Running From Attackers


Green Belt
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Thanks for the compliment. I just try to do what I beleive is the right thing. Maybe even make some good karma for myself. %-}

Em MacIntosh

3rd Black Belt
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Lynn Valley, North Vancouver, BC, CA
Maybe I'm not benevolent. Most times I think all the help I could offer is to take the beating with them. I look for a policeman. Where I live now there are lots of them. I like seeing them around. It's their presence that enforces the law the most (I think). It makes it a lot easier to run too. I just stay out of poorly lit areas and keep my distance of large groups. I tend to feel that people get the hand they were dealt and some of us might have forgotten that life's not fair. If I feel I can make a difference, I have to weigh the risk. Sometimes a good sucker elbow to the agressor will end it, of that I have no doubt. What if I get shanked? I don't know. I do know what pain is and I'm not too fond of it. Still beats going to the dentist.


Senior Master
Nov 18, 2005
Reaction score
When do you fight and for who do you fight?

The answers I had at twenty are not appropriate two decades later. There are fights I wouldn't avoid when I was single. Now that there's someone and, G-d willing, someday soon another who has a lien on a huge part of me it isn't an option. Of course, that means that fights are pretty much all serious matters now. They can't be for fun because the stakes are higher "And he wants to get home to his tea".

Would I fight to protect myself? Of course. My wife? I couldn't call myself a man if I wouldn't defend her to the death. A good friend? Yes. My youngest sister? Maybe. We don't get along very well. Her children? Yeah, if nothing else I do have inclusive fitness through them :)

A stranger? I could say it really depends on what other actions I could take, the general situation, the risk, how innocent I thought the person I was helping really was and a host of other things. That's partially true. But it really comes down to basic character. Here and here's an illustration. Or there's my friend Rustin.

Rustin spent several months in a sedation-induced coma. He blew himself up in a particularly baroque Rustinesque accident that left him with scars, horrible burns, permanent nerve damage and terrible things done to his insides. During the first part of the accident he had a choice - run or stay and fight the fire. Honestly the building wouldn't have burned down. But he had seconds to make the decision. Because of who and what he is he stayed and fought when he should have run. It's who he is down at the bottom layers. The real choice was made years ago.

One of the classic interview questions for police candidates is a hypothetical dangerous situation and your reaction to it. The interviewers aren't looking for what you'd do. They push you because they are checking out your basic character. Will you stick by your decision and see it through? Can you be decisive and resolute? The particulars don't matter as long as they are basically sane. It's who you are rather than what you plan to do that is important. This comes down to exactly the same thing.


Orange Belt
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
Should or stay or should i go?

Running shouldn't be a case of whether you're a tough guy or a princess. It is on option amongst countless others. Why fight a fight you can't win if you don't have to.

Oh my precious yet weak partner. geez simple... Train together, ok this is what we do when and if this happens. ie you run first, i'll cause a ruckus.

Running isn't a mindset it's a technique and if you plan to use it, train it.

Ok for me running is an option not the be all and end all.

Choose a destination don't just run, create space, thump the assailant and run.

I don't know if you're familiar with australian currency but the 50c piece is nasty. I know it's against the law but for five bucks you get ten shots and if you grind the edges sharp it's worth it if you ask me. Ping a couple at you attacker(provided they don't have a projectile weapon that's better)and give it legs boy...

Unless you're going to win, in which case teach that assailant a lesson in being a gentleman.:ak47:

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