Which martial art do you WISH you could learn?


Ninway J

Which martial art do you WISH you could learn, but can't or won't for some reason? Be it lack of instructors, bad knees, bad instructors, bad students, etc.

This thread goes along-side of "Which Martial Art and Why?"

I noticed quite a few people began studying their martial art out of convenience (ie. it was the only dojo in town.)
REAL ninjitsu. Complete with ninja swords (dont remember what they're called), shurikens, wall climbing tools, stealth. The works. Not this fake stuff that seems to go around a lot.

But I'm learning my first choice ever right now, Praying Mantis Kung Fu, so it's all good :)
Wu Shu, Chang Chuan long form. It would either be a comprehensive way to stay in shape via dynamic, full-range motion daily, or destroy what's left of the joints in my body. 2 blown discs in low back w/ pressure on thecal sac & left side neural foramina + sciatica in both legs and partial foot-drop on the left, but can't get surgery. Also disc stuff in neck w/ associated radicular upper extremity pain and weakness; SLAP lesion w/ torn rotator cuff (partial thickness tears in supraspinatus, and of all the damndest places, infraspinatus) right shoulder; "increased signal intensity" consistent with crapped out menisci in both knees; right elbow and wrist DJD secondary to repetitive trauma (makiwara? Heavy bag? BJJ? Train carefully, y'all: Your biography eventually becomes your biology); medial epicondylitis right elbow with candidacy for surgical debridement of flexor tendons. (the stuff that keeps me from jumping in and learning Chang Chuan).

This form, and gymnastics floor routines, look to me like the closest hominids will ever come to flight. How cool must it feel to whip this sucker off? Not in front of people, but just to yourself in a field somewhere? (git down wit yo bad self!)

Ah, to fly.

I'd love to train some of the other FMAs that I can't afford to fly out and train. I'd love to try Caperoia (sp), but I don't have the upper body strength to balance my lower body weight. Krabi Krabong because I love the feel of a dha / darb. There are a few Chinese based systems I'd like to train, like Hung Gar, drunken, and some of the animals like snake, tiger or monkey. There is mantis, Wing Chun and Tai Chi here. I've tried them all and would love to continue, but I have no time due to the arts I do train. I'd also love to do some fencing (epee/foil/saber) and some more boxing, which we have here, but again I have no time. I thought it would be neat to see some Lua.
This sounds cheesy, but I'm studying the one system I've allways looked for. I've trained in JKD and another system of kung fu and now in 7* preying mantis and this is by far what I was searching for.

If I had to choose another art because somehow I was unable to train with my sifu, it would probably be aikido, although some very combat oriented version.

Was studying aikido for a short time but got interrupted by school. Would love to be able to study iaijitsu/kenjitsu. No instructors around though.
7starmantis said:
This sounds cheesy, but I'm studying the one system I've allways looked for. I've trained in JKD and another system of kung fu and now in 7* preying mantis and this is by far what I was searching for.

If I had to choose another art because somehow I was unable to train with my sifu, it would probably be aikido, although some very combat oriented version.


Lucky man.

If I won the lottery and practical limits were not a consideration:

For conditioning and grit: Boxing/kick boxing
For reality impact: FMA/Firearms
For artistic/spirtual harmony development: Aikido/Tai Chi/Yoga
For just shear fun or interest: Wushu/capoeria
To get 'chicks': Kenjutsu
For me it would be Praying Mantis Kung-Fu (none where I am and I want a GOOD one) and Aikido.

I choose the Praying Mantis because from what I hear of the style it is aggressive and also very deadly. This is because my current style Fujian White Crane is quite 'mellow' in terms of style and while I like the style alot I want a more aggressive style under my command as well.

And Aikido because well it looks so graceful and effective. I don't think you'd ever need a combat oriantated version of it if you train in the techiniques and then just pick out the ones you think are good.
I'd like to go back to TSD "just because." I was also interested in Hapkido for the longest time. The mental aspect interests me. It's a decent self defense art, and pretty much well rounded (depending on the system, that is).

But it's a case of no such dojangs of either in my area :(
I'd like to take Kenpo or Aikido and one kung fu; Wing Chun, Hung Gar, or 7* Preying Mantis sometime, and Tai Sheng Pekwar just for fun. And I wish I could take a more advanced Grappling class, but what I'm in now is ok. Most of the stuff I named is about 2-3 hrs away from me, in Orlando or Jacksonville. LOL.

There is an Isshin-Ryu Karate school about 10 minutes from my house, but... I'd also like to take some Wushu, Capoeria, or gymnastics.

I took TKD because both of the schools I've been to are really close. Where I live, there are about 6-10 TKD schools in a 15-20 mi. radius. So, you can guess why I took it. I want to take Kenpo, but it's too far away. And I've looked and Aikido is in Orlando. I've just got one thing to say to any of you who want to move to Daytona Beach, Florida: It may be the fun capital of the world, but we have a horrible variety of MA. TKD, TKD, TKD, TKD!!!! Don't get me wrong, I love TKD, or well the one I take. It's just we don't have anything but TKD.
I'd also like to learn how to fence(foil/epee/saber). been something I have been wanting to do since I was REAL little...
Seven Star Praying Mantis would be the one for me. Of course at my age and health conditions I really do not think I could do it at a high level. God Bless America
ShaolinWolf said:
I'd also like to learn how to fence(foil/epee/saber). been something I have been wanting to do since I was REAL little...

Yes, this is something I've wanted to do for a long time...ever since the six fingered man slew my father...
For me, Ba Gua and Qi Gong. I'd like to learn the internal healing aspects of these arts. And, Dim-Mak on the side.
upnorthkyosa said:
Yes, this is something I've wanted to do for a long time...ever since the six fingered man slew my father...
I am an absolutely huge fan of obscure references to classic humor! You keeled my father; prepare to die!

(I haven't had a rush like this since the time I told a guy at the door he was arguing with me, and he responded in an english accent, "No I'm not.")

God Bless the Obscure Humor Reference!


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