What do you think of this

that is no problem for me.thanks

Originally posted by Kirk

Please Keep The Discussion Friendly, And On Topic

- MT Moderator -

Originally posted by lungshihpo

that is no problem for me.thanks


I guess you calling me a "jerk" is just your way of being "Friendly"......:boing1:
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

I guess you calling me a "jerk" is just your way of being "Friendly"......:boing1:

He said he'd let it go. So let it go.

-MT Moderator-
Originally posted by lungshihpo

why don't you just let it go!please e-mail me the interpretation,other than that damian sees what were trying to do here,and yes you were a jerk, but that is fine,your negative marks are not going to bother me,that is not offense because im not going argue with you ,,so you disagree,fine!!like i said i will send it to you when i have all the information,damian and i seem to feel you put just a little more in than your opinion,


I like the way he says "let it go" and then calls me a jerk.

Isn't that kind of like saying "let it go" but F. you in the proccess...........
:waah: I'm not going to argue with you anymore. But just for the record, I didn't say you WERE a jerk, personally, I just said you were being a jerk.

Originally posted by lungshihpo

why don't you just let it go!please e-mail me the interpretation,other than that damian sees what were trying to do here,and yes you were a jerk , but that is fine,


Seems pretty clear to me what you trying to say.
HA HA AH AH AH HA HA!!! The drama is killing me!!!!!! :argue:


Just like a soap....

As this discussion has so eloquently illustrated, electronic communication via email or bulletin boards fails to adequately convey the tone and meaning of what is better said in person...

RyuShiKan is a friend of mine, and sometime teacher. I have known him for almost 2 years I'd guess, and I have yet to see him be mean or "act like a jerk." He is very direct, and has a certain sense of sarcasm that tends to come out when confronted by martial silliness (I think that is a Midwestern thing, since I do it too and we are only "down the road" from each other back home...).

Given that even here in Japan there are fraudulent martial artists trying to cash in on the ignorance of others, if it were my doing, I likely would not have been quite so forthcoming with a translation of your system's name... If you were using the words incorrectly, it would only highlight your lack of adequate knowledge to those more "in the know."

It is a personal pet peeve of mine (and I think RyuShiKan and several other folks I know that are multi-lingual share with me) when English speakers (primarily Americans) attempt to make use of Asian languages to make their home made arts seem more legitimate, but use the languages so incorrectly that their terms are laughable. There is one individual that has been discussed at great length on www.e-budo.com whose self-made art's Japanese kanji translation was literally "whore house style" instead of his intended term. Most folks didn't know any different, but he has taken some serious blows to his credibility due to his complete lack of authenticity (and this not due solely to his lack of language skills, either) as pointed out by people that are multi-lingual.

Bottom line, if you are going to use the language, do your homework.


RyuShiKan, I think, was simply hoping that you would do a little more work on translating the name of your style instead of relying on the abilities of others to fill in the holes for you. If what you do works, then that is ultimately all the legitimacy you need, but that added effort to discover the real meaning of the name speaks volumes for your credibility and character.

Good luck with Dragon Temple Method. Cool name.


:samurai: :samurai:
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

Saying that dialect is old is kind of like saying English is old .............most languages are old.

Yes, but not all dialects of them are--Greek is an old language, but Attic is older than Koine which in turn is older than Byzantine, and the modern, government-approved dialect is less than 50 years old (from its official date of acceptance). English is old but the American English dialect(s) rather less so.

The dialect in question may well be old and indeed most languages are also, but dialects are something different--many of them are new, though many are old, and many more are extinct.
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
There is one individual that has been discussed at great length on www.e-budo.com whose self-made art's Japanese kanji translation was literally "whore house style" instead of his intended term.

I swear to God I am going to start learning that style.

Originally posted by arnisador

Yes, but not all dialects of them are--Greek is an old language, but Attic is older than Koine which in turn is older than Byzantine, and the modern, government-approved dialect is less than 50 years old (from its official date of acceptance). English is old but the American English dialect(s) rather less so.

Sorry that's all Greek to me.............;)
Sorry couldn't resist the corny joke.

But back to what you were talking about.................Mandarin is a really old "dialect", and it is also the "official" language of China.
All the schools teach it and are supposed to teach using it.

There are certain types of Chinese that are very old an most people don't use them. Sort of like Latin or Shakespearean English.
RyuShiKan, I think, was simply hoping that you would do a little more work on translating the name of your style instead of relying on the abilities of others to fill in the holes for you.

