What do you think of this



Originally posted by lungshihpo

.............the name is from an old dialect ,mandarin i think not sure,but i am allowed to post my opinion as well

Oddly enough I speak Mandarin as well as Taiwanese/Fukenese and some Cantonese.

It is Mandarin but it doesn't mean the Golden dragon method.


on this particular topic i cant argue because i have little knowledge of that,i would have to ask.




Not trying to pick on you but one of my pet peeves is martial artists (western and asian) that give out false and/or inaccurate information.
(In this case I think you are just repeating what you were told so it's not your fault)
When false and or inaccurate information is given out over a period of time it sometimes overshadows the truth.

Take for example the common misconception spread by Japanese karateka that the Naihanchi katas were made by peasants and the direction in which they were practiced is side to side so that could practice in between the rice paddies on their lunch breaks. :rolleyes:

First misconception:

Karate was never practiced by the peasant class (when there actually was one, however, it is now because I am one!), it was only practice by the Bushi or Warrior class.

Second misconception:

Naihanchi katas were not made to go side to side because of the above mentioned but rather because of the bunkai held within the kata.

This was a common "truth" for years until recently when some people stood up and said "Say what? Sounds like BS to me" and then actually went to Okinawa and asked some Okinawan people, actually I still meet Japanese Karateka on a regular basis that believe this nonsense.


I will try to find out more about this and then i will post it,thanks,



I would like to know myself,the dialect used is very old,I like to hear his interpretation.



Originally posted by lungshihpo

I would like to know myself,the dialect used is very old,I like to hear his interpretation.


I am sure you would. :D

Saying that dialect is old is kind of like saying English is old .............most languages are old.

Originally posted by lungshihpo

I will try to find out more about this and then i will post it,thanks,


I am still waiting for your information.:D

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
Mar 21, 2002
Reaction score
Bangkok, Thailand
Ryu, Jason is being awfully nice to you and your still being a "not nice guy" (self edited). Why don't you change your attitude and make some friends here instead of antagonise everyone?

A couple people would like to know what it means and asked you and your response was "I am sure you would." Why don't you just tell him what it means? Do you actually know?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD


Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Ryu, Jason is being awfully nice to you and your still being a "not nice guy" (self edited). Why don't you change your attitude and make some friends here instead of antagonise everyone?

This is the third time you have tried to analyze my feelings about this thread, Jason, his website and your still way off.
Believe me when I feel antagonistic you will definitely know it.
So why don't you get off my *** and stop trying to play "Mr. Why can't we all get along- Internet Cop" where it isn't needed.

Jason said he was going to look into it and post................I was waiting to see what he was going to post.

I am wondering why he is waiting for my definition when it would be so much quicker to just ask his teacher.

And to answer your question............"Do you actually know?"
Yes, after studying Chinese for over 7 years I am sure I have a pretty good idea even without seeing the kanji.


Originally posted by Damian Mavis

What is it about people like you that need to belittle others to make themselves feel better? You are a classic bully, exactly the type of person I warn my students about. Mean, arrogant and cowardly. I say cowardly because if we met in real life you'd be a nice guy, but while hiding behind a monitor you can be as tough and mean as you like.

Now who is being antagonistic? :rolleyes:
You want to call me names over the Internet fine.
The only one doing any bullying is YOU..........you have followed me all over this post and after almost each reply that wasn't "singing Jason's" praises" you have given me copious amounts of attitude for it.

Someone on this board asked a question "What do you think of this?" I believe it was and I didn't give "glowing reports" about it so you got your panties in a wad.

You are definitely a new kind of "Troll".........the kind that if someone doesn't agree with everyone or makes sarcastic comments once in a while you try to mark them as the bad guy.

Now that I have seen you for what you truly are I will be more alert.

There are some people on this board that have met me face to face and they know what kind of person I am.

Did you even bother to read this (below)

Originally posted by RyuShiKan


Not trying to pick on you but one of my pet peeves is martial artists (western and asian) that give out false and/or inaccurate information.
(In this case I think you are just repeating what you were told so it's not your fault)
When false and or inaccurate information is given out over a period of time it sometimes overshadows the truth.

Take for example the common misconception spread by Japanese karateka that the Naihanchi katas were made by peasants and the direction in which they were practiced is side to side so that could practice in between the rice paddies on their lunch breaks. :rolleyes:

First misconception:

Karate was never practiced by the peasant class (when there actually was one, however, it is now because I am one!), it was only practice by the Bushi or Warrior class.

Second misconception:

Naihanchi katas were not made to go side to side because of the above mentioned but rather because of the bunkai held within the kata.

