Sunni or Shiite? Do you know the difference?

8 out of 10 as well.

Missed Ashura and Bassar. Though Bassar likely falls into the 'The only good Muslim..." category.
10 out of 10, but that last question is sort of a trick question, isn't it? I mean, Alawites are practically heretics to both Shia and Sunni. If not for the political connections and their roots in Shiite Islam....who knows?
8 out of 10 here too. Interesting quiz...touched on a few issues that I didn't know either.
8 out of 10 as well.

Missed Ashura and Bassar. Though Bassar likely falls into the 'The only good Muslim..." category.

I missed Ashura and the question about hierarchical. I knew Syria was predominately Shiite, so perhaps I just got lucky.
I missed the hierarchical question and Bassar.
9 out of 10 but admittedly I guessed on most I just guessed well.
7-10. I missed Ashura, heirachial, and Bassar. I assumed Syria was mostly Sunni.

It was interesting, but I wish they gave more info along with the correct answers. Thanks for posting Bill, I need to brush up on my caoparative religion.
Yep - me too, Elder.
Can we have some Qs on Sufi, Druze, Alawites, Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, Sykes-Picot and Gertrude Bell for extra credit??

Knowing this and more in 2002 didn't help. Nobody wanted to hear any of it. Knowing it would end
where it has ended just made me sick at heart and isolated.
I had a Nat'l Geo map of the land, current boundaries drawn and no names - asked the boys at the bar which was larger,
Mesopotamia or Persia? what are the rough national equivalents called now and where did Iraq come from to begin with?
Losers bought the beer - they welched.
As far as I can tell. people didn't give 2 damns then and don't care now. Pres. Bush didn't know (Shiite/Sunni)
and his advisors who did convinced themselves that none of it would matter... they agree with Henry Ford I guess.

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