Run away from no-mask people

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Why this simple reason is so difficult for people to understand?

You put on mask to protect others. Will that make you feel good and be proud of yourself?
I don't think it's hard to understand. I think it's selfishness. The excuse for people not wearing mask is always about them. It's never about "What can I do to help prevent the spread".
I don't think it's hard to understand. I think it's selfishness. The excuse for people not wearing mask is always about them. It's never about "What can I do to help prevent the spread".
Yesterday when I did my 3 miles running, I saw someone 30 feet away who walked toward me. I moved my mask from under my chin to my face. When I passed him (he also had mask on), he said, "Thank you!" That made me feel real good.
I don't think it's hard to understand. I think it's selfishness. The excuse for people not wearing mask is always about them. It's never about "What can I do to help prevent the spread".

You’re right. It was just like the dick heads who wouldn’t wear a seat belt when that law was passed. Now, if they found out their grand kids weren’t wearing them, they’d kick their butts.

As for masks, I’m tired of hearing “this is a free country”. Says who? Whatcha getting for free?

And Karma is a bee-atch. She also wears a mask and has Covid. She’s gonna’ take it off and cough right in some non wearers faces.

Good enough for em’. I’ll shed no tears.
You’re right. It was just like the dick heads who wouldn’t wear a seat belt when that law was passed. Now, if they found out their grand kids weren’t wearing them, they’d kick their butts.

As for masks, I’m tired of hearing “this is a free country”. Says who? Whatcha getting for free?

And Karma is a bee-atch. She also wears a mask and has Covid. She’s gonna’ take it off and cough right in some non wearers faces.

Good enough for em’. I’ll shed no tears.

"Says who"? Really? Wow.

As for me getting it (again?) I don't want you to shed tears for me. If you honestly have to ask "says who?", I can honestly say there is nothing I would ever want from you.
Lol... well said @Buka.

Well KungFu Wang it's mandatory here in our state so we don't have to worry about that situation. But yeah that would be awkward.. but unsure if it constitutes needing to physically defend oneself, UNLESS they are intentionally approaching you with harmful intent and being purposeful in their breaching social distance.

As uncomfortably masks are it's for the safety and consideration of everyone, a very small thing we can do compared to the potential horrific alternative, so am quite okay with it being mandatory here.
"Says who"? Really? Wow.

As for me getting it (again?) I don't want you to shed tears for me. If you honestly have to ask "says who?", I can honestly say there is nothing I would ever want from you.

Sounds good to me.
From a personal safety perspective yes. But from a society perspective no. For example, it's your responsibility to stay away from me if I'm swinging swords around in public as I walk through the store. But from a public safety perspective. I shouldn't be swinging my swords like that because it presents a danger to the general public.

Public safety will always win over, Personal desires, which is what a mask really is. When people say that wearing a masks takes away their freedom, then simply ask what freedom does it take away? It takes a way a desire, but not a freedom. If you don't want to wear a mask, then don't be around other people. That way your desire doesn't become a public safety issue. If I want to walk around swinging my swords in public, then I shouldn't do it around other people in public.
well its a thorny issue, certainly since awareness of the disease started, very few got covid who didnt volunteer to be around other people.

if your scared stop in, its that simple, but we have a few hypochondriacs wanting everybody else to change their behaviour, to ease their irrational fear

if your living in a family environment then the place your most at risk is at home and thats where people dont wear masks, then if they get it they are then blaming everyone else for their lack of care for themselves

if im out and about, i avoid crowded places, but then i always did, i keep out of other peoples space, if they come into mine im quite happy about that, yes come and sit next to me, yes give me a hug shake my hand, im good with that

my chance of dieing in the next year is 1 in 100,000, covid has only changed that by a few fractions of a percentage point, it may have actually reduced it as there is less traffic about

i see people taking their masks of to have a cigy and drink beer and stuff a burgers down, yea thats sensible covid is a lot more dangerous than beer and cigs and junk food,,, NOT
well its a thorny issue, certainly since awareness of the disease started, very few got covid who didnt volunteer to be around other people.

if your scared stop in, its that simple, but we have a few hypochondriacs wanting everybody else to change their behaviour, to ease their irrational fear

if your living in a family environment then the place your most at risk is at home and thats where people dont wear masks, then if they get it they are then blaming everyone else for their lack of care for themselves

if im out and about, i avoid crowded places, but then i always did, i keep out of other peoples space, if they come into mine im quite happy about that, yes come and sit next to me, yes give me a hug shake my hand, im good with that

my chance of dieing in the next year is 1 in 100,000, covid has only changed that by a few fractions of a percentage point, it may have actually reduced it as there is less traffic about

i see people taking their masks of to have a cigy and drink beer and stuff a burgers down, yea thats sensible covid is a lot more dangerous than beer and cigs and junk food,,, NOT

