time of day


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
If you had it in your power what would be the best time of day to train and why would you train at that time?
Ok Jacktnicol, I would prefor early morning just as the sun is comng over the horizon to do my training when all is peaceful and calm, when purity is still out there and the serenity is as pure as the morning dew.
That is how I love to train.
4am..start off with some good breathing exercises...wait I do that already!
I usually train at noon, but used to do it at noon and again in the evening. Lately I have been leading kickboxing classes, all the physical aspects of TKD, in the early morning and found it exhilarating and energizing for the day. Also it helps my flexibilty for all day since we stretch out afterwards well. I get up stiff, workout and am feeling great for the rest of the day. But I am not an early person, 8'ish for a workout is early enough for me. ;) TW
I am NOT a morning person. I like evening workouts. Even saturday morning classes "hurt" in more than one way. I get up "stiff." Then go to class, and stretch, but my body just doesn't seem to wanna "wake up" on saturday mornings.

But I am pretty "limber" after a day of work, because I move around a lot. So my body is "awake" by the time class time rolls around.
Personally I prefer the morning to work out, so if I had it in my power, I d say 5AM to about 7 AM or so, maybe sat-sun go to 9AM
If I'm not working, I prefer evening workouts. The weather is cooler, and I'm at my peak in the evenings. If I'm working during the day though, it has to be the morning. Getting home after work, all I want to do is flop on the couch and watch the telly for an hour or two, then it's time for dinner and bed.
My energy usually ramps up in the evening, so I prefer to train around that time.
Whenever I have time. The pressures of work and family with little kids demand alot.

I train from 4:30 am to 6:30 am every morning before work. When I'm on vacation I will usually bump it back an hour so I can get a little more sleep. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I teach for three hours...and that alone is a good workout. On the weekends, I mostly just relax and play with the kids. Any exercise I get usually involves some outdoor activity like hunting, fishing, camping, skiing, sledding, biking, playing sports etc. This is done at a level that the entire family can enjoy.
I like my morning workouts too (6am-7am). I find that as I get more, ahem,... mature, I need to have already set my range of motion for the day. This gets the day off right and I feel peaceful and energized.

But for teaching, I enjoy the evenings. Everyone is generally done with their workday and ready to let go of the distractions.

I like to do the more mental aspects of training in the early am. Gives my brain a jump start for the day. I like to do more physical workouts in the evening after work to "get all the stress out" from the day.
upnorthkyosa said:
On the weekends, I mostly just relax and play with the kids. Any exercise I get usually involves some outdoor activity like hunting, fishing, camping, skiing, sledding, biking, playing sports etc. This is done at a level that the entire family can enjoy.

Same here. But lately I've been snowboarding (still, NOT early LOL) during the week (good thing I work part time right now hehehe). And I go at noon, and stay all day. Then go to class. THAT'S a workout LOL. But snowboarding "warms me up" for class. I'm loose, and ready to go.
upnorthkyosa said:
Whenever I have time. The pressures of work and family with little kids demand alot.

I train from 4:30 am to 6:30 am every morning before work.

thats hardcore. how much sleep do you get when you stick to this.

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