The History Channel - The Human Weapon Karate Sneak Peak!

I watched it last night as well. While I was in Vegas my wife taped the first two episodes for me (my Air Force Inn didn't carry the History channel....who ever heard of such a thing??!!) I was impressed by both the quality of the show and the wide representation of the sub-systems within the greatere art's umbrella.

Looking forward to watching the other two on tape today (yes...I used a VCR and not TiVO...I am a cave man... :) )

well, I watched the first 3 episodes .. ( the ones aired so far)

the first one was not very impressive, but at least they included some cultural and historical information. the second if anny thing was as bad or worse, and the last one on Karate was just plain lousy. I think I will discontinue inflicting that show on myself. In short the show had the posibility of being pretty darned good, or really bad. I am afraid the latter is the judgment I have come to so far. Enless some one says "hay they really fixed it I would sugest that you spair yourself from watching it.
I finally watched the episode on karate. What was good was very good and what was bad was bad. But I think that the majority was good. I was not impressed with the fight at the end at all though. Also being on Okinawa I still don't understand why they went to a Kyokushinkai dojo given Kyokushinkai was founded on mainland japan.
I finally watched the episode on karate. What was good was very good and what was bad was bad. But I think that the majority was good. I was not impressed with the fight at the end at all though. Also being on Okinawa I still don't understand why they went to a Kyokushinkai dojo given Kyokushinkai was founded on mainland japan.

Yep, I agree.. you really have to wonder what was the deal with going to a Japanese style while on Okinawa.

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