What do you think of this

Actually Rob, Gou is more in line with what I was thinking. At least he was earlier in this thread. As a Thai boxer you learn real quick the difference between winning and losing, surviving and dying. All your skill in the world wont save you if you cant take a hit. Theres always that lucky hit that lands square in your face when you thought you had a good defence. These guys are definately learning how to take a hit. I worry that people don't read the whole thread.... so I'll say it again: watch ALL the videos, it quickly becomes apparent that most of them have no training...but then theres like 2 or 3 that do and they are pretty good at what they do. Not to mention they are going to land up way tougher than your average martial artist and survive better in a real life conflict. If you guys really dont like the way they train.... how the heck do you think the military trains? They train for real, just like these guys.

Hell I'm still trying to master the "triple sweep" I saw in one of their videos, I'm sorry but that took skill and I doubt many other trained martial artists could pull it off so fluidly. Go watch all the videos guys! I mean the ones inside the site! Not the injury ones on the front page sheesh.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Vlad has this kewl kick where he uses the roundhouse kick from one guy to make him kick his friend as they attack you in tandem. It's neat.
Thank you I couldn't have said better my self,Gou,as far as the 2 or 3 of us that train in martial arts,we do practice formally through the week,then on sunday we try to put to use against ourselves and a bunch of guys that just like to fight and in which if you can see a big difference in their fighting as well,your seeing just clips no longer than 30 secs. long. so there is alot you dont see,after they mess up, if they were here to learn we show them what they did wrong,then on the other hand there is also people who come just to brawl and fight so yeah then your out to win the fight because a street fighters heart is BIG although there skills are inadequate,you have a fight on your hands, like damian said a punch can hit you square in the face just when you think your winning,so every fight that is like this is excellent training and yes it isn't always pretty,but if it works use it I always say,but damian has the exact Idea of what were doing here,so thanks to him,still what like to know what was so terrible?

For those of you that don't read the whole thread and don't know, the previous poster "lungshihpo" aka Jason is the host for the site we are talking about.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

RyuShinKan.......2 questions, did you bother to read this whole thread and did you bother to watch ALL the videos on the website?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Yep, read it.
Yep, watched all the videos.
And in all those videos you can honestly say you saw no level of skill in any of the combatants?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I feel the martial skills in the video were undefined, with very little clarity of how any structured technique was executed. I train my students in manner which explores these guys same type of reasoning. Yet the actual real world fighting is done with more definition on the part of attacker and defender. The attacker is not going to sit and spar for a specific amount of time in an actual violent street attack anyway. He will have mapped out a simple plan that works for him/her and stick to it. The defender then has to react with a set of actual defensive counters which will set-up, and fail the attack. I train my students to defend walk-bys, walk-ups, blind side on-rushes, side on-rushes and side walk-ups, striking after the pass, jog-bys etc,. The defender then is faced with his/her total body being of self-relaxing and feeling attention in experiencing the attacker's intention. The defender again learns that self-control helps to gain control of the violent attack. I feel that they need less sparring and more organization in defining the true roles of both participants. The real street fight for the attacker whether it is to go wacko, use striaight excessive force, or the element of surprise will always be pre-planned. Clubs will be a slightly different matter! Usually it will depend on the consumption of spirits and mental stability. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
we have about 20 new clips in mpeg version,I would like to here some more opinion's,some are good,and some are funny,but i would still like to know what is so terrible?thanks

"I feel the martial skills in the video were undefined"

Chiduce, I find real life fights to be brutal, aggressive and completely lacking any defined clearly executed techniques. It's fast and furious and if you are skilled enough to throw a solid clear technique than great but I never had it happen that way for me.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Chiduce, I find real life fights to be brutal, aggressive and completely lacking any defined clearly executed techniques.

Their technique or yours?
So does that mean we should practice with our hands at our waist like the guys in the videos seem to do most of the time?
Should we throw wild "hay makers" like they do and what not or should we practice to throw better clean more well directed techniques?

Originally posted by Damian Mavis

It's fast and furious and if you are skilled enough to throw a solid clear technique than great but I never had it happen that way for me.
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Maybe you should work on perfecting that area then.

