutsu Krav Maga school.

I know bupkis about Krav Maga but personally any martial arts/combatives school that wanted me to wear camo clothes in training would be immediately rejected as too tacti-cool to learn anything useful from.
I don't know may be Krav Maga is different and do not do this but most other martial art schools have web site on the info on the program they teach, instructor background info, pictures and promote videos.

Some schools seem more strict on dress code.

I have no idea where you are but I'm going to guess that you have less than 5 krav maga schools within an hours drive of you, more likely it will be less than two unless you are in a major city. This narrows down your choices a lot. The other thing is that a bad instructor (and Krav Maga is notorious for weekend promotions) can muck up a perfectly good system, and you can't tell a good instructor by his certs, his proof is his students, which you need to see in person. So leave the computer and go for a visit.

Oh, and you can then ask the instructor about their specific curriculum, in person, and he can like, talk to you back face to face and stuff.
May be that some thing new they are doing? Learning to fight on the ground?

Or is it only the Commando Krav Maga?

The IKMA group, let by GM Gidon, has ground fighting in it. The Krav Maga Federation, let by Rhon Mizrachi, also has ground fighting in it.
The IKMA group, let by GM Gidon, has ground fighting in it. The Krav Maga Federation, let by Rhon Mizrachi, also has ground fighting in it.
All Krav has 'ground fighting' in it. Just that it is tailored to get back up on your feet, not stay fighting on the ground.
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Be careful of using these videos as a standard for anything you might actually learn. The biggest take away from them is that these guys are good at fight choreography.
So how would I find a Krav Maga school in Florida that teaches like the above video? How would I find school? Do the school web site of Krav Maga say what they are teaching and the level of the instructor?

In the above video they where wearing army clothes and gi do some schools wear this?

How would I find what schools teach what in Florida that alone a Jujutsu Krav Maga school.

Here's the real secret, Krav Maga is just a name. The things they do have been done in countless other schools under a huge variety of names for a very long time. If you want a school that is self-defence orientated there will likely be several to choose from, under several different names. Right now the name "Krave Maga" is hot, it's basically become a marketing buzzword and there are a huge range of organizations all willing to certify instructors, most of whom started in some other style and already know a good chunk of the techniques, if not the way the curriculum is structured and the way the application is taught.

Just go find a school that suits you, you're worrying way too much about the things that don't matter, choice of uniform is completely irrelevant to how good the training is. That first video looked very performance orientated, not really practical with a lot of it. Flying submissions and Aikido like maneuverers are not really what should make up a self-defence based curriculum.

And the name is even weird... "Jujitsu" is Japanese, "Krav Maga" is Israeli. In reality they cover a lot of the same material, but the name "Jujitsu Krav Maga" is just odd. Both are already eclectic in nature, why someone would put two words that largely have the same meaning but from different parts of the world together is a question to be asking. To me it's like someone telling me they invented a new game called Soccer-Football, that is a combination of North American Soccer and European Football... just doesn't really make sense.

Anyways, I guess the point is find a school that teaches what you want to learn, don't get to caught up in making sure it matches the name and uniforms used by guys doing demo videos you found on youtube.
As Blindside said ... Go and look. Try a few classes. Talk to the senior students. Look at what they can do. Don't stress about the uniform. We don't have 'camo' but that is just our style's policy.

If im reading this correctly it sounds like your saying the uniform is camo colored? (Reason why asked, mostly because never seen one before) if so what kind of uniform would come in camo?
If im reading this correctly it sounds like your saying the uniform is camo colored? (Reason why asked, mostly because never seen one before) if so what kind of uniform would come in camo?
Hmm! Think you might have misread my post.

Don't stress about the uniform. We don't have 'camo' but that is just our style's policy.
We don't have Camo because it can give the wrong impression to the general public. In Australia there is a group of people, anti-violence, who never miss an opportunity to have a go at MAs like Krav because they are seen as 'para-military'. We don't want to feed that sentiment by running around in army style clothing.

This is the type of press we could do without ...
Krav maga Israeli self-defence system gaining popularity amid focus on alcohol-fuelled violence - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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