History will not be kind to us, especially seeing as how the most common type of mask being worn (gaiter) has been shown to cause as much as a 10% INCREASE in the number of droplets while making them smaller and allowing them to travel further which quite possibly HELPS SPREAD the virus (look it up)

But hey, we love knee jerk reactions and feeling like we're safe, so......
History will not be kind to us, especially seeing as how the most common type of mask being worn (gaiter) has been shown to cause as much as a 10% INCREASE in the number of droplets while making them smaller and allowing them to travel further which quite possibly HELPS SPREAD the virus (look it up)

But hey, we love knee jerk reactions and feeling like we're safe, so......
there was study released by oxford university a couple of weeks ago saying much the something, in general terms the various controls are having the effect of making it worse, they are not just useless, they are worse than doing nothing

then you add in the health economic and well being costs of the controls and you see that the mismanagement is a far greater threat to society than the disease

yes i think it will be tought and research for a thousand years on how NOT to react in a health crisis

they will be laughing at our stupidity, much as we do when the reaction to the plague was to kill all the cats and dogs that were keeping the rats down, im sure they thought it a good idea as well
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there was study released by oxford university a couple of weeks ago saying much the something, in general terms the various controls are having the effect of making it worse, they are not just useless, they are worse than doing nothing

Yes but they make us FEEL safe and that is what is really important. Like the pistol in the bottom of a woman's purse that would take her 3 minutes to put into play. Might not actually help BUT it makes her FEEL safer. Plus everyone else is doing it and we wanna feel like part of the herd.

But, then again, I don't get flu shots and I ride (and crash) motorcycle with no helmet which is crazy...... except for the fact that, statistically speaking, 98% of the injuries suffered by motorcyclists are below the neck.
Yes but they make us FEEL safe and that is what is really important. Like the pistol in the bottom of a woman's purse that would take her 3 minutes to put into play. Might not actually help BUT it makes her FEEL safer. Plus everyone else is doing it and we wanna feel like part of the herd.

But, then again, I don't get flu shots and I ride (and crash) motorcycle with no helmet which is crazy...... except for the fact that, statistically speaking, 98% of the injuries suffered by motorcyclists are below the neck.
I am with you. If someone does not want to wear a mask or helmet I am cool with it. But I am also cool with wanting to wear them as well.
That said I do wear a skid lid when riding my bike. I factory raced Enduro for Yamaha for two years Way back in 80-81. Some of the falls I took trying to get through some of the technical stuff back then made me appreciate every piece of protective equipment I was wearing. I bounce my head off tree limbs and rocks more times than I care to remember.
What I do think is totally stupid is seeing people who ride while wearing no shirt, shorts, and flip-flops. To me that is way more than just asking for a serious case of road rash.
I am with you. If someone does not want to wear a mask or helmet I am cool with it. But I am also cool with wanting to wear them as well.
That said I do wear a skid lid when riding my bike. I factory raced Enduro for Yamaha for two years Way back in 80-81. Some of the falls I took trying to get through some of the technical stuff back then made me appreciate every piece of protective equipment I was wearing. I bounce my head off tree limbs and rocks more times than I care to remember.
What I do think is totally stupid is seeing people who ride while wearing no shirt, shorts, and flip-flops. To me that is way more than just asking for a serious case of road rash.
massive thread swerve, but then there are connections, between the people you see with a 500 quid crash helmet and short and flip flops whizzing about and the deluded wearing masks with no change of behaviour

the only conclusion you make is they have never burn through a pair of heavy leather pants skidding along the road
Yes but they make us FEEL safe and that is what is really important. Like the pistol in the bottom of a woman's purse that would take her 3 minutes to put into play. Might not actually help BUT it makes her FEEL safer. Plus everyone else is doing it and we wanna feel like part of the herd.

