who studied

I am happy to see that a few of the old timers are on this forum and post when they have information to give

I can say that I do not feel I ever studied with Mr. Parker. Yes I did go to the school once while I was studying but I do not consider one visit to be enough to qualify my as syudying under him. I also had the great pleasure of meeting him a few times at the internationals but that is not studying either.
What i learned indirectly from him through his students and their students also dose not qualify me as being "HIS" student but only a member of his organisation at the time he was alive
I did. For 12 straight years.


More than just about anybody else. Many called themselves "students' and saw Parker rarely on a one-to-one basis for real lessons. Dennis was/is a good businesman and Parker recognized his intelligence, and was there constantly one-on-one. More so than any other individual I ever saw over that period. Ed Parker nicknamed Dennis affectionately an "information pack rat." He would come for a lesson, and soak up all he could physically, intellectually, and materially, take it home digest and stash it and come back for more almost immediately. There isn't anyone I know smarter about that aspect of Parker's teaching than Dennis "Pack Rat" Conatser. (and he knows where all the good BarBQ spots are too!)
I stated on an earlier post, that I was an Ed Parker Black Belt; I do have a Kenpo Black Belt; did Ed Parker sign it: you bet; did he advance me and
sign on the right side as instructor...no he did not. I am a Parker Kenpo
3rd generation Black Belt, by Sonny Reyes, under James Ibrao. I also
have a 1st generation Black Belt in LimaLama by Tino Tuiolosega and a
1st generation Black Belt by James Woo..I did get to study with Parker
at his home and at the studio. Mr. Parker taught some of the LimaLama
students his style of Kenpo as well as some of Mr. woo's students and a
lot of us ended up at the Woo Academy downtown for one reason or
another...some personal and some political and me, just because Tino
Tuiolosega would travel back and forth to the islands. I have some very
good memories from that era. l did get to meet Bob Wall about 40 years
ago. Ed Parker, Tino Tuiolosega, another student and myself were going
over to Westminister, to the LimaLama studio and on the way we went
into this studio in Garden Grove to watch some students work out, and
Bob Wall was there. I recently got an e-mail from Bob inviting me to join
WorldBlackBelt. Its a good site and has a lot of famous high ranking belts
just like you guys on here.....so do i still consider myself a Parker Black Belt,,,
yes I do....because Parker taught and promoted and the ones that learned
and advanced under these instructors are still Parker Black Belts and so on
down the line....common sense dictates that somewhere along the line,
yes, there has to be a cutoff, because at some point you are so far down
in the family tree (Generation) that you are not even close to the original
teachings, but I don't know just how or who would be the judge of that.
Its a whole new topic and most likely would be a hot one with a lot of
no way jose, etc......but this is only my opinion and I worked just as hard
as the rest of you, to achieve what little I have achieved..i have never
advanced past 4th degree Black Belt in any style but I sure had fun when
I was younger and met some very famous people and am a part of history
and that I guess is better than having done nothing at all.
I stated on an earlier post, that I was an Ed Parker Black Belt; I do have a Kenpo Black Belt; did Ed Parker sign it: you bet; did he advance me and
sign on the right side as instructor...no he did not. I am a Parker Kenpo
3rd generation Black Belt, by Sonny Reyes, under James Ibrao. I also
have a 1st generation Black Belt in LimaLama by Tino Tuiolosega and a
1st generation Black Belt by James Woo..I did get to study with Parker
at his home and at the studio. Mr. Parker taught some of the LimaLama
students his style of Kenpo as well as some of Mr. woo's students and a
lot of us ended up at the Woo Academy downtown for one reason or
another...some personal and some political and me, just because Tino
Tuiolosega would travel back and forth to the islands. I have some very
good memories from that era. l did get to meet Bob Wall about 40 years
ago. Ed Parker, Tino Tuiolosega, another student and myself were going
over to Westminister, to the LimaLama studio and on the way we went
into this studio in Garden Grove to watch some students work out, and
Bob Wall was there. I recently got an e-mail from Bob inviting me to join
WorldBlackBelt. Its a good site and has a lot of famous high ranking belts
just like you guys on here.....so do i still consider myself a Parker Black Belt,,,
yes I do....because Parker taught and promoted and the ones that learned
and advanced under these instructors are still Parker Black Belts and so on
down the line....common sense dictates that somewhere along the line,
yes, there has to be a cutoff, because at some point you are so far down
in the family tree (Generation) that you are not even close to the original
teachings, but I don't know just how or who would be the judge of that.
Its a whole new topic and most likely would be a hot one with a lot of
no way jose, etc......but this is only my opinion and I worked just as hard
as the rest of you, to achieve what little I have achieved..i have never
advanced past 4th degree Black Belt in any style but I sure had fun when
I was younger and met some very famous people and am a part of history
and that I guess is better than having done nothing at all.

