terrorism in norway


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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Are you sure...just want to be accurate with the info. while things are still being worked out on the ground in Norway...
Twin Fist

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
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According to the New York Times, a group calling itself Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or Helpers of the Global Jihad, issued a statement claiming responsibility:
A terror group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or the Helpers of the Global Jihad, issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, according to Will McCants, a terrorism analyst at C.N.A., a research institute that studies terrorism. The message said the attack was a response to Norwegian forces’ presence in Afghanistan and to unspecified insults to the Prophet Muhammad. “We have warned since the Stockholm raid of more operations,” the group said, according to Mr. McCants’ translation, apparently referring to a bombing in Sweden in December 2010. “What you see is only the beginning, and there is more to come.” The claim could not be confirmed.


Bob Hubbard

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CNN Reports:
Police: Undetonated explosives were found on Norway's Utoya Island, where a gunman earlier opened fire on a youth camp.


[h=1]At Least 16 Dead in Norway
In Capital Bombing, Camp Shooting
[/h] Suspect in custody after gunman dressed as a police officer opens fire at a youth camp on an island outside Oslo, where officials confirm 9 or 10 dead — hours after a massive car bomb explodes in Oslo, killing at least 7 people.

MSNBC has an article that goes into detail on possible who's
[h=5]Who is behind attacks?[/h]
Islamic groups have claimed responsibility in the past, only to be disproven later. Oklahoma City for example. The gunman in question looks to be ethnically Northern European based on his ability to fit in.

So, for now...
Terrorism? Yes
Islamic Terrorism? Maybe.

Bob Hubbard

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Police arrested the suspected gunman at the camp and the government have confirmed that he is Norwegian.

Police later said that he was also linked with the bomb attack. Reports described him as tall and blond.

No group has said it carried out the attacks.
As of 5:30pm NY time.
Johns report may be from a more recent source.
I don't see confirmation at CNN, Fox, MSNBC or the BBC at this time, however developing story means lag as all the sources and speculation sync up.
A group claiming responsibility isn't the same as actually being responsible.
I expect this to clear up as the investigation progresses.

[h=2]Analysis[/h] Gordon Corera Security correspondent, BBC News
The prime minister and justice minister have declined to speculate on a motive behind the attack but police are saying that they believe the car bomb and the shooting are linked and that they have a suspect in custody from Utoeya.
The ministers are confirming he is Norwegian. During the day, after an initial focus on an al-Qaeda link, the possibility of domestic extremism increasingly came into focus.
The choice of targets - government buildings and a political youth rally - suggested a possible political agenda rather than the mass casualty approach typically employed by al-Qaeda.
Constructing a large car bomb requires a degree of sophistication and the crucial factor for the police will be establishing how many people are behind this attack, whether any are still at large and to whom they might be connected.

See also: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14254705

BBC story updated 2 minutes ago (from this posts time)
At least seven people were killed in the bombing, which inflicted huge damage on government buildings in Oslo.
At least 10 more died at the camp, on an island outside Oslo, police say. One witness said he had seen 20 bodies.
The suspected gunman was arrested at the camp and the government have confirmed that he is Norwegian.
Police have said that he was also linked with the bomb attack. Reports described him as tall and blond.

Bob Hubbard

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Although police would not speculate on who was responsible for Friday's attack or whether international groups were involved, Norway has been grappling with a homegrown terror plot linked to al-Qaida. Two suspects are in jail awaiting charges.
Many intelligence analysts said they had never heard of Helpers of Global Jihad, which took initial credit. Ansar al-Islam also took credit on some jihadist web sites.
Ayers said it appeared more than one person was involved.

Bob Hubbard

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OSLO, Norway -- A Norwegian police official says the 32-year-old Norwegian man suspected of the Oslo bombing and a shooting at a youth camp does not appear to be linked to Islamist terrorism.
The official says the attacks probably have more in common with the 1995 attack on a U.S. federal building in Olkahoma City than the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

This contradicts earlier reports of Islamic terrorism.
However, at this stage 5 1/2 hrs after the attacks, it's still too early to be certain, IMO.
Other cases (like the Bin Laden SEAL mission) changed every few minutes.

Bob Hubbard

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"Intuitively, the bombing is al-Qaida-related," Ranstorp told the Norwegian Nettavisen news service. But the new information about the suspected gunman — especially his nationality — "points to an internal rather than external extremist," he said.

"With this attack on Utoya, this could just be a crazy person," Ranstorp said.

At a late-night news conference, Oslo's acting police acting chief, Sveining Sponheim, addressed whether the 32-year-old Norwegian suspect might be affiliated with al-Qaida or another group, saying: "We do not know if he was involved in an extremist environment."

So, it seems the current position is, "Maybe".

Martin h

Green Belt
Mar 3, 2002
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The man has been linked to right wing extremist (read: Nazi) convictions, but not to any group. His contact with the law, is in a 10+year old traffic misdemeanor.
He is a christian, outspoken opponent of multiculturalism&islam, and a member of a Freemason lodge.

