This isn't about race

Ferraro's comments point towards the fact that the US Senate is not the only elected job Obama has held. That, gives him points for experience, however small, that Clinton just doesn't have.

The Clinton campaign would rather we assume Ferraro is racially insensitive than recognize Hillary's elected experience begins and ends with her 7½ years in the Senate.
If either of them lose, they will be sqwaking about race and gender. Its silly to think they aren't real issues now.
Liberals just love cultural relativism. If they're forced into wearing burkas and blowing up Buddhas, it's all the same to them since every thing's just as right as the next thing...

Try for a response that comes from the frontal lobes instead of the colon next time. You know this kind of thing is stupid, self-serving hateful lies. Try to rise above conditioned Pavlovian reflex - they's all commie fag librul traitors what hates Jeebus and NASCAR - and engage the brain.
Try for a response that comes from the frontal lobes instead of the colon next time. You know this kind of thing is stupid, self-serving hateful lies. Try to rise above conditioned Pavlovian reflex - they's all commie fag librul traitors what hates Jeebus and NASCAR - and engage the brain.

Pssst...I think he may have been using a wee bit of sarcasm. ;)
The point is that Marginal tends to post from a more Liberal stance on social/political issues than a Conservative stance. So if you know the person and the posting style or tendencies of opinion, the sarcasm bordering on ridicule is pretty obvious. My take on in was that Marginal was intentionally aping cliches of liberals by conservatives... intending to be over the top in order to show the opinion that the earlier comments (by Ray) were being stereotypical and, as such, ridicules, in Marginals opinion at least.
intending to be over the top in order to show the opinion that the earlier comments (by Ray) were being stereotypical and, as such....
Ray's earliest post was meant as an exaggeration of my conservative views, intended as humorous.

I don't really think that either of the likely dems would be as bad as I claim; and I don't think that any of my first picks for the gop would be as good as I claim either.

The "Tarzana" thing was again intended as humor. I don't really believe that people living in Tarzana are out of touch with reality.
Try for a response that comes from the frontal lobes instead of the colon next time. You know this kind of thing is stupid, self-serving hateful lies. Try to rise above conditioned Pavlovian reflex - they's all commie fag librul traitors what hates Jeebus and NASCAR - and engage the brain.

You snipped my post a bit too soon. The "Or not." was meant to kill any impression I was serious.

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