The Destroyer Style

Wow you must not have read everything I have said. (I am trying to find a school to teach me). If wasn't listening I wouldn't be speaking to them now to find something that will help. I appreciate your concern, but wish you would read what is said before you comment. I don't have students, I just give advice when someone asks me. I don't put on an act for them either. I tell them I don't know all the answers, only what has worked for me.

Giving advice falls under the umbrella of giving instruction, you even put up videos online. So as far as most people, including the law, you are teaching. I didnt miss the point, you did.
Giving advice falls under the umbrella of giving instruction, you even put up videos online. So as far as most people, including the law, you are teaching. I didnt miss the point, you did.

I clearly put on the vidoes not to use and it was my way of fighting. Which means meant for me. I put the last one up for here. So yeah you did miss the point. My videos are not called instructionals. If anything they are up for an opinion from others who know more then me. If you read the side that (says more info) it says pros out there that would like to add to this please do.
How do they know to ask you? What makes them come to you?

I feel like I'm really beating a dead horse down here... You clearly are fit. Your heart is in the right place. Your goal is very laudable.

But right now, you're in the position of a guy who's watched ER, Grey's Anatomy, and House trying to practice medicine. Or a guy who played Pop Warner football trying to match up against an NFL player... You lack the background, and the underlying structure to know what you're doing.

It's not glamorous or glorious... but you can spend some time working within a formal style's framework, and doing the research into the physiology and kinesiology as well as the threats involved, and develop something of your own down the road. Even Bruce Lee started with formal training -- and, even after moving onto his formless jeet kun do, continued to seek training and information from skilled coaches and instructors in many styles.

I guess they know the same way anyones friends or family would know. Its not really a secret that you train when you do. Alot of my friends like to talk about fighting so I talk to them. I have agreed that I don't have the experience to develope a style yet. I also said I was looking for a school. If your beating the horse now its just because you want to, not because it didn't get the point. What more can I do then agree?
I clearly put on the vidoes not to use and it was my way of fighting. Which means meant for me. I put the last one up for here. So yeah you did miss the point. My videos are not called instructionals. If anything they are up for an opinion from others who know more then me. If you read the side that (says more info) it says pros out there that would like to add to this please do.

If you say so, though I'm not the one with no marital arts experience, physical education experience, working with the disabled experience but started a thread about doing just that. You've changed your tune now which is good, now you are talking about a personal style which is a different issue. Just try not to get huffy when people point out the obvious hubris of your claims based nothing.
I guess they know the same way anyones friends or family would know. Its not really a secret that you train when you do. Alot of my friends like to talk about fighting so I talk to them. I have agreed that I don't have the experience to develope a style yet. I also said I was looking for a school. If your beating the horse now its just because you want to, not because it didn't get the point. What more can I do then agree?
Stop teaching people and stop "showing them stuff" until you've got the qualifications.

One of the first things a beginning student in my school learns is that they are not to demonstrate what's taught or to teach it without permission.

You haven't really answered some of the important questions I've asked. You say you want to teach people self defense, and that you show them "when they ask you." Have you done any research into the types of attacks that are committed on people who are handicapped? When they happen? Who the assailants tend to be?

Do you know the legal issues of self defense? What an affirmative defense is? The difference between a civil suit and criminal charges?

These are some of the things you need to learn about to reach your goal, along with learning the physical skills and how to teach them. (Do you know how to teach an adult learner? Is it the same as teaching a kid?)
Oh the new fanglesd stuff lol. I'm more into the old style! Def Leppard, Guns and Roses etc etc. shows my age lol!

Manowar for me.

Oh about age: how would you feel if your favorite radio station is named radio nostalgia? :(
They are one of the orignial four horse men in thrash metal not heavy metal. The four are Slayer, Megadeth, (wich are my personal favorite) Metallica, Anthrax.
Stop teaching people and stop "showing them stuff" until you've got the qualifications.

One of the first things a beginning student in my school learns is that they are not to demonstrate what's taught or to teach it without permission.

You haven't really answered some of the important questions I've asked. You say you want to teach people self defense, and that you show them "when they ask you." Have you done any research into the types of attacks that are committed on people who are handicapped? When they happen? Who the assailants tend to be?

Do you know the legal issues of self defense? What an affirmative defense is? The difference between a civil suit and criminal charges?

These are some of the things you need to learn about to reach your goal, along with learning the physical skills and how to teach them. (Do you know how to teach an adult learner? Is it the same as teaching a kid?)

Sorry, but if someone asks for help I will help them to the best of my knowledge. I will tell them it is limited. If you want more then that you really are wasting time. You can tell someone not to teach it, but you really don't know if they listen unless you follow them around. I can send you links with the legal definition of selfdefence all its limitations, even what I have looked up for handicap people. It doesn't make me an expert, but it does mean I'm not blind to it. It would depend on the person as to how you would teach them. If someone has a mental handicap it would be much different from someone who does not. It doesn't matter how old the person is, it depends on their own understanding as to what they can learn.
Sorry, but if someone asks for help I will help them to the best of my knowledge. I will tell them it is limited. If you want more then that you really are wasting time. You can tell someone not to teach it, but you really don't know if they listen unless you follow them around. I can send you links with the legal definition of selfdefence all its limitations, even what I have looked up for handicap people. It doesn't make me an expert, but it does mean I'm not blind to it. It would depend on the person as to how you would teach them. If someone has a mental handicap it would be much different from someone who does not. It doesn't matter how old the person is, it depends on their own understanding as to what they can learn.