But, then again, I don't get flu shots and I ride (and crash) motorcycle with no helmet which is crazy...... except for the fact that, statistically speaking, 98% of the injuries suffered by motorcyclists are below the neck.
well thats not how it is here, to the most part, the government keep complaining that the general population it not taking it seriously at all and keep trying to ramp up the fear factor, with very little effect, people generally are just not scared of it, not in the slightest

that any number of the controls have absolutely no logic at all isnt helping their credibility at all, so the government keep upping the fines, people are scared of a 10,000 quid fine, so it works to that extent, except when they are pretty sure nobody is watching then they go back to normal

the latest counter productive measure, is to give the police access to the test and trace data, so they can go round to those supposed to self isolated and hit them with a big fine, im betting the number of people giving correct info medum to low and soon to get even lower. i mean why would you willingly participate in that
The mask isn't primarily to protect the wearer. That folks with masks get COVID is not surprising. There's some evidence (and reasonable immunological models to explain it) that there's some small protection for the wearer with even cloth masks. But the real point is to prevent outward transmission. Like many diseases, an infected person has a period of time when they are infectious but not yet showing symptoms, so they are likely unaware of their infection. If they have a mask on, they reduce the chance of accidentally giving someone a potentially fatal disease. By just having a mask on, which really takes almost no effort.

And while passing a single person who is also moving about is unlikley to provide enough viral transmission, when you're somewhere where there are multiple people you're passing, statistics get involved. There will be instances where multiple infectious people are in the same relative area. If they aren't wearing masks, they leave a viral "cloud". With enough of them leaving some of that in the same area (as they pass through), there can be enough virus in the air for transmission. (As I understand it, we become "infected" when more virus enters our system than our system can deal with. Without a vaccine, for most of us that amount appears to be fairly small.)

As for the death rate being less than was expected....200,000 is more than enough for me. Just sayin.
i asked yopu a few months back if you had any actual science to show that masks have any measurable effect on the spread of covid and despite a lot of waffle YOU NEVER DID PROVIDED ANY,

Since the uk chief medical adviser was asked the same question and he said no, no actual hard science, but he thought they might help,
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if your living in a family environment then the place your most at risk is at home and thats where people dont wear masks, then if they get it they are then blaming everyone else for their lack of care for themselves
This isn't direct at you, based on what you are saying you are doing the things that help reduce the spread of the viruses. When I say You, it is in the general sense and not personally directed at you.

If you are at home with a family unit and everyone in that unit is doing what they should to minimize the risk then your chances of getting sick from someone in that house is slim. The issue with family is that people are having family who live outside of the house are visiting each other. People make the assumption that just because they are family that it's safe for them to come visit without a mask.

1. This is how some family members get sick.
2. Then you have house with younger family members who think that they aren't going to get sick because they are young. So the younger family is slack on protecting themselves. I see it all the time where I live where parents are out with kids. Parents have their masks on, but their children do not. What they fail to realize is that if the child catches Covid-19 then that child will bring it back home where no one is wearing a mask.
3. Family members who believe differently. I have also seen it where the Husband doesn't wear a mask but the wife and children do. This runs the same scenario as#2

While many people have gotten sick, there are many family units who have not gotten sick with Covid-19

but we have a few hypochondriacs wanting everybody else to change their behaviour, to ease their irrational fear
This is true, but I'm not a hypochondriac and I want people to change their behavior so that we can lower the cases of infection so that things can reopen and get back on track.

The best way to end a pandemic is to stop giving it bodies to infect. The best way to do this is through Isolation. But you have to do Isolation all at once and not as a patch work. If the US would have done strict Isolation for 3 months and masks for those who go out, Then we would be in a much better position and we wouldn't be complaining about how things are. Italy had a severe lock down this is what they went through after they took it seriously. Had they been more serious about it, then that first way would have been much smaller

This is the U.S. with people complaining about how wearing a mask some how takes away their freedom, and how Covid-19 is fake, hear immunity, and that it's just like the flu. We never went into lock down as a nation. We patchwork everything and this is the result. The U.S. is like a football team. Everyone runs the same play. Instead of doing that, The quarterback ran his own play, the defensive line did their own thing, the the receivers did their own play and what they thought was best. When people aren't on the same plan then nothing works. It's not theory, it's right here. As a country we can't be on different different game plans and think that everything is going to be just fine.

Again if a person isn't willing to change their behavior to keep you safe as a citizen and to hep get the pandemic under control. I think of all of the businesses that have changed their behavior in order to help keep their employees and customers safe. Many of them doing it on their own and requiring their customers to do the same. I don't hear people complaining to these companies how wearing a mask takes away their masks.

To me it's really simple, People don't want businesses to be shut down? Then ask what can you do to stop the spread so that businesses can open up. Then do what is recommended by the experts.
History will not be kind to us, especially seeing as how the most common type of mask being worn (gaiter) has been shown to cause as much as a 10% INCREASE in the number of droplets while making them smaller and allowing them to travel further which quite possibly HELPS SPREAD the virus (look it up)

But hey, we love knee jerk reactions and feeling like we're safe, so......
I don't see many people wearing gaiter masks where I live. I see most people where the surgical masks, and the other masks that looks similar but more fashionable.

