The Advice Column Returns!

Originally posted by JDenz
sounds like we have some Warcraft 2 players

Warcraft ROCKS!

I like the game. :D
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
How do you meet, a nice girl who is rigt for you?

I have already done the dating service, and been introduced to all my friends and family single friends. :D.

I am still casually looking and flirting. :)

Just curious, if you had any additional Ideas?


I guess you can buy anything these days...mail order bride, anyone?
Originally posted by nightingale8472

I guess you can buy anything these days...mail order bride, anyone?


Thank you :asian:

This site has lots of beautiful women who have degrees adn jobs from Linguist to Doctor to Dentist to business to unemployed :D

Yet, many have a good education! Thanks :)

(* ******************** *)

The only problem I see is that most of these young ladies are looknig for men from Europe, and need some need to have you communications translated :(

Oh Well thanks for trying ! :asian: ;)
Somehow this was a double post. So I will change it's content. I do not know why you guys insist on telling MOB not to eat the yellow snow, it is easily the highest in protein content.
Originally posted by JDenz
Warcraft 3 is the best though.

I like the Night elves :D

THey ROCK! :rofl:
Originally posted by Seig
I don't know about that, but I suppose you could always have them deported.

Hmmmm, would they then take half you stuff with them?

:confused: :eek:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Hmmmm, would they then take half you stuff with them?

:confused: :eek:

Keep your stuff then give 'em a boot to the @ss on the way out.:rofl:
I like every race. But orcs are the best lol. what name do you use and what gateway do you play on?
Seig & Bill,

What do you do in the following situation:

You are about to meet your new supervisor...
You double check yourself in the mirror just before knocking on the door to enter and notice a tiny little booger in the one nose hair that is sticking out...
So, you reach up to get rid of the offending thing and a larger, longer, fresher, and greener booger follows it out...
Just then the new supervisor opens the door and says "Hi" with a hand extended in greeting...

What do you do?

Originally posted by chufeng
Seig & Bill,

What do you do in the following situation:

You are about to meet your new supervisor...
You double check yourself in the mirror just before knocking on the door to enter and notice a tiny little booger in the one nose hair that is sticking out...
So, you reach up to get rid of the offending thing and a larger, longer, fresher, and greener booger follows it out...
Just then the new supervisor opens the door and says "Hi" with a hand extended in greeting...

What do you do?

That's an easy one, you turn and quickly execute the *Boot to the Groin*
Originally posted by chufeng
Seig & Bill,

What do you do in the following situation:

You are about to meet your new supervisor...
You double check yourself in the mirror just before knocking on the door to enter and notice a tiny little booger in the one nose hair that is sticking out...
So, you reach up to get rid of the offending thing and a larger, longer, fresher, and greener booger follows it out...
Just then the new supervisor opens the door and says "Hi" with a hand extended in greeting...

What do you do?


Simple. You confidently reach out and shake his hand. Then pull back quickly with a look of revulsion and say, "Man! That's gross! Where've you had your hand?"


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