Ultimate Fighter Reality Show

Intellegent is not an adjective I would use to describe Forrest, but I can see your point. I think Forrest has a wild and dangerous style of fighting that will be easily exploited by much better fighters.

Forrest is a madman. Did you hear them talking about about him getting his arm broken in an armbar and still not tapping, then he got up and knocked the guy out with is good arm? That's tough. It's too bad that he got that cut, that might force him off the show. If he goes, I'd guess Southworth will be back.
I agree with 7sm about Team Liddell losing fighters when they win. Maybe they should do something like once you fight you either go home or move to the next round and not compete in the challenges. Then go individual like Survivor. At least Florian took it well. I suppose when you come down to it, the eventual winner is going to have to fight everyone that hasn't lost, so maybe the team switching isn't such a big deal, at least on the fight level, still sucks for the challenges and the team bond.
dsp921 said:
I suppose when you come down to it, the eventual winner is going to have to fight everyone that hasn't lost,.

Unless Chris Leban is in the finals...................

Tough or not, Forrest did learn his lesson by not tapping. He did say if it came down to it, now he would tap. It's not worth the time you lose in healing, same goes for Tim Silva. However, having the reputation of the guy who did not tap, got his arm broke, and then KO'd the guy, is quite an intimidation booster huh?
Assuming that the middleweights are fighting next week and only them, then one would have to assume it's going to be Florian v. Koscheck or Leben v. Koscheck 2. I'd say my strong suspicion is on the former happening. Niether of these guys can apparently strike too well and Koscheck taking Florian down may be a very bad idea. I'm not sure what will happen. I doubt there will be a knockout or a submission; my guess is Florian by split desicion. Josh is probably going to attempt to sit on top of Florian like last time. Only this time, he's going to perhaps have a bit more difficulty. This probably will be another snoozefest. That is, unless there is some twist of fate to save us from boredom. I hope Josh gets called a ***** by Chuck, on a side note. That would make watching worth it.
On one of the clips for next weeks show. There was a new twist or something different was going to happen. I am guessing, that each team will narrow it down to one fighter in each weight class. Meaning that: Florian vs. Leban and Sanchez vs. Koscheck. Why else would they keep making Liddell's team give up fighters. I also think they are trying to keep this Conture vs. Liddell rivary going.
They keep making Liddell's team give up fighters because they keep wining and knocking out Couture's team members. Had they not done so, one team would probably be completely gone by now. I assume they figured that with the alternating picks, the teams should be roughly even and one side wouldn't constantly be eliminating the other side. It seems like they want the teams to be even, for the physical challenges or whatever, so that's the way they decided to solve the problem -- the team with more fighters has to give up one to even things out. I assume it would have been the same had the other team be winning all the time. I think it was just unexpected that one team would dominate the other like they have been. As others mentioned, this isn't completely fair and there are probably other ways they could handle it, but this is the method they chose.

I'm not sure I saw a twist being advertised, but I could have just missed it. I guess we'll find out tomorrow. The show has been interesting so far, so hopefully whatever they do will be good.
Hmm...does this mean that...*gasp* there will be TWO fights in this new episode ?
could be. They are 1 fight, according to the shows schedule, behind because they did not air a fight when Leban went ballistic. Even if the taping of the show went as planned, they have to add in the extra fight somewhere.
Nope, it was only one fight, but I thought it was going to be two as well. I'm not sure how many more shows they have scheduled for this series. It sounds like there are only fights left, no more physical challenges and such. Without out that stuff to take up time, I kind of expect that there will be 2 fights in one or more upcoming shows. But who knows, maybe they'll still have 1 fight and pad out the hour.

Yes, Chris is gone for good now. It seems unlikely that he'll get back in again by having another fighter get injured seriously enough to be unable to fight. But I have to say, I think Kenny got lucky in that fight. I'm not as skilled at judging these things as many of you probably are, but it looked to me like Chris owned Kenny. Kenny got that one elbow to the face and opened up Chris badly enough that the doctor had to stop the fight. I suppose that's the way things go, but I don't think he would have won the fight without that lucky shot.
Yeah, I kind of agree with you, I think it would have gone a different way without the stop, but thats part of it I guess.

I think that Leben probably would've taken the first two rounds, but Kenny seemed to be adjusting fairly well from one round to the next. He might've pulled off a win. Shame about the cut tho, 'cause it was one of the more entertaining fights...
I agree Leban won the first round and probably would of won the second round. Kenny got a couple of good elbows in caught Chris. Had that not happen I believe Chris goes on to win the fight.
Chris showed a lot more in that fight than he did with Koscheck, that's for sure. Kenny caught Chris with a few good shots though, but Chris controlled the fight in every way. The only way I could have seen Kenny pulling out a win, is if he could have taken Chris down and got a submisson, or by getting in a luck shot. Which he did. It just goes to show, that anything can happen in a fight. I thought for the most part it was an excellent fight, excpet for Kenny turning his back on Chris from time to time.