Im not waiting for him to fill in the holes, my teacher told me what it meant,that's all i need,he said people would not recognize it to day,like i said it's from an older dialect,but movement of the golden dragon is the interpretation we have,yes we knew it dont match up "today".I just wanted to hear what it meant since he said it did not mean what i said,after i get the exact information from my teacher i will post it.Im not arguing or throwing offense,but i will find out the deal,im curious myself now!thanks

Jason :asian:
I talked to my teacher,the dialect is over 100 yrs old,it's base from shaolin-do,which sifu originally learned from 'Sin The',a chinese martial artist that moved to lexington,Ky in the 60's

Shaolin-Do is one of the arts most often attacked on the internet for its inability to properly account for its own legitimacy.

There have been extensive threads on other bulletin boards (i.e. www.kungfuonline.com, www.e-budo.com) about Shaolin-Do and some of its questionable background.

I hope that, while you say your "base" is in Shaolin-Do, your teacher has managed to turn it into something else.

Good luck in your training.


:samurai: :samurai:
he has,he's very versatile in his teachings,he says if it works go for it,Thanks

Shaolin-Do is one of the arts most often attacked on the internet for its inability to properly account for its own legitimacy.

I find it interesting that so many people make judgements based on semantics. I was a Shaolin-do practitioner for 6 years. Average time to reach 1st black is 5.

I can fill you all in on your questions. I've read the so-called "extensive" discussions on all the sites and they all seem to have your issue; why a chinese art with a japanese name? Let me explain.

1st - Shaolin-do's history is based on the lineage of the southern Shaolin temple in the Fukien province. Hence the "wookie" as mentioned before was born with Hypertrichosis, that disease that gives you excess body hair. The story goes that he was dumped at the gates of the southern temple by his parents who thought they gave birth to a demon.

The Seven Shao-lin Temples:
Honan (most famous), Fukien, Shantung, Omei Shan, Kwang Tung, Wu-Tang, & Hua Mountain
Southern temple: Fukien Shao-lin Temple, Lin Ch'uan Yuan Putien County

Su Kong T'ai Djin - (1849 - 1928) (the wookie)
Last grandmaster when the temple was destroyed by the Ch'ing Kwang Hsu Emperor--beginning of the 20th century.

Ie Chang Ming - (1880 - 1968)
Disciple and Successor to Su Kong T'ai Djin. Also one of the last surviving monks at the Fukien temple before it was burned to the ground. Fled to Indonesia when persecuted by soldiers.

Sin Kwang The´ - (1943 - Present)
Current Grandmaster and Successor to Ie Chang Ming. Also from the Fukien province.

Sin The learned from Ie Chang Ming in Indonesia where Japanese political influence was prominant. You all know the hatred between the japanese and the Chinese at the time.

So in order to continue to teach, and not be persecuted, Ie Chang Ming donned the Japanese style of uniform and ranking. He called the art Shaolin-Do, The way of the Shaolin, since many of his students were indonesian or Japanese. He had few chinese students since the chinese were not liked. It simply stuck to this day.

It doesn't get any easier than that.

When Sin The' first started the school in Kentucky, there was discussion as to whether or not they should use the traditional style uniform commonly seen with kung fu schools. In fact, they even tried them. But they found the traditional karate gi was more durable so they chose to stay with it. The Japanese ranking system made the most sense.

They are not secret, and there are no contracts to sign.

Just an injury waiver. The forms or katas are plenty, as are the weapons training.

There is alot of information which may explain the lack luster technique in the brown belt class.

You see, when they test, they have to test on all forms and techniques form white belt on; everytime they test, for every belt. it never stops. Not like some schools that let you forsake the earlier teachings when you test.

When they practice, everyone from white belt on up goes over everything as a warm up.

I would agree that at times there seems to be too much crammed into a practice but they believe that everyone will practice on their own as well. By the time one reaches 1st black, (usually in 5 years) one would hopefully have either mastered the basics or perform them with great skill. But as you all know, everyone's learning curve is different.

They have light and full contact sparring in every class. Glove sparring for the black belts only. As also blindfolded tai chi sparring.

They are dedicated martial artists and work hard at what they do. They stick to the traditional chinese way of doing things as much as possible.

I was with them for 6 years and enjoyed every minute of it. I still practice all of the forms and weapons I learned, which are quite lengthy.

So before you all "Poo Poo" something you don't know that much about, I would suggest you visit a school, talk to an instructor and ask them your questions. You will find them quite amiable and willing to take the time with you.

Shaolin-Do is a chinese art in a Japanese gi...so what. I see chinese schools in sweats and t-shirts. If what you wear is criteria for legitimacy, then we are all in trouble.

Don't judge them, they are serious about their art, just like you. :rolleyes:


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