So you can copy moves. Good for you. Do you have an underlying theme to your style? If so what would that be? What is the approach, per se?

I think anyone can take a list of moves and show someone else how they do them - it doesn't mean it's right.
SheSulsa, I know what you are saying. I liken it to some combatives where it's cobbled together from other styles. The kicks don't match the stance they are coming from so it's wildly unbalanced. The power delivery system for the hands does not match the stance or the movement leading to weak punches. I could go on.

I've seen so many times people try to marry wrestling styled stances or boxing styled stances with MT or karate styled kicks and it's fine for a ring, but lands you on your butt if you are not in "perfect conditions" like a ring. Unified whole's people!
So you can copy moves. Good for you. Do you have an underlying theme to your style? If so what would that be? What is the approach, per se?

I think anyone can take a list of moves and show someone else how they do them - it doesn't mean it's right.

Yes I can, but so can anyone. Help others and yourslef have a better life and be stronger. I think there is a different approach for every situation and person. Sure they can. No it doesn't make it right, I never said it did. I do think if the technique fits the situation they are facing or may face later. It doesn't hurt to show them.
SheSulsa, I know what you are saying. I liken it to some combatives where it's cobbled together from other styles. The kicks don't match the stance they are coming from so it's wildly unbalanced. The power delivery system for the hands does not match the stance or the movement leading to weak punches. I could go on.

I've seen so many times people try to marry wrestling styled stances or boxing styled stances with MT or karate styled kicks and it's fine for a ring, but lands you on your butt if you are not in "perfect conditions" like a ring. Unified whole's people!

I wil say if a 200 pd. pro boxer connects with your face you are going to be in pain. They aren't slow either, so you can't say they won't connect. I will also say that if a person has fought in a ring they have much more chance of surviving on the street then someone who doesn't train at all.
It doesn't hurt to show them.

Ah, but see ... it can. If you know enough about body types, individual strength and how that particular "move" works and doesn't work, then you can discern that this technique might just be not right for that individual whatsoever. That is something that requires time, exposure, some trial and error. So you, someone who is *not* a teacher, is sharing moves with someone that may or may not work for them and you really have no idea if it will or not. And if it fails them miserably ... who's to blame?

I guess if you're comfortable taking that on, so be it, I suppose. But there are a lot of people out there who have WAY more experience than you being called frauds - rather blatantly and relentlessly so, I might add - even on this very site.

I realize I can't stop you. And I hope you stop before you get yourself or someone else in some serious physical trouble.
I wil say if a 200 pd. pro boxer connects with your face you are going to be in pain. They aren't slow either, so you can't say they won't connect. I will also say that if a person has fought in a ring they have much more chance of surviving on the street then someone who doesn't train at all.

Totally missed the mark on the point I was making. I was talking about disparate methods being cobbled together to make a "new" style. Kinda hard to follow?

Oh, and there's a difference between "then" and "than," you should have used "than."
Totally missed the mark on the point I was making. I was talking about disparate methods being cobbled together to make a "new" style. Kinda hard to follow?

Oh, and there's a difference between "then" and "than," you should have used "than."

You were talking about a ring. Everyone I know that fights in a ring learns boxing. Thats was my point if something works in a ring it will work against someone who doesn't have training.
Ah, but see ... it can. If you know enough about body types, individual strength and how that particular "move" works and doesn't work, then you can discern that this technique might just be not right for that individual whatsoever. That is something that requires time, exposure, some trial and error. So you, someone who is *not* a teacher, is sharing moves with someone that may or may not work for them and you really have no idea if it will or not. And if it fails them miserably ... who's to blame?

I guess if you're comfortable taking that on, so be it, I suppose. But there are a lot of people out there who have WAY more experience than you being called frauds - rather blatantly and relentlessly so, I might add - even on this very site.

I realize I can't stop you. And I hope you stop before you get yourself or someone else in some serious physical trouble.

I did say if the technique fits the situation. Its not like I would tell a someone someting without knowing about the situation first. There is know way of knowing what will work until you are in the situation. If someone pulls a knife on me, its highly doubtful I will box them to the ground. Well atleast not before being seriously injured or die in the process.
Why would I stop trying to learn and make something different? Everything starts out with something else as its base. Fighting styles evolve. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I have changed anything. I even said it was just a mixture of techniques I found useful, I want to learn all I can. I just want to take what is useful for someone in a certain position and give it to them. For instance, kicking wouldn't help someone who is in a wheel chair. Knowing how the kick is done would, so they can defend against it. I think a couple people have said elbowing would be limited. Thats why I want to do this to make things less limited for people.
You were talking about a ring. Everyone I know that fights in a ring learns boxing. Thats was my point if something works in a ring it will work against someone who doesn't have training.

So you don't understand irony then? I was talking about combatives an mentioned a ring in relation to cobble together tech. You are beyond help, if grammar and irony escape you.