I've actually seen an increase of mask use where I live. The only group of people that I see who don't wear masks are those in the Hispanic Population. For every black or white person that I see without a mask, I would have seen 5 Hispanics not wear a mask. So when I hear the numbers that Hispanics are most likely to be infected, then it makes sense to me. They don't wear their masks like they should.

Black people in my area used to be similar but now I see more black people with masks which is good. I also hear less whining about a mask. Which is good.
This isn't direct at you, based on what you are saying you are doing the things that help reduce the spread of the viruses. When I say You, it is in the general sense and not personally directed at you.

If you are at home with a family unit and everyone in that unit is doing what they should to minimize the risk then your chances of getting sick from someone in that house is slim. The issue with family is that people are having family who live outside of the house are visiting each other. People make the assumption that just because they are family that it's safe for them to come visit without a mask.

1. This is how some family members get sick.
2. Then you have house with younger family members who think that they aren't going to get sick because they are young. So the younger family is slack on protecting themselves. I see it all the time where I live where parents are out with kids. Parents have their masks on, but their children do not. What they fail to realize is that if the child catches Covid-19 then that child will bring it back home where no one is wearing a mask.
3. Family members who believe differently. I have also seen it where the Husband doesn't wear a mask but the wife and children do. This runs the same scenario as#2

While many people have gotten sick, there are many family units who have not gotten sick with Covid-19

This is true, but I'm not a hypochondriac and I want people to change their behavior so that we can lower the cases of infection so that things can reopen and get back on track.

The best way to end a pandemic is to stop giving it bodies to infect. The best way to do this is through Isolation. But you have to do Isolation all at once and not as a patch work. If the US would have done strict Isolation for 3 months and masks for those who go out, Then we would be in a much better position and we wouldn't be complaining about how things are. Italy had a severe lock down this is what they went through after they took it seriously. Had they been more serious about it, then that first way would have been much smaller
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This is the U.S. with people complaining about how wearing a mask some how takes away their freedom, and how Covid-19 is fake, hear immunity, and that it's just like the flu. We never went into lock down as a nation. We patchwork everything and this is the result. The U.S. is like a football team. Everyone runs the same play. Instead of doing that, The quarterback ran his own play, the defensive line did their own thing, the the receivers did their own play and what they thought was best. When people aren't on the same plan then nothing works. It's not theory, it's right here. As a country we can't be on different different game plans and think that everything is going to be just fine.

Again if a person isn't willing to change their behavior to keep you safe as a citizen and to hep get the pandemic under control. I think of all of the businesses that have changed their behavior in order to help keep their employees and customers safe. Many of them doing it on their own and requiring their customers to do the same. I don't hear people complaining to these companies how wearing a mask takes away their masks.

To me it's really simple, People don't want businesses to be shut down? Then ask what can you do to stop the spread so that businesses can open up. Then do what is recommended by the experts.
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the number of people your in close confines with increase your risk exponentially

and thats by and large your family, if you all live in a bubble thats ok, but people dont. in the country they sent the kids back to school, three weeks later the rate shot up, coincidence ? i thing not

if they are doing that, there is no point doing anything else at all

isolating your self including from your family will definitely work, there no evidence that anything else will work at all, and much of it runs the risk of increasing infection by just moving the problem somewhere else

they are never going to stop the spread, until everyone has caught it or its mutated its self out of existence or they have a vaccine, to pretend otherwise is stupid
Yes, I am aware of her "order". Like I said, each county is choosing, for itself, whether or not they enforce it.
Well, that’s good, because travel between counties in the US is prohibited, isn’t it? Then there’s no way the disease can be transmitted across county lines. Good plan, that.
Lol... well said @Buka.

Well KungFu Wang it's mandatory here in our state so we don't have to worry about that situation. But yeah that would be awkward.. but unsure if it constitutes needing to physically defend oneself, UNLESS they are intentionally approaching you with harmful intent and being purposeful in their breaching social distance.

As uncomfortably masks are it's for the safety and consideration of everyone, a very small thing we can do compared to the potential horrific alternative, so am quite okay with it being mandatory here.
Even in places here where it's technically mandatory, at least 25% of the people ignore the requirement. And it's not enforced, so they can.
You can't fix stupid.
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