training at home


Black Belt
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
i have been going 2 ninjitsu for...about 2 1/2 years, i go 4 times a week. the training i do is intense but i dont think im getting trained hard enough, i have been told to do sum home training, but i dont have a kick bag or pull up bars, etc.

Could somebody please give me advice on home training?

thnx for your replies:asian:
Hi, bobster! Thanks for posting.

There have been many articles on such things posted before. You might have better luck to look at a more general topic area instead of only the Ninjutsu threads.

What specifically were you wanting to accomplish with your home training? strength, stamina, reflexes, cardio, what? Maybe that would help us give some advice.

Hope you stay with us. Say hi in the Meet-and-Greet!
well, i hope to accomplish strength, stamina, reflexes and kicking speed.

i dont want 2 make it too intense as im only 14, thnx for you reply
This might seem like a cop-out answer but I think the best way to improve a technique is to do the technique. Endless repetition, done with proper form, will improve your skills far better than anything else. I once asked my sensei the best way to have a better side kick and he simply said, "Do more side kicks."

Along with that I also understand that sometimes we can feel either worn down from doing something over and over. I try to put a lot of variety in what I do.

Try different exercises for strength. Just using your body weight can help; you don't have to have equipment. Do different types of pushups or see how long you can hold a particular stance or hold a side kick with your leg extended.

Hold the kicking leg over something, a chair or mark on the wall, and try not to let it touch. Just this kind of simple strength exercise can develop your muscles, endurance, and also give you a bit of mental challenge.

For reflexes and timing I sometimes use a basketball. (I've mentioned this on here before but I can't find the thread.) Stand several feet from a wall and pop the basketball at the wall with one punch. It will rebound and then hit it with the opposite hand. It's hard to not hit it too hard and still keep the rhythm going.

Maybe this isn't the kind of thing you're looking for but it might give you ideas. You don't need special equipment or endless routines. Just imagination and determination will take you far.
bobster_ice said:
well, i hope to accomplish strength, stamina, reflexes and kicking speed.

i dont want 2 make it too intense as im only 14, thnx for you reply

Take this for what its worth, cuz its just one guys opinion... but if you are studying in this art, the only one of those I would maybe be concerned with is reflexes... If you just wanna develop the others, thats good too, but not entirley necessary.

If you want advice on Strength Training, Stamina/Cardio etc... check out the area a little further down the board on Health Tips... there is a lot of good info in there...
bobster_ice said:
i have been going 2 ninjitsu for...about 2 1/2 years, i go 4 times a week. the training i do is intense but i dont think im getting trained hard enough, i have been told to do sum home training, but i dont have a kick bag or pull up bars, etc.

Could somebody please give me advice on home training?

thnx for your replies:asian:

Good advice already - if you don't feel you're being trained hard enough in the physical aspects, you might want to try cross training - common or garden skipping for example [excellent but often forgotten and underrated for cardio and stamina] or the parkour damnit! If you're into the parkour, you may be underestimating the value of your concrete sessions! These will undoubtedly also be working to your advantage. I like that idea, that sounds like a promising and workable real world martial style right there!

At your young age, stay clear of the weights/gym - you don't need it anyway, flexibility and agility should be your natural allies.

Good luck and great to hear from a fellow Norn Iron practitioner!! Where's your dojo?
thanks for your advice guys, yes i do have a partner i could train with and my dojo is in belfast, outside the city centre.

im going 2 start training b4 i goto bed, thnx alot guys
bobster_ice said:
i have been going 2 ninjitsu for...about 2 1/2 years, i go 4 times a week. the training i do is intense but i dont think im getting trained hard enough, i have been told to do sum home training, but i dont have a kick bag or pull up bars, etc.

What kind of ninjitsu?
bobster_ice said:
Koga Ryu Ninjutsu

Bobster_ice, if you study Koga Ryu these questions about your training should go in the general Ninjutsu section. This forum is for the discussion of the X-Kan families. They are: BujinKan, Genbukan and JinenKan. If you take a few minutes and read the stickys and information at the top of these forums you will develop a better understanding of each of them, and they may help answer some of your questions.

Here are some helpful Links:


Newbies posting on Ninjutsu, Please Read

Ninja Forum FAQ:

Happy Posting.
bobster_ice said:
btw, i forgot to ask, are they`re any bujinkan dojo`s in the UK?

Quite a few.

If you read those stickys... (seeing a theme here yet?) there are links to find places to train worldwide...
Technopunk said:
Bobster_ice, if you study Koga Ryu these questions about your training should go in the general Ninjutsu section. This forum is for the discussion of the X-Kan families.

Actually, I had a voice in setting this section up and it was intended to be for any ninjutsu school that started in Japan and can prove it. It is just that so far the "X-kan" families are the only ones that can do so. None of the other arts, such as the many frauds claiming to teach Koga-ryu, seem to be able to prove that their art actually goes back to Japan. They all seem to have been started by someone outside of Japan and given a false history.
Don Roley said:
Just as a follow on, the following thread,

shows how I have been searching for another art claiming to be ninjutsu that can prove even the most simple claims. So far, no luck. Anyone that can prove their claims of an origin in Japan would be apreciated.

Ok, well, when you do, let us know, because the header of this forum currently reads:

This forum is for the discussion of the X-Kan families. They are: BujinKan, Genbukan and JinenKan. They are all decended from the Bujinkan organization of Hatsumi Sensei.

My Dad is going to take me to a JinenKan gym.....but it is near the boarder :(

but still, i might be doing traditional ninjitsu.

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