Practicing full out is great and it gives you a sense of real timing, speed and power, plus you soon find the results of a missed block but if your aren't going to try and improve your technique then you are just wasting your time.
Yep, read it.
Yep, watched all the videos,by ryu

I dont believe that you watched all the clips,on my web stats there was no activity like that from japan,Maybe you did,maybe you didn't,I'd sure would like to see some clips of you executing pcompletely defined techniqus technique against a wild,uncontrolled street fighter,how do you train?wondering what the critics to do that is so sufficient over what I do!thanks

Originally posted by lungshihpo

I dont believe that you watched all the clips,on my web stats there was no activity like that from japan,Maybe you did,maybe you didn't,I'd sure would like to see some clips of you executing pcompletely defined techniqus technique against a wild,uncontrolled street fighter,how do you train?wondering what the critics to do that is so sufficient over what I do!thanks

I kind of had a feeling if someone didn't give you "glowing revues" on what fabulous martial skills you poses that you would get your nose out of joint.
"So does that mean we should practice with our hands at our waist like the guys in the videos seem to do most of the time?
Should we throw wild "hay makers" like they do and what not or should we practice to throw better clean more well directed techniques?"

Exactly, WE should practice clear technique but our ATTACKERS can come at us wildly just like a real life fight, that is perfect training.

"Practicing full out is great and it gives you a sense of real timing, speed and power, plus you soon find the results of a missed block but if your aren't going to try and improve your technique then you are just wasting your time."

Couldn't agree with you more. I've asked you before if you read all the videos and if you read the previous posts and you said you had but that last statement just proved thats not true. There a couple of guys (Jason included) who DO train at this very moment and if you watch the videos and read whos in them you can see which guys have obvious technique and which ones are throwing haymakers. Have you not seen the many no holds barred matches on TV? They employ alot of the same methods of fighting and training, take him down, pin him and pummel him.

"I kind of had a feeling if someone didn't give you "glowing revues" on what fabulous martial skills you poses that you would get your nose out of joint."

RyuShinKan, whats your problem? Its ok to disagree here, he has a right to ask you a simple question, hell he's not even angry hes just asking politely. Why dont you just have a nice conversation with us instead of acting defensive?

Did you get my reply to your second email? I was worried it didn't get sent properly. Your not exactly a nice person and I'm really curious why? I've met peope like you on message boards before and never had the chance to ask, what makes you so unfriendly? This board is all about rational discussions and disagreeing on many different topics but we all respect each others opinion and keep talking. You don't do that.

Can you try to be a little nicer? It's no fun hating you, I'd much rather have interesting debates with you.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
my nose hasn't went anywhere,like i said i enjoy reading this,and I certainly dont need "your " comment to feel confident in what i do,like damian said,i'm not even angry,if people spend time dwelling on others negativity,everyone would be miserable,in my eyes if you think im personally not trained,that's fine

Practicing full out is great and it gives you a sense of real timing, speed and power, plus you soon find the results of a missed block but if your aren't going to try and improve your technique then you are just wasting your time.

and this statement here is your assumption only!,I or no one here ever said that we did not train other than what you see on the clips,the site was put up because the people who had been coming over said hell with all these tapes we got we ought to make a web site,so I did!

Thanks Damian,you could not be anymore accurate.

Jason :asian:
What is the difference between the Dog Brothers, Bakbakan intl., or the other popular full contact fighting groups then Jasons backyard?

One word: training!

The fact that the dog brothers have trained with some of the top instructors in the world gives them the credability to run a full contact fighting club. The fact that the amount of training (and from who) that Jason, and the members of this group have recieved is unclear is part of what ruins the credability of the group.

Jason: First off, I want to say that I like your demeanor on this forum. I must say I am suprised. No offense, but when I browsed your site I honestly thought that you would be an @$$hole, but you don't appear to be. You seem like a pretty cool guy who wants to train for "fighting", not just for "art". I think that is respectable enough.

I am going to make a few suggestions for you, if I may. Please don't take offense to anything I say. And obviously these are only suggestions from some Yankee that you don't know, so take or leave what I say.

1. Training; Make the information on the training that you have already recieved more accessable. I know that you listed some things, but what you have listed isn't enough info. You need specifics and instructors backgrounds. If your training background is limited, so what...then say so. It is better to be honest then not.