I hope there are more fights in the next show, and they don't just show Chris crying for 45 min before the next match.
I was wondering why Florian didn't take that fight to the ground. Isn't he a BJJ guy? I expected him to try to get Leben on the mat, especially since Koscheck beat him on the ground. I don't know that I'd call that elbow lucky. Leben left his face exposed and Florian planted a pretty hard strike. It's not like he was swinging wildly and caught him with it. Leben was definitely taking the fight to Florian, though. Kenny didn't look too banged up after the fight which was a little surprising, I thought more of Leben's punches were landing.
That was a pretty good fight, probably one of the better ones so far.
What's the deal with a couple of fighters making it to the semi-finals without even fighting? Instead of having people fight twice, I think once you fight in the first round you move to the next round and don't fight again until then. That way all 8 will have won a fight to move on. I haven't seen much of it but it looks like that is what is happening on The Contender.
Yeah, the format may have been better as a round-robin type tournament. Eliminate some of the reality show crap and have two fights per show, extend the series if necessary. Sounds good to me, but they're going to do it however they feel is most sensible and profitable.

Man, I really don't want to watch Chris Leben cry again. He did a lot better this time, but he kept himself too open. I've noticed this on a couple of fights on this show--there's a lot of poor defense and missed strike opportunities, especially in the clinch. Kenny saw an opportunity here and took it. I too was surprised he didn't go for the ground, especially since he lost the first round.
I didn't mean that his shot was lucky in a sense that it landed. But lucky for him that that one elbow did the damage it did, when it did it. I don't think Kenny would have Knocked Leban out, and he didn't seem to be able to take him down. I thought for sure he was going to take Leban down too. Leban has a real good sprawl, the one serious attempt I saw Kenny try was stuffed. He should have kept trying. It looked like he tried to go for a single leg or something, but that was ineffective too. Koscheck got Leban down because he kept trying to get him to the ground and didn't only attempt it once or twice.

Next week's fight between Diago and Koscheck will be a ground battle for sure. I think Diago will sub Koscheck. I think one of these episodes we should see 2 fights in one episode. I think the live event is April 9th. There are only 2 more Monday's before then and there are going to be 3 more fights. 1 middleweight, and 2 light heavy.
That's basically how I meant it, too, clapping_tiger. Kenny got in a good shot when he had the opportunity to do so. Good, that's what fighters should be doing, right? But he was lucky that it did serious damage and came at a fortunate time. Like others said, I think Chris won the first round and would have won the second as well, had that elbow strike not stopped the fight. It did not look like Kenny was going to win that fight at all. It was that one damaging elbow strike that caused the doctor stoppage. Without that one strike, I doubt he would have won.

I have to say that it was interesting to see a fight that was primarily striking. I think all the other fights have been on the ground most of the time, so this was a nice change. Though I think they did say that Kenny had a background in BJJ, so I was a bit surprised that he stuck with the stand-up striking instead of trying to take the fight to the ground more often.

Others do have a point about some people making it this far without fighting, but I suppose under the show rules, there's not much to do about it. It was kind of interesting that they decided to have teammates fight each other in order to guarantee one person from each team would be in the finals. Considering that like half of one team got transfered over to the other, does that really matter at this point? *shrug* I think it's a bit odd to leave the aftermath of each fight until the following episode, but I guess that's one way for them to keep the viewers interested and tuning in.
I don't think the "team" thing really matters either. Now that Chris is out, all the middleweights are Liddell's guys so the one guy from each team deal isn't really accurate. To win the contract you'd have to eventually go against a teammate anyway. And like Dana White said last night, in the UFC you have to be ready to fight anyone at anytime.
I hope Forrest can fight, but on the other hand I wouldn't mind seeing Southworth fight Hoger, looks like they really don't like each other. But then, I don't think too many of the remaining guys like Sam....
I sort of thought that they would go to teammate vs teammate format. It kind of showed in the guys's faces during the previews. How unfortunate, but I guess one of the ways to be fair about getting one of each team in the finals. I think someone mentioned roundrobin format. Not a bad idea or single elimination bracket.

As for the fight. It was one of the more exciting events. Plenty of movement and striking. Chris got the first round, was controlling the second when BAM! in comes the elbow. It only takes one good shot to end a fight. Unfortunately, this one ties the doctor's hands and he had no choice but to call it. Like Dana said, the safety of the fighters is first.

Next week should be interesting. Kos vs. Diego in a grappler's dream. Hmmm... Diego should have the upper hand, but as we saw with Chris and Kenny, anything can happen....

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