This was a common "truth" for years until recently when some people stood up and said "Say what? Sounds like BS to me" and then actually went to Okinawa and asked some Okinawan people, actually I still meet Japanese Karateka on a regular basis that believe this nonsense.

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
Mar 21, 2002
Reaction score
Bangkok, Thailand
Damn you're fast, I posted at 8:38, deleted it at 8:40 but somehow you responded to it at 9:01..... ah well.

The only problem I have had with you from the beginning is your negative and sarcastic responses to other people in an attempt to make yourself look smart but all it's done is make you look like a jerk. Theres not much else I can say about this, you are a jerk on this message board, from the beginning I wanted to know why and that was it. If you truly don't see how your remarks are antagonising than lets just forget it, you seem to think its all me and you have done nothing wrong and that is fine. I won't respond to your mean spirited remarks anymore whomever they are directed at.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD


Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Damn you're fast, I posted at 8:38, deleted it at 8:40 but somehow you responded to it at 9:01..... ah well.

The only problem I have had with you from the beginning is your negative and sarcastic responses to other people in an attempt to make yourself look smart but all it's done is make you look like a jerk. Theres not much else I can say about this, you are a jerk on this message board, from the beginning I wanted to know why and that was it. If you truly don't see how your remarks are antagonising than lets just forget it, you seem to think its all me and you have done nothing wrong and that is fine. I won't respond to your mean spirited remarks anymore whomever they are directed at.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

You mean like calling people "Jerks, mean, arrogant, & cowards".
Yeah you are making yourself perfectly clear.


Originally posted by Damian Mavis

The only problem I have had with you from the beginning is your negative and sarcastic responses to other people in an attempt to make yourself look smart.............
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Was I really trying to make myself look smart?...........I am glad you pointed that out for me.

I thought I was just trying to rectify some of the BS that is so widely propagated these boards. My mistake.
Once again you have "profiled" me to a "T".

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
Mar 21, 2002
Reaction score
Bangkok, Thailand
Ok ok ok last reply, honest! I will fight for what is right and just, it is as simple as that. Youre trying to insinuate that its ok for you to be mean but if I stand up to you and tell you your being mean than I'm worse than you....hmmm... I could equate that with me walking along and seeing someone beating up someone else so I step in to stop them and the attacker turning around and telling me I'm a bad person for attacking them even though they were the ones doing it first and I'm just trying to stop it. I think you're missing the whole "you are the bad guy" theme that I have been telling you since you first started posting negative posts on this thread. Don't play the victim on this one buddy, Jason and I were both nice to you over and over and you consistently acted and responded like a jerk.

P.S. if you were just trying to rectify some of the B.S. that propagates this board then you would have answered the people that wanted to know the correct translation after you told them they were wrong. Instead you kept that knowledge to yourself, not exactly rectifying.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD


Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Ok ok ok last reply, honest! I will fight for what is right and just, it is as simple as that. Youre trying to insinuate that its ok for you to be mean but if I stand up to you and tell you your being mean than I'm worse than you....hmmm... I could equate that with me walking along and seeing someone beating up someone else so I step in to stop them and the attacker turning around and telling me I'm a bad person for attacking them even though they were the ones doing it first and I'm just trying to stop it. I think you're missing the whole "you are the bad guy" theme that I have been telling you since you first started posting negative posts on this thread. Don't play the victim on this one buddy, Jason and I were both nice to you over and over and you consistently acted and responded like a jerk.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

I see so disagreeing and being mean are the same to you................interesting concept.

Yeah that's right your the guy in the "White Hat"..........regular "Lone Ranger" you are.
As I recall YOU were the only one that did any personal attacks, name calling and throwing a temper tantrum........and your still at it!


Originally posted by Damian Mavis

P.S. if you were just trying to rectify some of the B.S. that propagates this board then you would have answered the people that wanted to know the correct translation after you told them they were wrong. Instead you kept that knowledge to yourself, not exactly rectifying.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Is there a time limit on when I have to reply? I don't think so.
Besides you have taken this thread on such a drift with your little temper-tantrum I haven't had time.

Jason, and who ever else wants to know just shoot me an email. I will explain what each word means. I would post it but Damian seems to cry foul at every post I make on here and we have seen where that leads plus I have better things to do than reply to his constant whining.


why don't you just let it go!please e-mail me the interpretation,other than that damian sees what were trying to do here,and yes you were a jerk, but that is fine,your negative marks are not going to bother me,that is not offense because im not going argue with you ,,so you disagree,fine!!like i said i will send it to you when i have all the information,damian and i seem to feel you put just a little more in than your opinion,



—´= Dragon= Lung

Ž›= Temple= Shr

–@= Method/Way= Po

You will need to change the Encoding to see the kanji:erg:


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