Then, go out and get training. I know you have some, but get more...and not just from the guy down the street. Travel, if you can, and seek out the best instructors in the world. When you publish in a website anything regarding fighting, you'll only be as credable as your instructors.

2. Liability: It seems that your letting anyone into your group. Plus, this is at your house. I know you have set up rules and disclaimers, but these aren't enough. You can still get sued; it not only can happend, but it does happend all the time. No judge will understand what your doing, either. Hell, some of the people on this thread don't even understand, and they're martial artists. It would be very easy for someone to paint a very ugly picture of you in court.

You could start with a waiver, written by an attorney that would cover all local and state statues. Even that isn't enough, though. You need instructors liability insurance as well. Until you get these things you really need to limit those who join your group. You could have some trash talker come in, challenge everyone, get hurt, then try to sue you. Even if it doesn't stick, going through a law suit is a nightmare.

3. Safety: It appear's that you guy's have rules in place, and that you have perimeters. I think you might need some more, though, or some better refereeing to avoid serious injury. I think that we can both agree that anytime rules are put in place, combat becomes contest and it's not the same. So, since it is a contest anyways,...why not put more definitive rules, or at least better refereeing in place to prevent injury?

4. Getting out of your element: You and the people in your group should compete in full contact tournaments outside your backyard. It is easy to be the backyard champ, but competing at national and world levels is quite another game. Expanding your groups horizons and competing in tournament circut's will demonstrate your true abilities.

Please excuse sp errors (I'm at work and I had to hammer this out at high speed!)

Have fun and happy training! :asian:
paul this is my training you asked for:

when I was 9 i started shaolin kung fu, called lung shih po,which stands for movement of the golden dragon,that is my primary art,I studied under sifu Paul Newton,the 1st 5 yrears of training was heavy I stopped going to class when football started but i always practiced and sparred,after football i went back for 2 years,the past 2 years i have been studiing ninjutsu to improve my ground skills,at my primary school,my teacher on the side would teach pressure point srtiking,another teacher there was fluent in chin na,and he taught as well,that was only taught to the advanced students,one teachers was trained in bjj,that is the ground skill i had before i started practicing ninjutsu.

The class was very versatile my teachers said if it works, use it! regardless of what style it came from,blackbelt requirements are30 short forms,30 sparring techniques,9 long forms,5 weapons forms,15 ippons,sparring,my teacher retired very recently,thats sucks!,he still get with me about 2 times a month,he had 4 black belts in different styles,judo,shaolin din ro,(not sure on the spelling),isshin-ryu,and not exact on the last one ,he has studied for a total of 37 years,and the last 21 yrs he has studied pressure point striking,so he decided to name his own style which had a complilation of all the styles he had learned,but the class structure was mainly shaolin kung fu being taught,it was the foundation for the animal forms,etc.

but yes I do train ,most of the matches here are to help the ones who are learning ,but there are street fighters who are here to fight, so those guys you have to treat like a fight,which like said i think is great training.but despite what most think there are 2 or 3 here ,who are skilled.paul i hope that helps you some,IM me one day if you like to know further,but thanks for your opinion ,Train hard!!

Originally posted by lungshihpo

paul this is my training you asked for:

when I was 9 i started shaolin kung fu, called lung shih po,which stands for movement of the golden dragon,that is my primary art,I

Lung Shr Po= movement of the golden dragon...........really?
I don't think so.
it is a style he created as far as the name,it's base was from his formal teachings,he put together what he thought was essential.what is your real problem here?the clips,me,the fact that most are not trained,just would like to know.

Originally posted by lungshihpo

what is your real problem here?the clips,me,the fact that most are not trained,just would like to know.


Take the paranoid bug out of your ***.

After studying Chinese for 7 years and living there for 3 years I can tell you Lung Shr Po does not mean "movement of the golden dragon".

The title of this threads is "What do you think of this?"

I gave my opinion.
Remind me to sugar coat my comments the next time I give my opinion.
Otherwise you are liable to think I am "out to get you"
I dont think im the one over reacting,but what ever that is fine, im taking no offense,the name is from an old dialect ,mandarin i think not sure,but i am allowed to post my opinion as well,but act how you want im out learn and enjoy myself.


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