All according to Norwegian news.

Norwegian police confirms a MINIMUM of 80 dead at the youth party summer camp island!

Martin h

Green Belt
Mar 3, 2002
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as for why the islamic extremist groups tried to claim credit, I find it darkly amusing the the Islamist´s tried to claim credit for a act of terror done by a right wing, christian, outspoken anti-Islamic terrorist/madman.

Bill Mattocks

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Feb 8, 2009
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I'm very sorry to hear about all of this. It's horrible. Those responsible, whether it is one person or a group, must be found and brought to justice.

I am reading that the person arrested as the suspect in both the bombing and the shooting is a right-wing anti-nazi (yes, anti-nazi, not nazi) Christian extremist. He was a farmer and apparently had access to large quantities of the type of fertilizer that was used as bomb components in the OKC bombings. The victims were members and children of the members of the Norwegian ruling liberal party.

Of course, as we all know, if a Christian commits these types of crimes, they are not representative of the Christian faith. If a Muslim does it, then of course it does represent the evil religion of Islam.

If a Christian commits a crime of this nature, they are most likely deranged. If a Muslim does it, he is not insane, he is full of hatred.

As we know from the recent statements of certain MT members, Christians do not commit crimes like this in recent times, only Muslims do.

The Norwegian Islamic Council has taken to the airwaves to condemn this terrorism, even when it was announced that some (apparently non-existent) Islamic terrorist group had taken credit for the bombing and it wasn't know that it might have been a right-wing Christian who did it. But of course, Muslims do not speak out to condemn terrorism, it does not happen. So the reports, we know, are lies. No Muslim disavows violence or condemns their own people for committing it. They're too full of hate for that.

And since it appears that it is a Christian who has done this, we will now stop talking about it. If it's not a Muslim, we're not interested, and in a few days, will pretend it didn't happen.


My prayers are for the victims of this. I'm very sorry it has happened, no matter who did it or why they they felt it necessary. It is evil no matter who does it.

I'm sorry that the instant assumption is that Muslims did it, and that so many rushed to their keyboards to triumphantly point out that the evil Muslims were up to no good again. How's that crow taste, boys? Yeah, I know, you won't admit maybe you were wrong. You're never wrong. PS - a special thanks to those in this thread who urged waiting to find out what really happened before putting on the "All Muslims are Bad" hat again.


The bombing and shooting in Norway were quickly blamed on Islamic fundamentalists by many, but as investigators piece together the violent attacks, a Christian Nationalist looks more likely.

The alleged assailant is also identified as holding anti-Islamic and anti-immigrant views that are common among Norway's far right.


Muslim leaders in Norway swiftly condemned the attacks. “This is our homeland, this is my homeland,” said Mehtab Afsar, secretary general of the Islamic Council of Norway. “I condemn these attacks, and the Islamic Council of Norway condemns these attacks, whoever is behind them.”

Bill Mattocks

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Feb 8, 2009
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It is amazing how many of these crazy people are Muslims...

Yeah. Like the guy who shot up the shopping center in Phoenix - since found to be stone cold nuts - definitely a Muslim.

And the guy who started shooting people at the Holocaust Museum. A real nutter, and definitely a Muslim.

And this guy in Norway? Blond hair, blue eyes, right-wing Christian anti-immigrant anti-Muslim as he's being described now? Definitely crazy, and of course, a Muslim.

I was going to go to church on Sunday, but you know, I'm feeling kinda wacko, so I'll probably go to a Mosque, because you know, all the crazy people are Muslims.

Bob Hubbard

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Actually I have to defend TF here.
The OP and post #3 (moreso) cited claims.
He didn't point the finger, etc.

We can argue intent etc, but he simply in my view was the first to bring the event in for discussion as the initial news was breaking.
10 hours in, it's a very different image than it was 2 hrs in.

I gotta be fair here, and y'all know I've beaten on him when I thought he went too far, but he just initiated the discussion in my opinion.

Now lets focus on the more important bits of the still developing tragedy.



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At least 84 people have been killed on the island and 7 at least killed in the bomb, the Norwegian police have arrested a Norwegian, named as Anders Behring Breivik, he is described as Christian Right Wing, the young people mown down on the island were socialists.

They are still searching on the island for bodies.

Please let this be an end to the nonsense that only 'socialists' are violent and that conservatives ar peaceful, in this huge tragedy, the biggest in Norway since the war, we should be thinking of the families of the young people and those killed in the bombing not bickering over who's 'side' is the more violent. The killer had links the police are saying to the extreme right wing, groups many of us here have been worried about for a long time.



Crazy like a...
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Jan 16, 2006
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We shouldn't be fighting each other over niggling definitions, we should be fighting the terrorists and the extremists out there that are trying to murder innocent people and terrorize civilians.

The shock the Norwegians are going through, having watched a grand-scale massacre at a summer camp...