sojobow Vanishes

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Purple Belt
Mar 14, 2004
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Guys, this old wrinkled-foot Tengu is outta here. Made my last post under the Ninja thread just after 5:00 AM. Hoping I would meet those interested in the Way of the Shinobi. There are questions I need answers too before I am asked. Could not be found here.

Good luck,

Be sure to close your account. We would hate to see you come back after you think people have forgotten about your writting down that Tokugawa Ieyasu was a member of the Toyotomi clan and tried to become emporer.
I think that song by Bananarama would be apt here.

Or maybe Green day's Good riddance.:idunno:
Elizium said:
I think that song by Bananarama would be apt here.

Or maybe Green day's Good riddance.:idunno:
I could think of a few songs that would be appropriate for the situation, but forum rules most likely wouldn't allow me to post the titles... :EG:
Also interesting is the show of support from a Tew Ryu practitioner. Birds of a feather, maybe?

Kreth said:
I could think of a few songs that would be appropriate for the situation, but forum rules most likely wouldn't allow me to post the titles... :EG:
Also interesting is the show of support from a Tew Ryu practitioner. Birds of a feather, maybe?

What's wrong with Tew Ryu. I have only seen their add in Black Belt and the one from Quest as well. Can anyone tell me about those? :asian:
Randy Strausbaugh said:
I think it's the rank just before "Gesundheit"
OK, that was bad, apologies all around. :wink1:

Funny, though -- I'll have to remember that! :boing2:

Actually, it means "founder".
Don Roley said:
Be sure to close your account.

And you know, it still has not happened.

A short while ago, I looked at Martialtalk and saw that Sojobow was still a member and was reading the threads in the ninjutsu section.

Call me a cynic, or call me experienced. But it seems to me that he really has not gone. The moderators seem intent on closing threads he has posted in because he is gone. But once all those threads are closed and allowed to fade into the background, I would bet that he tries to come back again as if nothing had happened and he had never been caught in those howlers.

Anyone want to bet me on this?

So, if Sojobow is being honest (stop laughing you guys!) he will disable his account. If not, I guess we are free to keep talking about him until he does close his account.

Again, Sojobow is still an active member of Martialtalk and until he closes his account he is free to join in so there is no need to close any threads talking about him!
hey don, not to be disrespectful in any way but since i have been reading you have never once contributed anything useful that can be implimented in training. all you have done is trash sojobow. kinda like beating a dead horse don't you think? (haven't been reading for too long so i always just speak what i know) sounds like you want to fight him. you guys should set a time and place and get it over once and for all. other than that man... let it go. i hope you haven't made this your mission in life. don't get angry with me. just my opinion.
post option: let us know how things are like in japan. most of us will never be able to go there. you know maybe find out of any other ninja over there? what do the japanese think of ninja? i have many japanese clients and some of them have never heard of ninja before.
Don Roley said:
And you know, it still has not happened.

A short while ago, I looked at Martialtalk and saw that Sojobow was still a member and was reading the threads in the ninjutsu section.

Call me a cynic, or call me experienced. But it seems to me that he really has not gone. The moderators seem intent on closing threads he has posted in because he is gone. But once all those threads are closed and allowed to fade into the background, I would bet that he tries to come back again as if nothing had happened and he had never been caught in those howlers.

Anyone want to bet me on this?

So, if Sojobow is being honest (stop laughing you guys!) he will disable his account. If not, I guess we are free to keep talking about him until he does close his account.

Again, Sojobow is still an active member of Martialtalk and until he closes his account he is free to join in so there is no need to close any threads talking about him!

Hi Don,

No disrespect meant, nor none taken.

I closed the other thread as we do not allow the single purpose of a thread to be bashing a single person, member of not. It would not be allowed if it one was created for you or any other member. The horror stories forum/section has a different charter. There are exceptions there.

Persoanlly, I would also lock this thread. Yet, sojobow created it himself. And you are talking about him vanishing or not vanishing. Even though I might not like the thread, it was created by the person in question. It is on topic. And there have been no complaints thus far. So, I am not intent on closing all therads this person in question has posted on. Just those that do not fit within out guidelines.

Enjoy your training and posting.
Enson said:
what do the japanese think of ninja?
They see them as comic book characters. Nothing more.

Enson said:
i have many japanese clients and some of them have never heard of ninja before.
Maybe they have, but they may not have heard of a Koga Ryu American ninja before.
Elizium said:
They see them as comic book characters. Nothing more.

Maybe they have, but they may not have heard of a Koga Ryu American ninja before.
i guess i should have asked them about the koga and the iga... forgot about that. hee hee! i asked them about ninja. i even showed them the rvd website and although they could read the logo they didn't know anything about ninja. one thought it was a cooking school. i showed them dr. hatsumi's picture and they asked if he was japanese.
"people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care"
john maxwell
History for Japan is rewritten nore than a tin pot dictators speech prior to airing.

The Japanese are (it was said somewhere so do not quote me on this) that they are not even saying that WWII did not happen? And most of Japanese history is flavored with sides of who is loyal to who and who won which fight even though they lost. So Japan in years to come will turn round and say Shoko Ashahara who? Oh he gassed the subway... when did that happen?
Where will sojobow go next?

"My money is on BudoSeek!"--Dale Seago

Give that man a kewpie doll!
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