Sounds to me like your creds are as good, or better than a whole bunch of know-it-all people banging on their chest. Welcome to Martial Talk - Kenpo Section. :)
Thank You,
Its an honor to have someone of your stature to send out "kudos," and at the
same time realize that I in no way told a fib or tried to build myself up in anyway whatsoever...it is, what it is, and that is, all it is.....my god, now I
have gotten myself, confused...if you can figure that one out, let me know....
again, thanks for understanding my reasoning on my belt, it does mean very
much to me, along with the others, as some of them that signed them are no
longer with us and one, Tino Tuiolosega, has suffered another stroke and can
no longer teach. (another great loss to the MA World) His son Rudy was
advanced to 10th degree in 2004 by His Father and is now in charge of LImaLama, and I speak to him about once a month or so....i guess its true,
the tides of time, take their toll on all of us, sooner or later...again thanx
Thank You,
Its an honor to have someone of your stature to send out "kudos," and at the
same time realize that I in no way told a fib or tried to build myself up in anyway whatsoever...it is, what it is, and that is, all it is.....my god, now I
have gotten myself, confused...if you can figure that one out, let me know....
again, thanks for understanding my reasoning on my belt, it does mean very
much to me, along with the others, as some of them that signed them are no
longer with us and one, Tino Tuiolosega, has suffered another stroke and can
no longer teach. (another great loss to the MA World) His son Rudy was
advanced to 10th degree in 2004 by His Father and is now in charge of LImaLama, and I speak to him about once a month or so....i guess its true,
the tides of time, take their toll on all of us, sooner or later...again thanx

It's good to have an old dog on the boards. Welcome.
Thank You,
Its an honor to have someone of your stature to send out "kudos," and at the
same time realize that I in no way told a fib or tried to build myself up in anyway whatsoever...it is, what it is, and that is, all it is.....my god, now I
have gotten myself, confused...if you can figure that one out, let me know....
again, thanks for understanding my reasoning on my belt, it does mean very
much to me, along with the others, as some of them that signed them are no
longer with us and one, Tino Tuiolosega, has suffered another stroke and can
no longer teach. (another great loss to the MA World) His son Rudy was
advanced to 10th degree in 2004 by His Father and is now in charge of LImaLama, and I speak to him about once a month or so....i guess its true,
the tides of time, take their toll on all of us, sooner or later...again thanx

Tell Rudy I said Hello. Haven't seen him in years. Been a few since I've seen Tino as well.
Hey, Doc, I sure will tell Rudy hi for you....I'm not sure if very many people in The MA community are aware, but Tino has lost the ability to speak, due to the stroke; his mind and memory are still sharp and he tends to get very
emotional when he sees or hears one of the old students...I am so fortunate to be one of the very few, that got to learn from this great master
Hey Diamondbar, welcome to Martial Talk! :asian:

Something I was curious about...what kind of reach does Lima-Lama have nowadays? It always seemed like a very interesting system, but not really well known outside of Hawaii or SoCal.
Hey, Doc, I sure will tell Rudy hi for you....I'm not sure if very many people in The MA community are aware, but Tino has lost the ability to speak, due to the stroke; his mind and memory are still sharp and he tends to get very
emotional when he sees or hears one of the old students...I am so fortunate to be one of the very few, that got to learn from this great master

Yeah I know. He's been that way awhile now. Please give him my best regards.
If three seminars and an extended Black Belt class count. Very enlighting.
Personally I find that photo of Dr. Crouch, Doc, and Mr. Hale in Santa Rosa absolutely fascinating. I've been told it's one of the best pics of Doc...and I refuse to reveal who made that ascertation. :)
i had saw doc in black belt mag. a few years back and his apperence has definitly changed..:)

Daughters and grand daughters have a profound impact on ones psyche and appearance over time. I am one many victims of the estrogen mafia sir.