Siu Nim Tau - McDojo Style

Interesting. Care to elaborate?

"Pan Nan Wing Chun" has the extra form "5 metal plums"
"Pao Fa Lien Wing Chun" has 10 empty hand forms (each empty hand form has over 100 movements), 4 wooden dummy forms, and over half a dozen weapon forms.
Fa Kuen Form (varigated fist) is an extra form found in Nanyang Wing Chun.

I recommend you obtain a copy of the book "Complete Wing Chun, the definitive guide to wing chun's history and traditions by Robert Chu, Rene Ritchie and Y. Wu."

Within it they go over the eight main family branches of Wing Chun.
One branch actually takes 8 minutes to complete each one of the three standard empty hand forms.
Interesting. Care to elaborate?
One of the 40 points of GuLo or KuLo village Wing Chun that specifically is trained is

There are also a number of footwork entry and exit points in the 40 point system.
Does that book go into any detail about this?
Very shallow on that form. I suppose if they made it a multi volume encyclopedia of wing chun then they could give that level of detail.
and I think I made a typo. It should be 5 petal plum.

"Ng jee mui" as in "Ng Jee Mui Fa Hei Gung"

If you want to know more about this form, I found Eddie Chong has a DVD teaching on it for you.
Sifu Eddie Chong, one of the last "closed door" students of Pan Nam
Eddie Chong - Chi Kung - Kidney Breathing Returns Chi to Source
I believe it says a 40 minute runtime of video playback.

He has two lineages in WC:
Lineage 1: Yip Man -> Leung Sheung -> Kenneth Chung -> Eddie Chong
Lineage 2: Pan Nam -> Eddie Chong

Master Pan Nam considered Ng Jee Mui Fa Hei Gung to be the lost treasure of Shaolin training. Pan Nam believed that the style of Wing Chun he trained in was the original Shaolin Wing Chun system.
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Very shallow on that form. I suppose if they made it a multi volume encyclopedia of wing chun then they could give that level of detail.
and I think I made a typo. It should be 5 petal plum.

"Ng jee mui" as in "Ng Jee Mui Fa Hei Gung"

If you want to know more about this form, I found Eddie Chong has a DVD teaching on it for you.
Sifu Eddie Chong, one of the last "closed door" students of Pan Nam
Eddie Chong - Chi Kung - Kidney Breathing Returns Chi to Source
I believe it says a 40 minute runtime of video playback.

He has two lineages in WC:
Lineage 1: Yip Man -> Leung Sheung -> Kenneth Chung -> Eddie Chong
Lineage 2: Pan Nam -> Eddie Chong

Thank you
Here's another version, possibly from the same school?

...OK, I take that back. Rimmer's version is better. :D

That's some high-level hyun-sao/gan-sao techniques! He's got the whole body behind it and everything.
That's some high-level hyun-sao/gan-sao techniques! He's got the whole body behind it and everything.

He cant maintain structure under that much foward energy.
14 seconds in he was leaning out overextended past his triangle. When he snaps back it uproots his left leg. Causing the energy to go back up from the left heel to his da tian... and something was up with his breating...that made explosive energy... that caused him to do a front shin raking stomp kick with that right leg.

Core overload in progress.

He dididn't protect his centerline, lower and middle gates were open.

He should take notes from Eternal Spring Squirrel.
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He cant maintain structure under that much foward energy.
14 seconds in he was leaning out overextended past his triangle. When he snaps back it uproots his left leg. Causing the energy to go back up from the left heel to his da tian... and something was up with his breating...that made explosive energy... that caused him to do a front shin raking stomp kick with that right leg.

Core overload in progress.

He dididn't protect his centerline, lower and middle gates were open.

He should take notes from Eternal Spring Squirrel.
View attachment 19577

I agree with your analysis :D

What lineage does the Eternal Spring Squirrel practice? I like his form. I think I will seek him out the next time I'm in the park :D
I agree with your analysis :D

What lineage does the Eternal Spring Squirrel practice? I like his form. I think I will seek him out the next time I'm in the park :D
Ip Nuts... I think.
But it could be Huey, Louie, & Dewey Chung... you know... 3 butterflies WC.
I agree with your analysis :D

What lineage does the Eternal Spring Squirrel practice? I like his form. I think I will seek him out the next time I'm in the park :D

This is the guy you needs to train with.

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